
The Jedi Killer.

A rogue Mandalorian is tracked down by a vengeful Jedi Knight. Who will win this duel? Will it be the Jedi or the bounty hunter?

ZappCode · Book&Literature
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Chapter Four. The Hunted or The Hunter

The trip back to Coruscant was long and tiring. Vesha tried every calming and breathing technique that she could recall. They didn't work. She was too stressed out. She didn't understand why either. Was it because of the Mandalorian bounty hunter called Zekk Stilco? Did she still hold a grudge against him for killing her master? She wasn't there personally, but she could feel her master die instantly through their connection of the Force. At least it wasn't a painful death, in fact, her master wasn't even aware of what had hit him. It was over in an instant. One second she could feel her master in the Force and the next he was gone. She sighed and got up. Feeling the Republic Cruiser rumble and thrum softly as its hyper drive kicked in.

The ship lurched into hyperspace with a slight hitch. She waved her hand over her door's control panel, watching as it slid open with a small sigh of pressurized air. Two clone troopers stood on either side of her door, standing at perfect attention. She wondered if they had been like that the whole time. "Sir. We have reports that the Cruiser we confiscated is being prepped for the jump to light-speed. It will head directly to Kuat Drive Yards. It will undergo serious repairs and modifications." The one on the right informed her while throwing a salute. Technically, the Jedi outranked the clones. She didn't think that was right but who was she to argue against the Chancellor? She nodded. "Do you know anything about the bounty hunter Zekk Stilco?" She asked after a moment's hesitation. A clone patrol walked past, tossing a salute her way before continuing on. The clones seemed not to know what to say. They probably think I'm crazy talking about bounty hunters. She started to open her mouth but stopped when she noticed a Republic Commando walk up to her. This one had bright orange on his shoulder pads and knee pads. His armor was scarred and had several dents in it. His helmet was different then the ordinary troopers. His T- shaped visor glowed bright blue. He tossed a stiff salute. "He is a rogue hunter, ma'am. If I may be so bold." She remembered that he had told her to call him Niner, which surprised her. Normally they would give out their serial number, but it seemed some had a sense of individuality. "O-oh,"she stammered.

She wasn't used to him yet. He seemed totally different then the troopers she was used to. "Oh? Who is this pretty officer? And may I get your contact info?" Another Commando appeared behind Niner, this one had yellow instead of orange on his shoulder pads and knees. His helmet had a long gash in the side of it. It looked really recent too. "Scorch. This is our commanding officer. Jedi Knight Vesha Ka." Niner seemed embarrassed for his squad mate. He hit the back of Scorch's head. "Ohhh! I'm sorry, name's Scorch. RC 1262. They call me the Lady killer." He bowed his head slightly. Vesha tried not to smile too much. "I bet they do." Niner spoke up."I came because I just got an incoming transmission from Master Kenobi. He asks that you fill him in about your encounter with Zekk Stilco." Vesha froze. Her mind went completely blank. What was she going to tell him? She nodded. "Please put it through to my chambers. Please." She said. The Commando nodded. "Right away." She walked back into her private chambers and took several calming breaths. She needed to be completely in control of her thoughts and emotions. Why did the infamous Obi-wan Kenobi want to talk about the bounty hunter? Her hologram projector pinged and beeped, announcing that an incoming call was online. She immediately put it through.

Slipping a smile on her face, she bowed slightly. "Master Kenobi. I am pleased that you decided to contact me directly. What can I do for you?" The man's holographic image flickered and fizzled. Swimming into focus and blurring again. He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "The bounty hunter. The one who was recently employed by someone in the Senate, I need to know all that I can about him." His voice seemed grim unlike his usual cheerful one. "Ah. Yes. What happened if I may ask?" She said slowly. Obi-Wan's frown deepened. "He is trying to assassinate the Chancellor." At Vesha's shocked expression he shook his head. "Don't worry. He will have to get past around a hundred guards just to enter the Chancellor's private quarters alone. I need you to tell me what you can about him. The Jedi Order has given me and a young Jedi by the name of Jared Syliss the task of hunting him down and bringing him in for questioning."

