
The Isle Of Three Peaks

The story follows a young man named Nicolas Constantine whose brother had his soul stolen. Investigating supernatural leads have led him to cross paths with an unlikely team and together they seek to find the reason for the disappearances of individuals in the country of Trinidad & Tobago. (My vision is to see this story in a graphic novel or an animation)

Kerron_Masters · Fantasy
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17 Chs

The Grand Order Of The Light

A Brief History Number I...

The St Peter's Basilica Church has been the school to many who have been trained in the arts, to fight all types of evil, whether these individuals are 'spiritually awakened' or not.

Those that are 'spiritually awakened' are trained in an elite Order known as the Grand Order of the Light.

These individuals are tested to determine if they are physical based or magical based, based on the variance of their spiritual energy given off.

Type A who ends up being melee gives off one spiritual aura color while Type B gives off multiple aura's. The latter tends to be magic users who can specialize in either fire, water, holy, exorcism, protection or healing spells.


When access is gained to the Order, every individual whether Type A or Type B are taught spells under the 'Gifts Category!' Even those who are in Type A are thought 'Gift Spells.'

All Spells start off from rank 1, leveled to rank 5 increasing the strength of the spell.

When members of the Type A, who are melee class complete the 'passage of righteousness' they are taught certain spells or skills that are only for those who have now acquired the Divine Class title.

Type B members have to complete 'passage of divination' to also acquire the Divine Class Title. They would be taught other spells.


Father Joe has not completed the 'passage of divination' so he isn't of Class Divine. His spells are in the protection category so he has access to Protection spells and Gifts spells.

They are known as "Lights" & "Gifts" Spells

Light Spells known - Protection, Barrage, Embrace, Aegis, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown

Gift Spells known - Warrior, Magician, Fool, Traveler, King


Spell Information:

Warrior - The true strength of a warrior / swordsman lies in his weapon.

The individual feels a deep inner strength within him increasing his strength and power, much greater than his own.


Gift Of the Magician - A mystic who uses their power to master the elements, with a clear mind.

The individual becomes enveloped in light that increases one's mental alertness, state of mind and health by regeneration to one's body.


Gift Of the Fool - A fool's mind may be empty but his feet is quick.

The individual becomes very light on their feet increasing one's movement as quick as the wind. Able to traverse great distances with little to no effort.


Gift Of the Traveler - A traveler is seen by many as one who goes everywhere and is everywhere.

The individual movements makes it seem as though he has multiple copies of himself moving towards his enemies, all over the battlefield.


Gift Of the King - A king give and receive gifts or presents which are of worth, value and depth.

The individual becomes enveloped in a warm light that increases his density making him 'sort of invulnerable' to all things that could damage his body.


Gifts can be cast as temporary or for a prolong period based on the spiritual energy of the individual. One's spiritual energy can also be increased by intense training.

Everyone is born with Spiritual Energy. Some may naturally have more energy than others. Even though everyone may have this energy not everyone may be able to access it.

When Spiritual Awakening happens, then the individual can access this energy. This may happen naturally, by a near death experience, trauma or may never happen at all in someones life.

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