
The Japanese Girlfriend of the Academic Ace

Airi Sakura, the Beautiful Japanese Exchange Student - under the arrangement of her father, she stayed as a lodger in my house, and I was honored to be appointed as her guide to life in China. While spending time together, I discovered numerous secrets about her… Getting lost whenever she goes out, curling up into a ball when sleeping, holding a cup with both hands when drinking water, having an insane passion for claw machines, and being determined to earn money to buy her own house…

Elshar · Realistic
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14 Chs

Su-style soup noodles

While getting ready, Airi Sakura noticed a clean bathtub in the bathroom. Three small goldfish were swimming in a red bucket and when they saw Airi Sakura approaching, they spit out a few bubbles as a protest against their disrupted home. Airi Sakura felt excited at the sight of the clean, porcelain white bathtub.

Hmm, what a contradictory person. They seem nice but always speak harshly. Airi Sakura reached out and touched the bathtub, thinking about how it could comfortably fit two people. It would be nice to stretch out her legs and soak in hot water.

Last night, she couldn't take a hot bath, and it made her feel uncomfortable while sleeping. Combined with the fact that she was in an unfamiliar neighborhood, with a nearby river and more mosquitoes, she couldn't sleep well. 

After brushing her teeth, Airi Sakura carefully arranged her hair in front of the mirror and applied some makeup to enhance her appearance. Japanese girls care a lot about their image and always wear makeup when going out, so as not to show any imperfections to others.

She didn't know that Deny Aaron had already woken up. If he saw her in a messy state, it would be embarrassing. There was a small pink bud on her fair arm from a mosquito bite yesterday. It was itching, so she used her fingernail to make a cross-shaped scratch on the bud, relieving the itchiness.

Unknowingly, she spent more time in the bathroom than expected, and she heard Deny Aaron's voice from outside, "Did you fall into the toilet?"

As soon as she heard him, Airi Sakura rushed out of the bathroom. "Sorry for keeping you waiting! I was fixing my makeup, I looked so ugly."

But Deny Aaron didn't wait for her; he already finished eating.

Upon hearing his words, Airi Sakura looked up and felt his gaze. She felt a little shy and lowered her head. "You looked beautiful earlier too, why waste time on these things?"

Was he... praising her?

Airi Sakura wasn't sure. She couldn't help but feel that he was still being harsh because in Japan, it is impolite for girls to meet others without wearing makeup.

"I'm sorry, I'll be quicker next time."

"Come on, eat quickly. It won't taste good when it gets cold."

Deny Aaron tidied up his bowl and chopsticks, then placed another bowl of noodles in front of herJust the aroma was enough to tempt her. She hadn't eaten since yesterday dinner, and Airi Sakura was really hungry.

 smells so good!"

Her eyes lit up, and held the chopsticks in her hands, like it was the exciting thing ever.

"What kind of noodles is this? They look delicious!"

"It's Su-style soup noodles."

This is a specialty in southern Jiangsu Province. Deny Aaron had been eating it for many years and was familiar with Aunt Wang's recipe. They would start boiling the soup early in the morning, adding chicken, duck bones, and other ingredients, as well as a little distilled liquor to enhance the flavor.

From its appearance, the soup was clear, the noodles were thin and white, with scattered green onions. On top of that were a few tender and translucent pieces of braised pork, creating a refreshing combination.

"I'm starting!"

Airi Sakura picked up a few strands of noodles with her chopsticks, blew on them, and put them in her mouth. The noodles were smooth and chewy.

She then ate a piece of braised pork, which was incredibly tender and melted in her mouth.

Finally, she took a sip of the soup, which had a subtle and sweet flavor from the rice wine, perfectly complementing the taste of the noodles.

"So delicious!"

Airi Sakura's taste buds were awakened, and she tried different ways of eating the noodles, like Fuzawa, using a spoon to scoop up some soup, a few strands of noodles, a small piece of meat, and a pinch of garnish, and then eating them all in one big bite.

"It's amazing!"

Watching her happy expression, Deny Aaron couldn't help but feel that she was truly enjoying the food, while he was just filling his stomach. The noodles from Aunt Wang's house were indeed tasty, but were they really that incredible?

The food show didn't invite Airi Sakura to be a taste tester, which was a waste.

"Deny Aaron, can we have this noodles again tomorrow?"

Finally finishing the meal, Airi Sakura didn't even leave a drop of soup in her bowl. Her appetite was much better than many other girls, likey Aaron's female classmates, who never drank the soup when eating noodles.

"As long as you don't get tired of it."

"This noodles are so delicious, how could I get tired of it?"

Airi Sakura took the initiative to clean up the leftovers, patted her stomach, and leaned back on the sofa, feeling extremely satisfied.

Bai Xiaomeng jumped onto the sofa, disdainfully kicked her little butt with its foot, and made an effort to nudge her.

"Oh, Bai Xiaomeng~~"

Airi Sakura wanted to touch it, but Bai Xiaomeng jumped away and didn't let her.


"You're on Bai Xiaomeng's spot."

"Sorry, sorry..."

Airi Sakura moved her position, the corner of the sofa was Bai Xiaomeng's exclusive spot, and no one except Deny Aaron could sit there. If Deny Aaron was sitting there, Bai Xiaomeng would curl up in his arms.

Actually, most of the time, Bai Xiaomeng would always choose Deny Aaron's lap first. If Deny Aaron wasn't around, it would go to the balcony or the yard to sunbathe. Only when it rained would it go to the sofa.

Today was an exception. Seeing Airi Sakura occupying its spot, Bai Xiaomeng came out from Deny Aaron's arms to defend its territory.

"There were so many mosquitoes last night, did you get bitten, Deny Aaron?"

Airi Sakura extended her fair arm, the one that had been pinched into a cross shape and had now returned to its original form, and it looked even bigger and redder, like a bud.

Deny Aaron also wanted to pinch it, imagining that it must be very elastic.

Because this little bud looked cute, it was normal to have the idea of pinching it. Deny Aaron explained it this way.

"I slept well."

"Why didn't mosquitoes bite you..."

Airi Sakura felt envious. She was the type who often attracted mosquito bites, and her skin was sensitive, so even a small mosquito bite would leave an itchy bump.

"Bai Xiaomeng helps me catch mosquitoes."


Life is unfair. Why doesn't the cat at her house help her catch mosquitoes? No, she didn't even have a cat.

"What should I do then? I'll probably be bitten again tonight..."

"Buy some electric mosquito repellent mats and use them before bed. With the air conditioner on, there won't be many mosquitoes."


Seeing her occasionally pinching that little bump, sometimes making a cross shape, sometimes a plus sign, Deny Aaron got up and went into the room to get a bottle of cooling oil, a transparent glass bottle containing green liquid.

"Try this."

Cooling oil was a commonly used product in their house, inexpensive and practical. It was effective for mosquito bites, dizziness, and drowsiness. Just apply a little, and it would quickly take effect. It was truly versatile.

Airi Sakura had never used it before and curiously asked, "It smells nice. Should I drink this whole bottle?"


Can't her thought process be normal?

Deny Aaron said speechlessly, "This is for topical use!"

"Don't scold me. I already knew that..."

Feeling wronged, Airi Sakura thought to herself. Then she extended her fair arm and waited for Deny Aaron to apply it for her.

"Apply it yourself!"