Somewhere on the planet Masrra…

The cold was nothing. Nothing compared to the blaster pistol pressed against his head, Dek Granner thought. The muzzle of the gun was still burning hot from being used earlier on a crowd of drunk and rowdy mercenaries. His eyes wandered over to their bodies. Those shots were fast and quick. Someone who was an expert in his profession of killing. Well, he thought grimly, all Mandalorians are. His eyes went back to the black and red colored armored man in front of him. Zekk Stilco. One of the galaxy's best bounty hunters. Even more so now that the infamous Jango Fett had had his head cut from his shoulders by a Jedi named Mace Winduo… or was it Windu? Zekk pulled him up from his slumped over position in the bar. This was the only place he could drink till he was too drunk to remember anything. Remember that he owed a certain someone nearly fifty thousand credits. Half a million credits right there. He didn't want to think about that woman. She was pure evil itself. Forget about the Sith. At least they claimed to have a reason for their blood lust and bloodshed. But she just killed anyone she wanted. Amee Zardarii. She was a famous Republic senator, she was all over the holo posters, talking about how the galaxy should be made a peaceful place. All worlds United under a single banner. The Republic's. She seemed to be a legit hard worker on that campaign. But Dek had been too noisy and uncovered what she was really supporting. It was an underground network of human trafficking and slavery of other species. Mostly females. He had confronted her about this- a dumb mistake he now knew- she seemed not fazed at all.

Of course who would believe the word of a drunken reporter over the word of a powerful and 'honest' senator? She offered him a job to work for her and he had accepted it without a second thought. After a few months it went well, that is until he noticed that he was being charged on his credit account every time that he did something that she asked him to do. Usually it was to make a run and ferry female Twi'leks to another world, or someone wanted human girls. He never asked what happened to them. He tried not to think about it when looking in their pitiful eyes. He had decided to leave and try starting over. He fled and left everything behind him. Thinking he was smart, he lived undercover for nearly three months in peace and drunkenness. That is until Zekk Stilco showed up. And now here he was, about to be killed by the man. He sighed and held his hands up. "Listen, you gotta listen to me. She isn't who you think she is. She traffics humans and slaves. How can someone like that work in the Senate?!" He was screaming hysterically now, arms waving. The Mandalorian stared at him. And Dek shut up. He could feel the gaze of death even through the helmet's dark tinted visor. "I'm not interested in politics or power struggles. My job is to carry out my assignment and get paid. The end." The bartender was watching with a look of fascination, his three eyes blinking rapidly.

The couple by the door who Dek was sure were Jedi gazed on with a look of pure agony. He was sure they were Jedi because they hadn't really concealed their weapons, well not good enough that someone with sharp eyes couldn't see them. He was wondering when they might jump in and save his life. "So I can pay you three times the amount that she paid you." He stammered. Zekk shook his head. Bringing his weapon up again. "Another thing is honor. We finish the mission that our first employer has assigned." "Where is the honor of killing people!?!" Zekk shoved him back down in his chair, Dek fell hard as the chair twisted under him and gave way. He ended up on his side, face planted on the cold stone floor. "Don't try that on me. What about you? Selling women and little girls. I'm pretty sure you know what happens to them, don't you?" Dek tried getting back up but Zekk planted a boot into his back. "No. Don't bother. After this shot, you won't ever be getting up again." Dek whimpered and curled up into a ball. "No, no, no! Don't kill me. I swear that I can-" his words were cut short by the blaster bolt entering his brain. Zekk looked down at the dead man, ignoring the brain matter and blood dripping down his boot leg. He turned around, eyes on the pair by the door. "Make your move." He paused. "Jedi."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Ok a short chapter. I know, I know. I will make it up by releasing two with at least a thousand words in each. LMAO

Pray that its possible XD thanks for reading.

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