What is that
Do I really have wings
why wings
" transformation has succeeded"
"You have turned into a bat"
"Duration of transformation 3 minutes
a bat
a fucking bat
Why did it have to be a bat
Why not a fucking penguin?
It would have been way better
A bat are you kidding me
I know that I turned to the first thing I thought of
But Why the first thing I thought of was bats
And why do I feel so much fun
I feel like I'm used to these wings as if I were born with them
I can move them in all directions
Still again why did it have to be a bat
A bat was my arch enemy in my real world
No, he really wasn't an enemy he was more like someone I played with in my world
Hahaha hahaha haha
Still, Flying is a really beautiful feeling, no one sees me but I see everyone no one controls me and there are no restrictions
In my previous life
I felt like I had the desire to destroyed his value and his ideals
One after the other
I wanted to destroy them all
Now I am flying as his motto
This is the definition of Ironically
At first, all the criminals of Gotham were afraid of his name
Just As they feared mine
criminals would tremble if they see his Shadow
But I wasn't afraid of him
in fact
I found him a very interesting person
He looked strong on the outside
But I felt like he was weak on the inside
That he may break at any moment
So I always Tryed to break him
it was really hard
I guess He was always sticking to the value
Like someone clings to a rope for salvation
But there is nothing impossible in this world
And At the end of the day
But That's a story for another day
I kept feeling on A spiritual sense of existence
I didn't know why
It was really weird
but fun
Damn this world
What a strange and weird world
Do you want to know something really funny?
the moon has nothing to make people keep singing in it's beauty
He doesn't do anything but reflects sunlight
As the sun that is in front of us all-day
We can't Bear some pain to look at it
We can't bear some pain for the sun
Even though she is the one given light to the moon and making him become so beautiful
Let me tell you a little secret
I've always been like this moon
I always reflect the stuff I seen in my life
I reflected the cruelty and arrogance of my father then I reflected my mother's indifferent and deadly look finally I some Times reflected the perversion and madness of the guy who kidnapped and tortured me
Until I became the person you see now
the Joker
The most dangerous criminal in the world
But damn it
Why the hell no one is singing of my beauty like that damn moon
Why also no one sees the sun that made me like this
It wasn't so bad
So I've to keep smiling
Yes I know what I look like when I smile
But that doesn't negate the fact that I have a really nice smile
Ha hahahahahhahahahahahaha
When I ran away from that person
After I killed him in the worst way possible, I went on to live on the street
So I had to learn how to survive
I kept on watching the movements of the human
I watched Their false smile
I watched their decision
I noticed everything
I kept track of the small detail
I realized that Humans are really strange beings
I realized that they are suspiciously complex organisms
So I had to learn and the first thing I learned is my love for learning
So, of course, The first thing I learned was theft
I saw a little boy reaching out in someone's pocket
He stole his money quite skillfully
I watched him for some time
And I learned from him how to do it
I was hiding as I saw his movements and how he does them
His Foot movement
his hand speed
He then entered the crowd and disappeared quickly
Like he didn't exist at all
I tried once to do what he did
But I failed and was hit hard
I was hit until blood came out of the mouth
I sat in the alley alone
I didn't cry because of that beating it was nothing compared to what happened to me my whole life
I tried a second time
And also failed
I learned from a mistake after I was hit stronger than the previous time
I tried a third time
But I failed again
I continued on trying
And learning from my mistakes
I continued to observe that little kid and how he did it
So after a lot of beatings
And blood
I finally learned how to do it
I stole for the first time
I put my hand lightly I that man's pocket
Without touching anything other than the money
And quickly took it out of his pocket
I ran away quickly
I hid in one of the alleys
I'm afraid to look right or left
Like I stole a jewel
I began to count the money that I stole
With a big smile on my face
What a pleasant sensation
I went and bought Some bread My head was still bleeding
blood was always with me
But I ate despite the bloodstains
Which fell on the bread from my head
At that moment a drop of rain fell from the sky
I don't know why at that moment I smiled
I remember it well I just smiled
As I ate
on the second day
I made a mistake twice and succeeded once
On the third day
I learned more
I ate every day without any problems
But one day after I succeeded
I was running into alleys with my hand's field with cash
As I looked behind me and smiled
I ran into a giant man with a large body he had a lot of tattoos and long hair
His eyes were black and despite his beautiful long hair
He was a very ugly man
His nose is big and his eyebrows are too huge he had a large scar on the face
standing behind him the child I was watching in the as he stole
He was looking at me with great anger
pointed with his finger and said
"This is the person who steals in my area, sir"
I couldn't say anything
Because after the child said that
The man moved his hand quickly
And punched me in the face
I fell to the ground
As blood began to come out of my mouth very quickly
I was confused I felt him carrying me on his shoulder
I laughed hard
Damn how much bad luck do I have
" a minute has Passed "
damn it
I forgot that the skill will end after 3 minutes
I seans that I'm far from the mountain now
So I quickly set off towards the top of the mountain. I felt like I was breaking through the sky with my speed
I seans the mountain, but the distance is still too large between us
"Two minutes have passed"
I won't make it in time this way so I should speed up but how
Why bats are so slow
damn you
Why not choose a logo other than this
Yes, I remember kai I will use my kai
When I used my kai energy a blue beam
came out of my wings
Now my speed is 3 times faster
I am very close
Faster faster faster
"The skill is over"
I fell on the top of the mountain with a great force if I were a second late I would be dead by now
I feel pain in my whole body
I looked at her angrily but did not speak because I knew to learn a new specialty it came with a great price and some risks
"Why are you looking at me are you trying to scare me?"
Her voice was full of arrogance, but I didn't care anymore. Now that I have learned a new specialty, I will make her me slave someday
"What if I couldn't turn in time"
"I thought you were smarter than this you were going to hit the ground and die for sure"
This girl I started to really like her "
"what are we going to do now"
"We will not do anything Before I make sure of something first "
She smiled at that moment with her malicious smile
Before I finished my sentences I found my self falling down again
Damn you, you bitch, I will torture you someday