
The Journey's Beginning

Accompany Adam who lost everything important to him in his last life. Read as his Character turns from a naive young man to a mature, steady and hardworking Character that will do anything to protect his loved ones and become strong enough to fight even against the most powerful enemies in this Fantasy world that is new to him. For he will walk over anything that will stand in his way. -------------------- *I normally Post a Chapter every 2 Days at 12 o'clock*

LuciferPT · Fantasy
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70 Chs

City of Abryl

Observing from afar this City was in no way comparable to the City's in the outer Region the size alone was something to be astound of.

The City's i saw before in the outer Region were as big as 1/9 of the size of the Capitals Kingdom, but this City alone was already as big as 1/4 from what i was able to see from this far away.

As for the Appearance it was way grander as well the City's Walls for example normally build from Stone and when the Foundation was build they would use Magic to reinforce these Walls over and over again.

Though it would be smarter to build the Foundation also with Magic for most City's this isn't achievable as the Earth Elemental Control or even Metal Elemental Control wasn't high enough to achieve this and could only be used to reinforce them after they were build.

Sure they could hire someone to build the Wall for them, but where could they find someone who has the needed Control and Rank to build something like that and even if they managed to find someone like that how much would they have to pay him, it just wasn't manageable in the outer Region.

But compared to these Walls they were worth dogshit or even less, these Walls though used Stone as well were mixed with Metals like Steel and Iron that i could identify and some others that i can't.

And as i was observing the Wall i noticed that the Stones were gradually extracted and replaced with Metals by some Workers trough Magic, something beneficial probably happened in the Abryl for this to happen.

Even though this was pretty impressive for me right now, it still couldn't compare to the Capital so i was moderately composed seeing this Scene.

While i was observing the City itself the Carriage didn't stop and continued in it's way towards the City with all the other Carriages and Merchants with their Goods.

When i finally snapped out of my daze we were already second in line to enter the City and i just happen to listen to the 2 Guards talking with each other.

,,To think that a Small Mana Crystal Mine would be hidden underneath Abryl, with that the City Lord will be able to improve the City by a large amount, hopefully we will get a Raise as well, standing here everyday and having to endure the rambling of these People is getting on my Nerves"

,,You're dreaming if you're thinking that the Lord has done this for his People, he already had planned long ago to strengthen the City Walls and was just waiting for the right moment to get the most benefits, as for improving the City he doesn't give a damn about it. I mean the Money we are earning per Month are only 2 Silver do you understand 2 Silver !"

,,This is only enough for us to have a full Meal daily and nothing else, thankfully our Lodging is being provided or we would have to live like those Peasants saving every last Copper as to not die of starvation"

,,And as for your wish of a raise forget about it fast as i have been working here for about 10 Years and got no raise after all this time and this Small Mana Crystal Mine isn't the first Treasure to be uncovered here, but trough all of this time i didn't receive any Raise at all so don't get your hopes up to high"

Though the younger Guard of the two was feeling a little down hearing his Colleges words he still didn't let go of his hope and instead asked about the other Treasures that have been uncovered here before:

,,What are the other Treasures that have been uncovered ? And if many Treasures have been uncovered why hasn't someone powerful tried to take all of it ?"

,,You know of the Small Forest near the City right ? Well the City Lord had found multiple Spirit Fruits in that Region and has declared it a restricted Zone for no one but himself to enter, they also found some normal Silver and Gold Veins that helped the City Lord in sucking up to powerful People"

,,This is also the Reason no one tries to steal from the City Lord he had made many Connections with all these Items and is not practically untouchable in the border Region so no one dares to go against any of his Orders, now remember this and don't talk to much at work if the Boss sees us talking we'll get punished"

,,Maybe this day isn't going to be that bad, you see that Carriage the one with the many Guards, on this you can see that it is a Person of importance and they mostly don't care about Money so we can overcharge them a little when they enter"

As for me i was pretty surprised that this many Treasures would appear in this border City but apparently this was pretty normal considering that none of the truly strong beings have tried taking over this Place.

As for that Restricted Area where the Spirit Fruits came from it was probably the Place where i found the Statue, it was probably caused by it's leaking Energy, though there will be no more Spirit Fruits being born after i took it away i didn't really felt any guilt.

As for those Guards trying to scam some Money out of me i was actually already expecting this, as someone would be a fool not to try it if they are sure they would come out unscathed after doing it.

So when it was finally our turn the Guards spoke to us:

,,Halt, for you to enter you have to pay one Gold Coin as an Entrance Fee and Tribute to our City Lord"

Though my Guards already saw trough the Guards and were already on preparing to lash out at him i waved my Hand to calm them down and tossed a Gold Coin towards the Guards to let us enter.

I don't want any trouble coming our way, the one with the Bandits was already annoying enough and if the City Lords and his Friends came now...let's just say i would be very, very annoyed.

When the Guard caught the Coin he couldn't help but tremble from excitement, but next his Eyes couldn't conceal the Greed that was growing, alas he wasn't able to even speak to these Group of People when a ice chilling Killing Intent only descended onto him, making him unable to move.

And so we passed trough the City Gate without much of a Problem, as for the Guards he could move again when Adam was far enough away.


When the Carriages were driving trough the Streets of the City Adam and Lucy were looking at all the different Places that were in this City Restaurants, Hotels, Food Stalls, Markets, an Auction House lots of different Places were here.

In the Capital these Places surely existed as well but as i wasn't allowed to show myself i couldn't walk in these densely populated Areas, so it was a new Experience for me as well.

But what i noticed when driving for some time trough the Streets was that there were some weird People all wearing Collars around their Necks working while being shouted at.

After finally having a good look at them i was finally able to see what they were, they were Half Beast People, but not the kind what i was thinking of previously as they seem more Beast than Human apart from their similar Structure to Humans.

As i was about to ask the [System] about them Lucy answered as if she was reading my Thoughts:

,,You are nearly right these people really are Half Beast People even if they look a little weird, what you are seeing are the Products of some Ancient Beasts mating with Humans when they still couldn't Transform into Human Forms"

,,And yes it's exactly as you think, some of these Humans had some ,Special Preferences' and thus decided to mate with Beasts, the ones you are thinking about are the Product of these being able to Transform into Human Form and then give birth"

,,Thanks but where did you get this Knowledge from ?"

,,We Beasts have Inherited Memories in our Bloodline and can unlock them if we have enough strength"

Knowing how these People were made i couldn't help but imagine a scene were a Man was positioning behind a Beast and preparing to...