
The Jack Of All Trades System In Remnant

Introduction update: Dave, the man who just got sent to a world by a mysterious man. Dave encountered many things on his journey. The world of Remnant, whom he doesn't know what it is. (Think of it as if the world where he is is in; there is no RWB series.) A system? A gaming system? A Jack of All Trades system? Why is it so buggy and changes a lot most of the time? Why does this world have crazy stupid stats that don't make any sense? Oh, a woman? Well, madam, would you like to have a nice chat? Low charisma? Let's start training. Small muscles, hard to level? Start training. Why feed players? Feed the player with knowledge to let him do the work that he can do with his own hands! A store? But it's not to sell items, it's to sell knowledge with strength. Sold. Why do you do it solo when you can have people work for you? That's the use of summons, after all. He got rewards after completing the quest. Make sense But no daily quest? I guess Dave have to ask some NPCs every day, then make the player wait for a quest to put it on a silver plate.

DlinkerNovel · Video Games
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11 Chs

Chapter 3 Lucky

(here are the fonts used to differentiate and to help readers understand)

Thought or think

[digital or robot or digital communication voice]


Big or loud echoing voice

It was silent, very silent, quiet, and lonely. With that in mind, Dave is still unconscious from escaping the Beuwolf, having achieved and unlocked a title, but he doesn't know it yet. Six hours pass without him waking up, until he lets out a small groan, feeling light-headed and holding his head. "Ugh... my head." He tries to get up, feeling strangely fine, better than he expected. It's like he slept great, as if he were back home in his world. Looking around as he stands up, he sees nothing but plain grass for miles. Something even stranger catches his attention: he feels no pain.

He touches his back, expecting the bloody claw mark, but there is none. All he finds is a torn vest on his back, revealing a bare back with a ripped vest. Confused yet relieved, he thinks to himself, "How?" Remembering, he checks his status by saying, "status."

[Dave Lvl 1]

[Race: Human]

[Class: Jack Of all Trades]

[Title: Survivalist]

[HP 15/15]

[Strength: 2(+5)]

[Dexterity: 1]

[Constitution: 2(+5)]

[Intelligence: 8]

[Wisdom: 3]

[Charisma: 1]

[Inventory: none]


[Versatile Memory Lvl. Max]

[Adaptive Instincts Lvl. Max]

[Titles attained:]


He looks shocked— a title? How and when did he get it? Did he do something? "How do I got that?" Another screen floats close to his face.

[Summary: Due to your escape from the Beuwolf with a level 5, your action of survival is recognized and unlocks an achievement, rewarding the player with this title, the Survivalist]

"Cool, it's really great, but that doesn't explain how my body is fine."

[Conclusion: Your equipped title recovers 1 hp per minute, with a buff of +5 strength and Constitution, which is why currently your HP is much higher due to having a higher Constitution. As additional info, Constitution reaching 10 above your HP will have an extra 2 per 1 Constitution]

"Whoa, that sounds awesome. Damn, I should be glad that I got lucky to get that achievement." After understanding the reason behind it all, he's glad; surviving that moment is a real miracle. He then thinks that this class is very useful. "Guess this class is like a late build, which I kind of get it."

After getting up and escaping from the threat, even getting a reward with a title and buffs, it turns out it will be a great day and bright future before him. But after experiencing that event with the Beuwolf, he became more cautious and learned a lesson. He smiles and looks at the far view of the grassy plains. "Alright... let's think about this through." He walks again, continuing his random adventure forth, but while walking, he feels bored. Remembering his system that answers his questions, he decides to talk about the system he has. "Question, so how come did I come to this world?"

[Answering... fail, apologies, that is highly classified for players' safety]

"Player's safety, huh? Alright." A bit skeptical, but since the system he has is very robotic, more in listening to orders and commands, it is highly possible it's like ChatGPT and not like other conscious systems in manga and manhwa. He decides to change the question. "So what world did I land into?"

[Answer: The world of Remnant, a place and era thought to have erased the essence of magic]

"Thought to be erased?" He listens to the text in front of him as he walks. "So magic lingers in this world? Then is this world like sci-fi?"

[In players' idea, it is close but different at the same time. Magic, as people thought, is no more than a fairy tale. The world is vast, a mix of modern and medieval setting. For example, huntress/huntsmen are the symbol of hope, with a fighting style that includes both melee and ranged combat. They evolve and create makeshift weapons to fight in both combat styles]

"Oh, I see..." he says, but that leads to more questions. What's a huntsman? Sounds like a cringey band group for him, and a mix of modern and medieval doesn't really give him the image that he can make in his mind. Magic is now known as a fairy tale? He needs some context for that, but it would probably not be useful, Dave thinks, and opens his mouth. "Ok, ok, I think I get it. So, next question. Since you can answer some of the questions I ask, are you like an assistant?"

[Of course, player]

"Hm, nice," he says, impressed. "In what assistance?"

[Apart from having the basic information of what the world named "Remnant" is, the system has all recipes to craft, from food to technology, as well as to assist in teaching magic]

He listens, and it's quite impressive—not overpowering but not bad.

