
The Jedi Killer.

A rogue Mandalorian is tracked down by a vengeful Jedi Knight. Who will win this duel? Will it be the Jedi or the bounty hunter?

ZappCode · Book&Literature
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34 Chs

Chapter Two. Once a killer always a killer

Vesha Ka woke with a jolt. The last thing she remembered from her duel with the bounty hunter was that he had knocked her swiftly out with a strong upper cut. She winced slightly as she rolled over, ignoring the trickle of blood still oozing from her split lip and swollen gums. The blaster wound on her side still hurt like hell but she realized someone had applied a spray on bandage on it.

She groaned and looked around, taking in her surroundings and wondering where she was. She was in a holding cell. On board Stilco's ship, of that, she was sure. Now she wondered why she was here at all. If he didn't kill her then what was his purpose or intent for her? Did he want her for a plaything or- stop, she chided herself. Panicking wasn't going to help her out of this situation. Did his employer want her for some evil deed? She staggered to her feet and lightly touched the metal bars of her cell, in case they were shock generated she used the Force to numb her arm.

When she wasn't thrown back as she assumed they would have been, she pushed against the metal door leading out. She was surprised when it swung open. And even more so when the bounty hunter didn't come. Where was he? She opened her mouth, about to call his name. She heard footsteps from the cockpit area and the armored man strode in. His helmeted head regarded her blankly, and when she reached out with the Force she. couldn't feel his thoughts accurately.

They were always moving and flowing through his mind. So fast she couldn't get a lock on just one of them."You are very fortunate, Jedi. I could have killed you back there." He said slowly. Vesha stuck out her chin stubbornly. "Wanna try again, Mando boy?" She snapped back. She set her gaze on the slit of his visored gaze, and added hesitantly. "Why didn't you?" The tall Mandalorian walked up to her, she settled immediately into a defensive stance, he continued on past her and shut the door to his holding cell. With a push of a button on his gauntleted right arm, the metal door locked with a small metallic click. He turned around and looked at the Jedi. Vesha felt her skin crawl at his cold, flat gaze. "This is why." He walked past her again and stopped at the ladder leading up to his cockpit.

Vesha frowned in confusion, what did he want of her? She was starting to get a bad feeling about this. She breathed in deeply and calmed her nerves. He turned his helmeted head, pausing before starting to climb the ladder. She was sure he wanted her to follow him, a flash of irritation flared in her chest. Why didn't he just say it then? She sighed and followed the Mando up into the cockpit. She could gawk when they got to the cockpit. It was equipped with the latest technology that money could buy. She stared at the control panels and the flashing lights. The control console beeped when the tall man tapped something in on his data pad. She spun around to the ladder, thinking that he had locked her in here with him. He chuckled. "Calm it, Jedi. I opened the blast door leading to the escape pods." Vesha glared at him. She hated being left in the dark, especially with a man like him. Nothing but a killing machine bent on profit and fame. "Why did you let me live, and why are you keeping me here?" Zekk Stilco fiddled with the controls of his ship, gently bringing it around toward a dark colored planet.

Vesha stared outside and wondered where they were. The stars shone brightly in the cold dead vacuum of space, spacecraft debris and small asteroids tumbled around, weightless. The bounty hunter glanced at her before returning to piloting his spacecraft. "I'm not holding you anywhere. My escape pod blast door is open, you can use it if you like. But," he paused and locked gazes with her. "If you do ever cross my path again, I will kill you." Vesha snorted and plopped down in the copilot's chair.

She ignored the glance he gave her when she did so. Her eyes stayed on the planet's surface, she thought she could make out in the distance a large cruiser. "What is that?" Stilco flipped a switch on his compu-monitor, staring hard at the results on the screen, he spoke. "It is a Dahn Glick Cruiser, currently it has around fifty crew members and a heavy defensive system. Right now it is in the hands of the Republic, but in a few minutes it is getting handed over to an escort of the Trade Federation.

