
The Journey's Beginning

Accompany Adam who lost everything important to him in his last life. Read as his Character turns from a naive young man to a mature, steady and hardworking Character that will do anything to protect his loved ones and become strong enough to fight even against the most powerful enemies in this Fantasy world that is new to him. For he will walk over anything that will stand in his way. -------------------- *I normally Post a Chapter every 2 Days at 12 o'clock*

LuciferPT · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Fight in the distance

As they were on they're way deeper towards the Forest to find more Beasts to kill, they heard in some distance away sounds of fighting.

So both of them began moving towards the Location while trying to make sure to be as quiet as possible, as not to be noticed by those who are fighting.

When they reached the Area where the Sound was coming from. they instantly noticed who were fighting.

It were 15 Elemental Wolfe's against what appears to be 4 Elemental Bears.

I questioningly looked at Lucy because she said that the Territory of the Elemental Saberbears was even further inside the Forest than the Elemental Lesser Dragon Lizards or even the Elemental Snakes.

She had told him that they were one of the most powerful Races inside the Elemental Forest and normally stay in their Territory as the Mana concentration is way denser than in the outer Regions, so there is no reason for them to be here.

Thinking like this I watched for some Moments before deciding to look in the Region we are in, if someone was the cause for this, as it is impossible for the Elemental Saberbears to just go for a stroll inside the Elemental Wolfe's Territory only to get into a fight with them.

So I and Lucy began searching around for Traces if someone was in this Region some time ago or still is.

What we didn't expect is that there are more than 1 of the younger Generation inside the Region there were at least 6 and all of them were watching the Fight between the two opposing Parties.

So as we knew that we couldn't find traces of the one who probably did this we just watched from the distance as I and Lucy wanted to see what they had planned and if they were a Group, as I haven't seen any on these People present inside the Gathering Hall or even inside the Clan, but even then i might not know them as I haven't been exploring the Clan that much.

As we were waiting i started looking at these new Beast i haven't seen before more closely the Saber Bears looked like the Name already described them like a mix between a Sabertooth and a Bear.

It had Long Tusks like a Sabertooth and was twice as big as a normal Bear.

But when you look at how they are fighting you would notice that they weren't slow at all and on the contrary are even in Speed against they're Enemies the Wolfe's and some are even faster than the Wolfe's .

While feeling a little puzzled at how those big Beasts could move this fast he noticed that the Structures of their Bodies resemble more that of a Tiger than that of a Bear, sure you could make out that it was a Bear when you look closely, but it was still a little hard to discern.

While thinking that maybe in exchange for the Speed the Strength on the Bear side of it must have been reduced, but that thought was quickly dismissed when Adam saw an what he assumed Earth Elemental Saber Bear smash the Skull of an Adult Burning Wolf like it was nothing.

Feeling astound by their Strength he was sure he couldn't beat them right now so he was rather hesitant on using [Appraise] on them as Beasts have a much higher Sense of the Mana around them, as he was told by Lucy.

She also told him that she noticed that he had used Magic on her though she could stop it she didn't as she didn't feel any threat from it she allowed it to happen.

Once again he was astound by that and couldn't help but ask the [System] about it to which it simply answered.

[The [System] didn't had enough Information and could only base the [Appraise] Skill around the Information the Host had gathered or even heard around Hosts surroundings]

My Mouth twitched when i heard this ,excuse' i mean like it should have said that it needed more Information and i would have gotten them but it simply stated that it was my Fault and the [System] is trying to get Scott free off.

Though a little mad i decided to ignore it and made a Promise to search for more Information to never let such mistakes happen again.

After waiting for some time the Fight finally reached it's critical Phase as most of the Wolfe's were dead and even one Saber Bear died while all the others sustained injuries, but it was apparent that the Saber Bears were winning as only one of them died and only 3 Wolfe's remained.

As one Bear smashed the last Wolfe's Head into paste it roared into the Sky with the others following him, but what Adam didn't understand was that they just walked past the Corpses and into the Lair of the Wolf Pack they just annihilated.

After some time the Saber Bears walked out but with them were 2 Corpses of smaller Saber Bears that seemed to be their Cubs while they also managed to get a Cub out that was still alive but heavily injured, the Saber Bear with the least injuries was carrying it on it's Back while slowly starting to walk back towards their Territory.

They knew if they stayed here they would die as they are in another Beasts Territory and even injured at that, even though they want to rest as to let their wounds close they couldn't as them and even the little one they saved were dying they have to find a Life Elemental Saber Bear in order to heal them or only Rest to close up their Wounds, but they can only do that if they managed to get towards their Territory.

So they began walking again preparing themselves for Danger, but they didn't walked far when I noticed 4 of the 6 People watching finally moving.

They coordinated themselves and focused their Spells towards the other 2 that carried the Corpses of the Dead Cubs.

As they kinda expected an attack to happen they instantly dodged, but as they didn't think they would still be attacked they still got hurt.

And so began the Fight for them again, but this time they were fighting against Humans that were way more cunning than Beasts, so the Fight was quickly concluded.

Due to a mistake someone did one of them died but overall they managed to kill the 3 Adult Elemental Saber Bears.

As for the injured Saber Bear Cub trough all the fighting that was going on around him and being hit sometimes from the Spells was already dead.

When the 3 saw that they accidentally killed the Cub they started insulting each other and saying that it was their Fault, they could have raised it or sold it to make more money, but now it's dead and even more worthless than the adult ones as there is less Pelt and Meat on them.

Adam was watching this with disgust they just accidentally killed a Child but are only insulting over the Profits they would have gained but he knew Humans were like that they are disgusting and parasitic Creatures that should die but are as unkillable as Cockroaches.

As for Lucy she was trying to calm herself down as she nearly rushed at them, though she knew they weren't of the same Race she still felt pity towards it and then seeing them only talking about Profit made her want to kill them and getting Adams Memories and Feelings didn't help in that regard as she already had a bad Opinion on Humans.

When the two of them were thinking of what they should do the last two people that were hiding sneaked up on them and killed 2 of the 3 man arguing.

When the last man saw that he tried to run away as he knew if they could kill his Companions this easily they could kill him too, but before he could turn around he was already killed by the two of them throwing their Swords at him.

Seeing that the man was dead they started packing everything inside their Storage Rings and after they were done started leaving right away in opposite directions.

As for Adam and Lucy they just watched them leave as they had no intention of attacking them and risking to be injured.