
The Jamaican Blur: Island Superheroes!

The earth shattered violently on that fateful day, unleashing swarms of supernatural mosquitos with a bite that imbued powers - and Jamaica would never be the same. When a massive earthquake rocks the island, deep fissures rupture open spewing forth Coco Mosquitos carrying a mysterious parasitic venom. Those bitten find themselves unalive or gifted with incredible abilities - shapeshifting, dreadlock lightning, and more. But with these powers come great responsibility, and enemies arise to spread chaos. Now a group of gifted youths must embrace their destiny as Jamaica's next generation of heroes to defend their homeland from the dark forces threatening its future. A/N: Some dialogues are written in Jamaican dialect to capture the authenticity of the island's language. However the overall narrative is in standard English, which retains its readability. For better understanding of the dialect, you can view the basic glossary at the link below, but as you read the story, you'll come to grasp it very quickly. Link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/88160246

AuthorsDread · Action
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63 Chs

The Funeral Assembly  

A week had passed since the Coco mosquito attack at Seacrest High. Devon was finally being discharged from the hospital and his mother couldn't be more relieved.

"Lawd God, you have no idea how happy I am to finally take you home," Norissa said, helping Devon into the passenger seat of her old Toyota hatchback despite the advancement in vehicular technology. "That hospital bed can't make you stronger. Is yuh yard you need now." 

Devon winced slightly as he settled into the seat. His muscles were still sore from being bedridden for so long. "Trust me, I'm ready to sleep in my own bed tonight."

Norissa shut his door and went around to the driver's side, chuckling as she started the car. "You think yuh ready fi sleep? The whole community has been blowing up mi phone, wait till them see you. Everybody aguh want chat yuh ears off about what happened."

As they drove through the city streets, Devon gazed out the window quietly. He knew his neighbourhood would be worried, but wasn't looking forward to reliving the trauma. The memory of his two best friends dying was still raw.

Soon they pulled up to the modest brown house Devon had lived in his whole life. The front yard was crowded with well-wishers from the community.

"See, what mi tell yuh?" Norissa said. She helped her son out and they were immediately mobbed.

"Devon! Rhaatid, you alive!" screamed Mrs. Clarke from next door. She engulfed him in a crushing hug.

"Where were you, man? The whole street's been miserable without you!" said Andre, clapping him on the back.

Devon smiled and greeted everyone politely. He was truly touched by the love being shown. Still, he felt drained and longed to lay down.

After half an hour of welcoming hugs, jokes, and cries of amazement, Norissa shooed the crowd away so Devon could rest indoors.

"Alright, yuh see the bwoy deh ya now. Time to let him recover fully," Norissa announced. "You can chat him up another time, but right now him need fi nyam and sleep." 

Amidst understanding nods, the friends and neighbours gradually dispersed until only Devon and his mother remained outside their home.

"Cho...mi glad that done now," Devon said, rubbing his temples. "Mi head pounding after all that."

Norissa wrapped her arm around his shoulders. "Come, you need yuh rest. I made some stew peas and rice, yuh favourite." 

They entered the cosy house. Rex, their old pit bull, came trotting happily to greet Devon with sloppy kisses. He laughed and scratched behind the dog's ear.

"Hey Rexy, you miss me? Mi sure you enjoy having the bed to yuhself this whole time," Devon joked.

He ate heartily, enjoying his mother's cooking that put the bland hospital food to shame. After his meal, Devon took a long, hot shower. Finally lying in his own bed, he sighed contentedly. It felt good being home. Within minutes he was dead asleep.

Over the next week, Devon took it easy around the house. Norissa doted on him constantly, making sure he was eating well and regaining strength. Neighbours dropped by daily to check in, often bearing small gifts of food and drink.

Devon was grateful for the community's kindness. Their encouragement lifted his spirits, though he still felt the absence of Kamau and Rayon deeply. Nothing could replace his two closest friends.

Soon a funeral was held for all the students lost in the Coco mosquito attack. Devon dressed in a black suit and rode with his mother to the church where nearly the whole town had gathered to mourn.

Inside, the rows of pews were packed with weeping families and friends. Devon sat numbly through the emotional service. When Kamau and Rayon's smiling photos appeared onscreen behind the pulpit, his throat tightened. They'd had so many great memories together on that rusty track under the Caribbean sun. Now relegated to the past forever. 

After the eulogies concluded, the mourners filed outside to the graveyard for final goodbyes. Devon lingered by the twin caskets holding his friends' remains.

"Yuh boys gone too soon," he said, laying a hand on each polished wood surface. "But mi aguh run and honour yuh memory everyday. This mi swear."

Wiping his damp eyes, Devon turned to go. He nearly collided into a girl right behind him. "Oops, sorry 'bout..." The words died on his lips. "Tanya? Tanya Williams?"

The pretty, dark-skinned girl's face broke into a relieved smile. "Devon! Thank God you alive! When I heard yuh end up in the hospital from the madness at school, mi fear the worse." 

Impulsively, they hugged each other tight. Tanya had been Devon's lab partner last semester before she switched to a different class schedule. They still attended the same school but no longer had a class together.

"It is good to see a familiar face make it out," Devon said, holding her shoulders. "How yuh managing after that nightmare?"

Tanya glanced around furtively. "Mi okay, but something strange happened that I can't chat about here. Follow me quick." She led Devon behind a large nearby oak tree for privacy from the departing crowd. "You can't tell anyone yet, but mi develop a Coco Power from one of them bites," Tanya whispered. 

Devon's eyes widened. "No way! That mean you're one of the rare few who got bless."

"Or cursed," Tanya said darkly. She held up her hand and Devon gasped softly as short tan fur sprouted across her knuckles. Her nails lengthened into small claws.

"This is all I'm able to manage so far. Some kinda animal shapeshifting ability."

Devon shook his head in awe as she made the fur recede, returning her hand to normal. "Crazy! So that Agent McKoy come check you out too?"

"Yeah, but at the time, mi ability neva manifest yet. You met her?" Tanya asked curiously.

"She came to the hospital and questioned me after I woke up. But nothing odd happen to mi yet," Devon revealed with disappointment.

Tanya smiled and squeezed his arm. "Well just give it time. Mi sure yuh will discover yuh own powers soon. Yuh too special not to get blessed somehow."

Just then, Norissa called out from the parking lot. "Devon! Time to head home now!"

"Alright Mama, coming!" Devon glanced regretfully at Tanya. "Sorry to run off quick, but big up yuhself for getting powers. You will make one bad gyal hero one day."

Tanya beamed. "Nah worry, we'll chat again soon. Go rest up!"

Devon said bye to a few more acquaintances headed home before joining his mother. The ride back was quiet, both still emotionally drained from the heavy funeral. 





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