It has something the Republic wants badly enough to send in a bounty hunter and steal it from their own forces." Vesha frowned. "Isn't the Trade Federation on the Separatists' side? Why would the Republic be doing business with them?" Stilco shook his head and chuckled again. Vesha made a pouty face and leaned back in her seat. He gestured out of the transparisteel view-port. "That doesn't mean that an eager Republic officer wouldn't want to make a few quick credits. That is probably what is happening right now." Vesha hated the way he made her feel like a child. It rubbed her the wrong way. She knew it was pride and that the Jedi forbade it, but… Stilco tapped something in on the monitor when it bleeped. "Ah, the Separatists are here. Ok, this is where you leave if you wish, I programmed the escape pod so that it will take you to the nearest settlement on the planet. You should be able to walk there in an hour or so." Vesha stared hard at him. "Why? Why did you save me? I will keep asking until you answer." The Mando shrugged, "and I won't answer until it suits me, either. Now, are you helping me take that cruiser or not?" Finally! Now she knew why he hadn't killed her yet. He wanted to use her first, she couldn't blame him, she would have done the same thing if she weren't a Jedi.

She rubbed her busted nose gingerly. It hurt like hell. Her whole face did actually. She knew what the bounty hunter was pulling on her. If she didn't agree with going then he would say she wasn't stopping injustice and that she wasn't really a Jedi if she didn't. She winced from touching a bruise above her cheekbone.

She was sure the Mando didn't feel bad for beating her up, she had started the fight after all. "I will help." She was sure he wasn't surprised that she had agreed. He nodded thoughtfully. He pointed to locker behind her. "There is some weapons in there. Pick any you want, but be quick." The young girl shook her head. "I'm fine with my lightsaber," she reached for the weapon resting- or should be resting on her belt, but it wasn't there. She shot the bounty hunter a hot scalding glare. "Looking for this?" He tossed the lightsaber at her with a smug air about him. She snagged it and checked to see if he had removed the crystal that powered the blade. No, he hadn't. He stood up, flipping his blaster pistols. "When you get shot, I won't be coming back for you. You will be on your own." She stared at the bounty hunter. "Don't tell me you plan on stealing a freaking cruiser." He nodded like that was a stupid thing she had just said. "It will be tough, but I'm sure I will manage. This job is pretty simple: gain access to the bridge and transmit a code to the GAR that I have made it that far. I still have to deal with the man who wants to hand over ships to the Trade Federation. He must be kept alive, preferably." Vesha shrugged and gestured outside the view-port at the large cruiser. "Well, then what are we waiting for?" "I like your attitude, but you won't be so enthusiastic when we get in deep o'sik. Now go down to the docking chamber, I will be there in a second." He turned back to his control console and started punching buttons.

Vesha clambered back down the ladder. She stared at the holding cell and wondered if any other Jedi had been in there. And if their fate had been death. She shivered at the thought and moved on. She jerked her head around as Stilco came down from the ladder, the only reason she had even known he was there was his cloudy and dark aura. She hadn't even heard him. He tapped in something on his data pad. The whole deck beneath them started to move as the ship lurched forward. "I just programmed my ship to make a small micro jump next to the cruiser, it will be easier getting on board without going in by ship." He said to her confused expression. She frowned for a second. If they weren't going by ship then- "prepare for a fast exit, oh, and you're gonna need this," he tossed her a battered and scarred Mandalorian helmet. We are going to exit the ship by airlock." He snapped something on his wrist and fastened it down with a metal band. He chuckled at the incredulous look on her face. "It's only for five seconds, and then the tractor beams will pull us in. We shouldn't be noticed by anyone on board. The Intel I got said that there were only a handful of crew members and around a hundred worker droids, a skeleton crew. The tractor beams should pull us in, this cruiser keeps them on, or so I was told." Vesha looked her helmet over, the black and blue paint was chipped and peeling. It must have been an old helmet. She tugged it on, blinking as the HUD lit up briefly before dimming. "Is your Intel reliable?" He shrugged. "In the line of my business, you trust no one. Intelligence is never reliable." She breathed in and then out, gauging how the helmet's air conditioning worked. It seemed pretty good, although she could taste the stale air of the old air filters that no one had bothered changing. "So we just go in without knowing what's on board?" The Mando didn't say anything for a moment. He pulled a metal lever switch above his head.

The ship lurched twice and then settled down as it entered hyperspace. "I know what's on board." Vesha frowned. "Get ready, the airlock is going to open in five seconds." The bounty hunter said. The ship lurched again as it reverted to real space, an alarm blared and the air space lock clicked once and started opening. "Alright. Let's go." He gently pushed her out into the dead cold space as the lock slid aside, revealing the velvet black blanket of space and the stars gleaming coldly in it. The coldness froze her for a second, she felt a nudge on her shoulder and she quickly propelled herself forward. The cruiser's hanger loomed up forbiddingly. Before she had passed through the energy field of the cruiser's hanger, her lightsaber was out and ignited.

