
The Journey's Beginning

Accompany Adam who lost everything important to him in his last life. Read as his Character turns from a naive young man to a mature, steady and hardworking Character that will do anything to protect his loved ones and become strong enough to fight even against the most powerful enemies in this Fantasy world that is new to him. For he will walk over anything that will stand in his way. -------------------- *I normally Post a Chapter every 2 Days at 12 o'clock*

LuciferPT · Fantasy
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70 Chs

City Lord Arneal

While i was trying to shake out the thought of the creation of these Half-Beast man out of my Head, the Carriage continued moving trough the Streets in search of a Lodging.

Though it took some time my Guards found what seemed to be an inn and checked if some Rooms were available, coming out soon after and telling us that some Rooms were indeed available, but only enough for half of the Guards so some had to sleep outside.


I walked with Lucy on my Shoulders and the Cloak of Illusions donned on me into the inn to get something to eat and then rest in our booked Rooms.

When i stepped into the inn i expected that everyone's attention would be turned towards Lucy and me but to my surprise nobody turned our way, but then i remembered that i have the Cloak and and just chuckled to myself while going in.

When i finally sat down on a Table between the other People i tried to call the Waiter and order some Food they still didn't notice me and so i could only sigh and take the Cloak off and the moment i did, everyone's attention turned towards the people who suddenly appeared next to them.

Next to them a Handsome Young Man appeared who captivated the Woman and some Men into having an urge to posses him for themselves and a beautiful black Fox that was laying leisurely on his Shoulders.

The black Fox had the same effect on the Men and Woman in the inn, they all had this sudden impulse to posses her and kill everyone who will get in their way.

Though the Situation intensified and the Atmosphere became heavy the Young Man wasn't in the least panicking as he knew that no one in this inn could possibly fight him, so he raised his Hand and gently but audibly called out to the Waitress who was staring at him with greedy Eyes.

,,I would like to order" as if bewitched by his words the Waitress moved towards him with dazed Eyes and just stood next to him while staring at him.

Sighing that this Charm Skill is a little unreasonable with it's Effects and what it causes i started ordering some Food after being done ordering i waited for her to leave, but she just continued to stare at me without moving so i had to gently ask her.

,,Would you mind bringing me the Food i ordered Miss ?" when she heard the Young Mans words she reluctantly nodded her Head and moved into the Kitchen

While she has gone into the Kitchen to prepare his Meal the Atmosphere only turned heavier over time and some of the other Guests were already readying themselves to fight for these two.

Seeing this Situation i couldn't help but sigh again the Charm Skill does posses it's benefits but not everything is great about it, the first things i noticed was that people weaker than me are under a certain influence by me and i can order them to do things, this Effect also strengthens the longer they are exposed to this Skill.

But on the other Hand when stronger beings than me are under the Effect under this Skill will only get a strong desire to posses me and Lucy under any Circumstances, this is also in Effect when i try to hide my Rank with the [System] as it would lower my Realm when i try to hide it.

Well back to the people ready to attack at any moment, most of them were normal people so i can't attack them in any way, but there are some Individuals in here who are hiding in the back with black Cloaks on trying to incense the others by saying things like he can be yours as well as the Fox.

Deciding to stop this i called the Guards inside and they immediately observed the Situation and immediately occupied the Tables surrounding Adam and Lucy and the rest who didn't manage to get a Table surrounded our Table while glaring at all the other people, especially the people in the back with the Cloaks.

The people in the back seeing that these two had Guards surrounding them and some strong ones at that, decided to concede and swallow their desire back down while scurrying out of the inn.

When the Guards finally came in most of the people present came back to their Senses and sat back down controlling their desires and others who still were feverishly gazing at Adam and Lucy were also backing down and sitting back at their Tables but from the looks they were showing they still didn't give up.

After some time the Waitress came back with the Food in her Hands, as she saw all the Guards surrounding us she also came out of the Skills Effects and nervously delivered the Food to us.

When the Food arrived i said to my Guards that thy can take a break and enjoy some Food as well and hearing me they happily did as i told them to, each one of them began saying their Orders to the Waitress who was hastily writing it all down as fast as she could.

Confirming that she wrote everything down she hastily moved into the Kitchen as this was a big Order to complete and best they start immediately, so Lucy and i started eating our Food which was still hot.

To be honest i really didn't expect the Food to be that good, but what surprised me is that most of the things on the Table tasted even better from what i ate before, Lucy was apparently also liking at as she ate with gusto.

What i also noticed after coming into the inner Region was that nobody seemed to be bothered by the fact that the Mana was gathering and revolving around my Body, from what i managed to hear from their conversations is that there seem to be some very expensive Treasures who can also do this to a little degree.

After we were done eating the Food of some of my Guards was already done and more seemed to be coming so i had to wait for them to finish so that i can pay and we could finally rest in the inn.

So as i had nothing to do started petting Lucy who seemed to be enjoying it very much as she was purring a little like a cat, though i don't know where she got this from it still sounded nice.

After all of my Guards had their fill and i paid the innkeeper for the Food, i was about to go to my rented Room to rest for some time before exploring the City tomorrow.

But just as i was about to leave the inns door swept wide open with a crash and a round middle aged man came into the building with big strides.

Noticing the gaze he was looking at me and Lucy i quickly checked him with my [Appraisal] but then heaved a sigh of relieve when noticing he was only a 6th grade Middle Circle Magician which was actually really impressive for a border City, but considering all the Spirit Fruits that have been found here it was understandable.

After walking inside the inn like everything here belongs to him he looked around as if he was searching for something and when he managed to get a glimpse of Lucy and me as i was about to go into our Rooms i noticed a little glint in his Eyes as he looked at Lucy.

So with that he came with big strides towards us, as if he was about to take something.

Noticing the Situation turning worse the Guards instantly stood in a Formation in front of us not letting the man pass.

As though he was displeased that someone was actually going against hi he was about to lash out when Lucy subjected him in her killing Intent and made him unable to move.

When he was able to move again he didn't have this aggressive Face anymore instead he was smiling amiably with all his might while introducing himself as if he has done this countless times.

,,I welcome this Lord to my humble City, i am Arneal would like Lord to have a meeting with me ?" he asked this with the purest smile he could make while i stood there shocked from how much he changed in a second