
Chapter 2 - New Life

In a dark space, everything was empty around her

I guess this is death


Suddenly, a light emerges


The light slightly blinds Shiraha but she soo took notice of a display

'Welcome to Theria'

'Please chose 3 abilities and reincarnate into this new world'

'Any question you ask will be answered but selected information may be restricted'

"Why does this feel like a game?"

'It was made to look game like for easier comprehension'

"Oh it actually works."

Shiraha thinks for a moment and asks

"Are you like a system in those mangas?"

'Yes, more or less'

"Why am I here?"

'Information restricted'

"Where is this place?"

'The void space of Theria'

"What is the void space of Theria?"

'Information restricted'

"Okay, what is Theria?"

'Theria is a world of much similarity to your previous world, Earth'

'Although there are some differences, it's not much different from Earth'

"What's different, TELL ME!!!!"

Shiraha was excited to find out what was different as her expectations soared

Although it may be her imagination, the screen looked like it was sweating

'Theria is basically a fantasy world in your eyes, full of multiple intelligent species including your species, magic that can rewrite the laws of the world, and supernatural powers breaks the laws of the world."

Shiraha became excited at the thought

"What is magic in Theria!?"

'Through careful calculations and methods on how a spell functions, you can enable that phenomenon to happen at the cost of mana, a natural energy that exists in Theria and automatically generated from one's soul'

"And what is supernatural powers?"

Shiraha even though a genius doesn't completely comprehend supernatural as it's called supernatural for a reason

'Supernatural powers are abilities that manifest from the soul completely separated from magic'

'A person could use their supernatural power and magic at the same time, but nothing would happen'

'Supernatural powers can do basically anything depending on the person and evolves through strong emotions, but mostly negative emotions'

'It can range from being able to control fire or teleporting'

"Okay, I think I got the gist of it."

"So what are the abilities I can chose?"

'Abilities range from talent, or supernatural abilities'

'It is noted that when one selects talent, you'll gain more experience with said talent much faster'

'If you select a supernatural ability, you'll have innate control over it'

"So in the long term, talent wins as supernatural abilities require emotional turmoil to grow when just practicing can improve your skills."

"But supernatural powers give you absolute power immediately."


"So what's the list of abilities?"

'It can be anything within your imagination but will be nerfed if entering the level of the gods'

"That's a bummer."

'It truly is'

I feel like this thing is playing with me

"So if I chose the ability to resurrect someone from the dead, it would just be powerful healing?"


"Will I be fighting a lot?"

'100% chance of dangerous encounters of several levels'

'It is recommended to choose abilities that can help you survive'

Well isn't this fun


So for now, I have decided what abilities I should prioritize

Escape, Utility, and Power

"System, give me a list on all powers that can help me escape."

'Searching…. Request accepted'

'Portal, Teleportation, Blink, Invisibility, Time, Speed'

"This is getting more interesting."

"Give me a description on all powers."

'Portal: Create a gate way to another side.

Requirements: Location

Flaw: The larger the portal, the longer it takes to form

Teleportation: instantaneous travel in a 5 kilometer radius

Requirements: Location

Flaw: 30 second cooldown

Blink: Instantaneous short distance travel in a 10 meter radius

Requirements: Location

Flaw: 1 second cooldown

Invisibility: Invisibility can be triggered at will. Affects objects and clothing as well

No Cooldown or Requirements

Time: Ability to control time with certain limits

Requirements: Immense soul energy

Flaw: Choosing this ability can cause the extinguishment of your soul unless you obtain a blessing from "?????"

Bonus: User can select this ability with the other 3 abilities

Speed: Allows user to move at extreme speeds with little air resistance

No requirements

Flaw: Drains a huge amount of stamina'

From my current standpoint, Speed and Portal is of no use

And Teleportation wouldn't be good as if someone had abilities, I'm pretty sure they could catch up before the cooldown ends

Blink could be used in combat or escape so it's the most likely one I would choose

And for Time

"Do I have the blessing for Time?"

'Processing inquiry'




'Blessing granted from "?????" and Time is now usable'

Shiraha was not happy about that

She was sure that this "?????" is responsible for this situation but she didn't argue over this chance

"Put Blink and Time on my ability set while search for the rest."


Shiraha was putting careful thought into this as each ability can save her when needed

Utility and power were in her next agenda

But Utility varies in meaning

There is the ability to manipulate the elements

Make clones of yourself

Things that can enhance your mind or senses so you can see beyond reality itself

But what if you can deceive your opponents senses

If you can deceive your opponent and corner them

You gain control over them

"I have chosen Illusions."

"The ability to create something that's not there yet it's there."

"Yet it's not there by touch, you can smell, see, hear, but never touch."

"Only limited by my imagination and artistic self."

'Processing ability'



'The ability 'Illusion' has been accepted by "?????" and will be added as a selected ability'

And now power

Probably the hardest one

There is an infinite amount of powers that can grant strength

But in some situations, it is rendered useless

The ability to make fire won't work on something that can make a stronger fire

After some trial and error she gave up

"Do I have to select now?"

'You can choose an ability after you reincarnated whenever'

"So um, do I become a baby again when I reincarnate?"

'You'll become a baby and have to be breast fed again'

"HEY!! The least you can do is not make fun of me."

'Oh please, we'll be stuck together so why can't we have a little fun'

"Ugh, start the reincarnation."

'I'll at least make sure that you won't remember the process of your birth'

"Thank you, I don't wanna know how it feels at all."

'Initiating Reincarnation'

And with that every started to turn bright


I hate this moment

Im currently being breast fed by my new mother

I can taste the amount of sweets this lady has because of how sweet her stupid milk is

'You can at least be happy that it's sweet and not bitter'

Oh shut up system

After choosing my abilities, I felt like it gained something

Like an ego

'More like individuality'

Moving on, my new name is Alice Rauthier

And my new mom"s name is Mary Aquila Rauthier

She used to be a priest that worshiped the god of stars Asteria

Mother would heal others who were sick and hurt with her divine power, and guided those who were lost through divination

'Divine power is a gift from the gods, and through the strength of a followers belief is how strong it is. Each god's followers have their unique gift. The god of stars, Asteria, has the gift of divination.'

I really hope this mysterious individual is not Jesus

I reincarnated in a dukedom of the strongest empire explained by this system

The Rauthier family is a household full of snakes that compete with each other for the title of heir

Only the strongest survive and the weak are killed off to maintain their bloodline and capability

'The current head of the family is Samael Cain Rauthier'

'He's also your paternal father, a devil that the Rauthier family revere, and monster that ate his siblings'

'He has black hair and red eyes."

Are you trying to scare me

If that was your intentions, you're doing a bad job as he sounds cool

'He's also named as one of the most handsome men in the empire'

Shut up already

So my current situation is I'm a newborn baby in a home full of snakes

My father is a demon while my mom is a priest

So there child should be something chaotic

This should be somewhat fun