
The Je'daii.

Follow the journey of a soul who was chosen by a god to become his avatar of conquest. He will receive select skills that will help him through his journey throughout the multiversal conquest. Read and follow the heroic journey of Sinan Grey, the Je'daii! The credit for the cover goes to LordValmar!

Sohioe · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


In a large white room located in the vacuum of space, a young handsome man sat cross-legged in the middle of the room with a white wooden desk in front of him. On the desk was a massive white open book filled with numbers that all had a three-digit code next to them.

In front of the desk was a floating grey orb that exuded an odd amount of pressure. If one looked closely, one would think that it was sentient but in its current form, no one could tell the difference.

The young man had a mysterious smile on his face as his calm gaze alternated between the orb and a certain code in the book.

"Hmm, number 669, the newest candidate to become my avatar. He has no experience in war or conquest...but he has been part of a few small-scale battles before. His battle experience isn't that high but his mental stability has been rated at the highest degree. We've yet to test his physical aspects but if his mental statistics are this high, he should be fine."

The young man snapped his fingers and looked at the orb once again as it turned from grey to white instantly. One eye opened up in the middle of the orb with a white sclera, a deep crimson iris, and a black pupil.

"As expected. There is no shock or fear in your gaze, only focus. You'll do nicely."

The young man clapped his hands and the room instantly turned pitch black as the white objects started to glow. A screen appeared in front of the man, littered with the names of popular books and TV shows that were native to the planet earth.

"See...hmm, what should I name you...? Sinan! Yes, that should work. It matches the general naming sense from the universe I want to base your abilities on. As I was saying, Sinan, I need you to become my Avatar and conquer the hidden worlds the humans claim to be fictional. Heh, they just don't know where to look."

The young man stopped scrolling through the screen and clicked on a certain universe called 'Star Wars.' Flipping the screen around to face Sinan, the orb, the young man continued, "I've too much spare time as an immortal so as I said before, you will conquer these worlds for the sake of my enjoyment. If you don't want to conquer some of them but destroy them instead, that's fine too. Just make it enjoyable for me, please. The first world you will be designated to is universe #6025 or as the humans call it, the world of 'My Hero Academy.'"

Seeing that Sinan showed no change in expression, the young man put his feet up on his desk and continued calmly, "You show no objection. Then you must be confident. Lovely. I've given you the ability to be force-sensitive. How force sensitive that is, depends on your following choices. Use your mind and pick five people on the screen and your body will be a mixture of all their DNA. Your midochlorian count will be a combination of theirs as well. Wait...I need to send knowledge of what has been recorded in the Star Wars verse so far so you know what I mean." [A/N: Basically means knowledge of pretty much every event, person, technique, and such in Star Wars.]

It only took about one minute for Sinan to close his eye and absorb every bit of information that was passed on to him by the young man. After that, Sinan slowly opened his eye and looked calmly at the screen, scanning the faces of all his options.

"Take your time Sinan, this is the only boon I'll give you. You'll need to earn everything else by your hand. Though I suspect that this may be enough. After all, the force isn't anything to scoff at."

It took several minutes for Sinan to decide on the people he wanted, but when he did, his options, in his opinion, were the best he could come up with. For the first time since he appeared in this room, Sinan spoke. He projected his words to the young man's mind and said calmly, "I'll take the combination of Tenebrae/Valkorion/Vitiate, Vaylin, Arcann, Sheev Palpatine, and Anakin Skywalker." [A/N: If you want to imagine the voice of Sinan, he sounds like a combination of Jegal Taek and Overhaul.]

The young man seemed to be a bit surprised by Sinan's choices, especially since they were immortal celestial beings more powerful than the ones he chose but he didn't dig into it too much. After all, it was still Sinan's choice.

"Alright Sinan, I'll send you off now. When I deem one world or universe conquered, you'll immediately be sent to another. If you have any attachments in a past world, they may be brought with you. Now, go, make me proud, boy."


A/N: Since this is a combination of all their midochlorian counts, I'm thinking the MC's midochlorian count should be around 143,000. Anakin's should be around 40,000 cause he was said to have the potential of becoming as twice as strong as Sheev who had almost 20,000. Vitiate was out of this world so I estimate his to be around Anakin's level. Vaylin was stated by vitiate to be potential wise at least twice as strong as him putting her a bit above Anakin in potential. Arcann is around 18-19,000. Keep in mind midochlorians are just how much potential one has in the force, not their immediate strength. So he's not Goku level in the womb or he wouldn't consume the planet at six years old.