[Unfortunately, the player does not have MP and cannot use magic]

"Aww, that's too bad, but I have the Jack of all trades class. Surely there is a possible way?"

[Affirmative, player's class is why it's possible. That is why the player all needs to do is to learn]

"Ok, I guess that's a relief. Knowing he can do it is all that matters." He then thinks again for a moment as Dave continues to walk while talking to the floating screen in front of him. "Does that include crafting materials to make a body? Like a minion or anything close to that?"

[Affirmative, from a weak zombie, skeleton knight, golems, living puppets, summoning and more. As long as the player has the right materials and requirements or essential skills and power the player has, everything is possible]

His lips curve slightly and get wider a bit as he listens. "That's awesome. I guess I'll be thinking more about what to do first."

He continues to walk more and then opens his mouth again. "Especially earning money."

And so, he keeps walking, wandering through the seemingly peaceful plains of grass. It was a tiresome walk—two hours of nonstop walking. He finds himself on his knees, panting heavily, with a frustrated face and a gasp, letting out a scream of frustration. "Where the hell is the village!!!!" Then, a screen appears in front of him, and it's his system.

[walk 10 minutes more until player reaches the village]

He looks shocked and stands up instantly, expressing shock and surprise. "What!? How did you know!?!"

[The player's vision can see the village from our current location]


[Due to the player walking 2 hours nonstop, you gain a permanent 1 point of DEX]

"Oh, nice! Looks like that long walk pays off. Well, I have to shut my mouth in complaining from now on." With that, he walks and sees the village, just like the system said. It's not much from afar, but for Dave, it's not a bad place. It has houses, a small farm, and seems very populated. He scratches his head.

"Man, that's not much, but it's better than nothing. Oh, but I don't have anything to sell... how can I earn?"

[Conclusion: Player can ask the villagers and get quests. Note, the reward from the villager and the reward from the system are seperate]

"Oh, nice! That would be good. Gonna get some help around here, oh! And information, I need intel." And with that, he goes forth and looks around the villagers. They all seem nice and harmless. Dave spots a man, clears his throat with a cough, and approaches him. "Hey! Hello, nice to meet you. Listen, I don't really know these parts. Can you help me for a moment?"

But the man looks at him suspiciously. "Hm? Why should I? You look like a bandit."

"Huh?" Dave is puzzled and a bit confused.

[Player's charisma is 1; player is either unattractive, untrustworthy, or even shy and difficult to get close with]

"What!! Oh dang it, completely forgot about that," he says in his thoughts and then clears his throat again. He is a good actor and quite bold in acting skills, so he is confident with it if he can do it again, in this world that is. "Well, good sir, I may not be a good person, but look at me, I have nothing, no money or weapon, and I need at least some directions. If you have anything that you need assistance with, could you please give me some task to do so I can make some little money on the way?"

The man Dave talks to lets out a hum, but eventually, he lets down his suspicion and nods with a serious look. "Alright, I have someone that has a map. You said you could work for money, right? Then come, I can give some work for you to earn for your journey."

Dave clenches his fist and mumbles, "YESSSS!!"

He follows along behind as Dave sees the man leading him to his house. Taking a curious peek, he observes a simple dwelling. The heavy-bearded, slightly muscular man then fetches an axe and hands it to Dave. "Take this, and cut down some wood over there. You see that guy in the small shop stall? He can give you a map. Go talk to him and tell him that Gundy sent you, he'll provide the map you need."

"Oh, thanks! I'll be going then." Dave heads to the stall owner, informing him that Gundy sent him for a free map. The stall owner, a fat man with a merchant's hat, smiles, takes out a map, and hands it to Dave, saying, "Well, if it's him, I can trust it."

Dave raises his brow. "You're friends with him?"

The fat stall owner smiles. "Of course! Looks like you've got torn clothes. Not good. If you need anything, I also sell some light armor. There's also a tailor shop if you need to fix that up."

Dave nods, gives a thumbs up, turns around, and leaves. "Thanks! I'll note that. Oh, if you ever have anything to ask, you can give it to me. I need some little earnings before I go on a journey along the way."

The stall owner gives a thumbs up. "Of course, that would be wonderful!"

Dave smirks, starts walking out of the small village, holds the axe, and chuckles with a slight smile. "Well, that turned out great then what I expected... Oh right, the map." He takes out the map, admiring its detailed artistry, but he struggles to understand it. "Uhh... I don't get it."

(Author: somewhere the southern from Mistral)

[Player is in the village named Rusthall, on the continent Anima, in the Kingdom of Mistal, and one of the 4 Academies of huntsmen and huntresses]

"Oh, neat. But I don't really care about that right now. What I need is money, and speaking of money, where is the task?"

[Quest Accepted]

[Quest: Cut Trees for Gundy]

[Description: Cut the trees in the nearby forest]

[Required amount: log wood 0/50 (exceeding the amount that is given will give a bonus reward)]

[System reward: 100 lien]

Dave sees the quest screen in front of him and smiles. He slides the screen to make it disappear, then grabs the heavy axe. He's glad to have the title Survivalist and its buff. Raising the axe, he looks at the tree. "Timber!!"

To be continued....

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