The Mandalorian nodded once and reached for his blaster pistols. And then they were through. Stilco used a burst of his jetpack to land on the smooth, polished deck. Vesha was already adjusting herself to land lightly on her feet. He nodded again. "Very good." Vesha flushed at his instant and unexpected praise. She gestured to the whole hanger. "It's empty of lifeforms." She looked around, seeing the Z 95 headhunters that the clone pilots used in combat. They looked brand new. She frowned. "Do you think they know we're here?" Zekk checked his data pad and shrugged. "We need to move fast. That other ship should be here in fifteen minutes, we need to have the ship in our hands by then." The Mandalorian holstered one of his weapons and trotted across the hanger, eyes looking for a blast door that led to the inner ship. "There." The young Jedi spoke, she pointed one out near a small shuttle.

It was undergoing some repairs and reeked of cooling and oil fluids. "Alright, this should do." The bounty hunter started pulling out a yellow cord from his utility belt, popping open the control panel he snapped the cord into a data drive. "Anything on the other side?" Vesha reached out with the Force, focusing hard on searching for lifeforms. Although she was a great fighter her skills with actually using the Force left much to be desired for. She could barely feel them. Three lifeforms that shifted and warped in her Force-vision. "There are three of them. One is directly on the left side. One is standing right in front of the blast door…" she paused, frowning in deep concentration, and said, "the other one is leaving." Zekk Stilco got up from his bent over position. "Ok, I will take them out. You need to stay here." Vesha shook her head, throwing him a defiant look. "Nope. Not happening. I'm coming with you." He shrugged and sighed. Pushing the button that opened the blast door, he shot a very surprised man through the chest.

The man's body hit the deck, a charred and burnt hole where his heart used to be. Smoke wafted in the air, followed by the smell of burnt flesh. Vesha was in before the Mando could say anything, not like she would have listened anyways. Her lightsaber came up as she rushed the guard on the left side of the door. It was a hulking Trandoshan. It hissed with surprise and moved back quickly for a creature of its size, trying to bring its weapon up and between them.

The glowing purple beam swept through its arm and came back around in a tight arc and sliced its head off from its shoulders. She moved on, still submerged in the Force. She could see that the Mando was right behind her. She could feel his cold hard aura of pure darkness. Like a bottomless pit that ceased to be filled. He pointed up ahead, his blaster pistol at the ready. "That other guard is up there. He probably is coming back any second now." She nodded, trying to adjust the helmet's settings, she hated the feeling of being locked inside of anything.

The helmet made her feel that way, she felt a little bit claustrophobic right now. "Alright. Let's do this." The guard was just coming around the corner, his blaster rifle held in a casual manner. He didn't expect to see a Jedi or a Mandalorian. He froze, his jaw dropped in shock. Before he could do anything else, Vesha went in low and hard, slicing from his lower stomach to his collarbone. He gasped and fell down, his hands clutching at his guts as they spilled from the smoking and steaming hole where the lightsaber had cut. Zekk stepped over the body, moving onward. "I got a reading of at least five men up ahead." He pointed to the next blast door. Vesha reached out with Force, trying to feel where they were. "Yep. There are five of them. I think they know we're coming." "Good. I'd prefer an all out brawl." Vesha frowned and raised her lightsaber. She watched as the bounty hunter walked up and pressed the blast doors button. It slid open, revealing the five men crouched behind a hastily put together wall.

They saw the Mandalorian and started shouting and firing their weapons. The Jedi flashed past the Mando, her body slipping past the bright laser bolts. She took the distance between her and the guards in an instant. Her lightsaber went through the first man's head, lancing out the other side, bright purple and a spray of blood. She jumped high over his body, using the Force to turn her leap into a somersault that landed her behind the next one. Her lightsaber slashed the creature's horned head from his body. Zekk had already taken out the other three and was leaning over the control panel that was for the turbo lift. "Good job. That was impressive." He tapped in a command. "This lift should lead to the bridge." She smiled and clipped her lightsaber to her belt. She glanced at the turbo light's steel door. She felt a twitch in the Force, a small tug, and then nothing. Almost gone before she had even felt it. Vesha looked over at the Mandalorian. "I think we were spotted, I feel something that I can't really explain, but I'm certain they know we're coming. I feel darkness.. blood. I don't like it." She said nervously. Zekk Stilco nodded. The lift jerked to a halt and continued on. As if someone were playing with the controls and had decided to mess with them. "This might become a fight you don't want to be a part of." He said. "Wow, you decide now to tell me, it's a little too late now." She answered. She removed the helmet from her head and tossed it down, sucking in the cool metallic tasting air of the turbo lift gratefully. The bounty hunter glanced at her but didn't say anything.

