
The Jedi Killer.

A rogue Mandalorian is tracked down by a vengeful Jedi Knight. Who will win this duel? Will it be the Jedi or the bounty hunter?

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Chapter Fourteen. Fight or flight.

The Jedi star fighter screamed by so close and so fast that Kerren didn't even have time to react as it released two missiles into her forward bow. Her star craft rolled with the explosion and she knew that that was a solid hit. One more of those hits and she'd be sucked out of her ship as it was ripped apart. The console bleeped and she growled at the readout. Her ship wasn't too badly damaged, just the front end looked like it just slammed into a building going top speed. The nose was bent and crumpled. "Zekk! We got a Jedi star fighter attacking." She said over the com. She quickly turned her ship around, searching for the star fighter. She barely had time to twist the ship into a tight roll as another volley of missiles screamed at her on hot ion exhaust. They whizzed past and slammed into a building, bringing down a hail of glass and duracrete. She pushed her fighter into a sharp roll and came up and around the other star fighter's tail as it flashed by. She barely caught sight of the blue and red colors of the ship. "Got it. We are going to finish the shuttle off, keep it busy." Zekk's voice came back through, calm and collected. She liked that about him, he always seemed to be able to face everything with a cool and levelheaded approach. "Roger." The Jedi craft dodged and wove its way through the traffic sky lanes, easily avoiding other ships in the process.

Those who got frightened by its sudden appearance, slammed their ship to a complete halt. Causing a huge pile up as speeders and star ships crashed into each other. Kerren whipped her ship into a tight snap-roll, coming between a cargo hauler and a heavily armored speeder. She leveled out and continued her pursuit of the Jedi craft, firing a volley as she got close enough. The other ship skipped to the side, coming up on its left wing and doing a complete 360, guns pumping as it came barreling right at her. She gritted her teeth, ignoring the solid beep as the star ship got another missile lock. She pressed down on her yoke, returning laser fire. Her beams slashed and sizzled past the as the pilot of the other ship managed to jump and twist through the volley of lasers. Damn, whoever this was, they were good. She wondered if they were actually a Jedi, not just the Jedi owned those star fighters. Anyone could go to the black market and buy one. They cost a lot though. This fighter was either piloted by a highly skilled person or a Jedi. She was guessing it was the latter. She twisted her Viper craft around, bringing it into a full out run. Letting the other pilot get a clear shot at her engines. The laser bolts flashed by, scorching and grazing her ship's hull as she tilted to the side, using her Viper's slim profile to her advantage. "We've got a problem," she said as she noticed that her monitor was beeping like crazy. She realized that there was around a dozen star fighters closing in on their position, and fast. "More Jedi star fighters are coming." She warned Stilco. "We are having our own problem. We just can't seem to hit the target." Bandit's voice came through, filled with awe and shock. "It must be the Force. Those missiles were a solid lock. They just bounce off an invisible wall and drop. We can't even hit them with our laser cannons." Kerren cursed. Biting her tongue from telling Stilco that they should retreat. It was his call not hers. "Pull back, we are going to end up dead if they get here." He said. Kerren flashed past a cargo hauler and used its bulky body as a screen from the Jedi star fighter. She quickly dove down and avoided the laser blasts as the ship still managed to find and target her. "Yeah. I'm with you, just let me lose this damn star fighter." She pulled up and dropped back down in a dizzying spin, laser bolts flashed past her and some pinged off of her hull. "Alright, we will be waiting for you when you arrive at the agreed meeting place." Stilco paused, "You better be there." "Drinks on me. Well, just provide the entertainment and I will spoil you tonight," Bandit's voice followed right after. She smiled, surprised that they actually cared about her, even if it was only because she was a highly skilled member of the team and nothing more. "Yup, alright." She shut the com off so it didn't distract her. If she was going to fight a Jedi off she needed her wits and a clear mind. Speaking of Jedi, the star fighter came around the corner of the building she had just used as cover, missiles screaming at her before they even had a lock. One managed to hit her left flank, causing smoke to pile up from the wing's panel. She rolled aside the other missiles, tipping her nose down and aiming for a huge construction platform. She was trying to put as many things between herself and the Jedi. The Jedi didn't even give her any breathing space, the attacks kept on coming.

She managed to dodge another volley of missiles, but couldn't stop herself from slamming into a giant steel beam that was holding up a corner of the construction platform, her Viper went into a tight spin, right wing tearing off and flashing past her cockpit view-port's window. She cursed and tried to bring the ship under control again. The Viper responded. Barely. She was surprised she was still alive. She didn't know for how long though. She yanked the yoke, and pulled the star craft into a tight turn. It groaned but made the maneuver. The Jedi was still pursuing, laser beams spitting at her unprotected engines. She twisted back around, smoking pouring from her engines. She still had a sabacc card up her sleeve. The Jedi dipped the nose of their ship down, going in for the kill. Just as the star fighter released the rest of its missiles and fired a volley of scarlet beams at the damaged Viper ship, it vanished. It was there one moment and gone the next, disappearing in a cloud of purple and black mist. It was like it warped away or cloaked and used its thrusters to speed away. Or like it had teleported. The Jedi star craft swept the area, searching for the Viper ship. It came up empty. The ship was gone.

Jared breathed a sigh of relief, he was surprised he'd been able to deflect the missiles from that Hark three class star ship. It had taken its toll on him, he was shaking and trembling from exhaustion. Kenobi had taken care of the laser bolts. He seemed to be doing fine for a man who just stopped nearly a hundred laser blasts with the Force. They had called in for help, putting a distress signal through all comms in the area. The first Jedi to respond had been Vesha Ka, she was apparently the only Jedi in a star fighter in the area. Jared thought that it was odd, but he wasn't about to turn down help. When her blue and red colored star fighter zipped past and targeted the Viper ship behind them it nearly knocked them out of the sky. As it was, the engines had stalled, bringing the shuttle to a stop. Which was a good thing, or it would've been if the Hark class three ship hadn't been there. Now, the two Jedi sat back as the shuttle was hauled toward the Temple on two towing cables. The two hulking repair ships pulled the shuttle at a mildly slow rate. "Well, that was a close one." Obi-Wan remarked. He tapped the hull lightly with knuckled fingers. "If this wasn't tough metal, I'm afraid we wouldn't be alive right now." Jared stared at the other Jedi. "Yes, I'm afraid you are correct." He answered. Too which Kenobi chuckled at.

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Record timing XD. Thank you guys for waiting. Again. Hope you like the chapter

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