
Traditions of the jedi sentinels

The jedi temple guards are the counter parts of the dark honor guards the yang to there yin their right to their wrong the jedi temple guard have very immportant rules to follow breaking of the rules in any kind will result in perminate banishment from the jedi order the rules are as follows. No speaking when on duty. don't leave your post unless somebody is covering for you. Do not attack un armed intruders.

Don't draw your weapon unless it is in self defence.

A jedi temple guard is chosen based on unique aquirements.

Calm and being one with nature. using the force only when neccussary.

Jedi temple guards or jedi sentinels are often not allowed to build there own lightsabers and are often using lightsabers past down from their previous generation.

Temple guards are also jedi who didn't get picked by a master jedi temple guards feture a double bladed saber with a yellow crystal the saber has a future alowing it to fold in half with two blades on one side and could switch between these desighns at will. Thanks for reading stay tuned for more!