The lift stopped, steam hissing from the hydraulic pistons. The doors slid open revealing a nearly empty bridge. Pilot droids ran from control consoles, checking the navigation systems and prepping flight paths. And the lone dark figure that stood looking out at space. It's back turned toward them. Stilco strode forward, his boots making a ringing sound on the cool metal floor. Vesha was a step behind him, her lightsaber at her side, ready to be activated in a moment's notice. "Stilco." The dark figure spoke in a low harsh voice. Vesha could see that the person also wore Mandalorian armor. She frowned. He seemed to also know who Stilco was. "I have been waiting for your arrival. It is time to set things straight between you and I. I see you have help." Vesha glanced at Stilco. Trying not to tremble as she could feel his raw killing aura that burned bright as a nova star. "I thought I was doing the right thing when I left you when I did. But you have turned into a monster, like your mother." Stilco said tersely. The other Mando roared and lunged forward on a quick burst of his jet-pack, all business. His blaster pistols raining a hail of laser fire into Stilco's chest plate. The impact staggered the Mando back but didn't actually break through his armor. Vesha reached out with a hand, and before the two collided, she jerked the other Mandalorian toward her. She snapped her lightsaber up and pressed the activation button. Her blade burned up, sizzling and ready to meet the Mandalorians's head, ready to burn through like butter.

With a quick burst of his jet-pack, he steadied himself, while releasing a few shots at the Jedi. She dodged and jumped straight for him. The Mandalorian grunted as she crashed into him, they both hit the deck a tangle of limbs. The wind was knocked out of Vesha. That wasn't very smart, she thought ruefully. He had armor and she didn't. She tried to reach for her lightsaber but the Mandalorian pinned her arm down, wrapping a cord around her neck. She struggled to break free, but his grip was too tight. Stilco raised his blaster pistols but couldn't get a clear shot at the other Mandalorian. "I will kill you Jedi and take your lightsaber as a trophy." He growled. Vesha used the Force and slammed him backwards, gasping in pain as the cord bit into her neck. She called her lightsaber to her hands and slashed up between them, her blade cut deep into the Mandalorian's helmet but didn't go through. He rolled away, knowing that the Jedi was going to aim for somewhere more vital. He dropped the cord and reached for his blaster pistols, using a burst of his jetpack again to put distance between them. Stilco charged from his side, knocking him down again. Vibroblade stabbing into the other Mando's armpit. The Mandalorian snarled in pain and headbutted Zekk swiftly in the chest and swung his own vibroblade up.

The blade bounced off of his chest-plate. Stilco punched the Mandalorian's faceplate and drove a knee up into his stomach. He ignored the blood that was leaking from the Mando's armor, and moved in. Vesha could see that he wasn't trying to kill him. Not yet anyways. He was hurting him, wounding him only so that he could feel pain. Stilco crashed a fist into the Mandalorian's unprotected neck. She winced at the loud cracking sound, knowing Stilco had just broken his neck. The bounty hunter dropped the suddenly limp body, drawing his blaster, he aimed for the head. "I'm sorry I wasn't a better father, Jakan." He squeezed the triggers. The other Mando rolled aside at the last moment and dove for Stilco's legs. Vesha gasped in surprise. He wasn't dead? She rushed forward, intending to skewer him on her lightsaber. Something crashed into her from behind and she went sprawling across the floor, holding her sides in pain. She tried to get back up but was shoved back down again. Only a whisper of the Force warned her in time. She barely moved aside as the bright red blade that slashed where her head had been. She looked up and saw the other Mandalorian.

This one was a female, of that Vesha was sure. She could barely make out the curves of her body. She was a head shorter than Vesha. She frowned, what was going on here? Stilco had said something about him being a better father earlier. Were these his children? The Mandalorian's armor was red, almost glistening. It looked like fresh blood. She looked closer, it was fresh blood. Her mind went black with shock…

Who is the new mysterious Mandalorian? Is she actually the bounty hunter's child? Find out in the next chapter

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