
Chapter 5

Darkness was all around her, bare and desolate, yet it's chilly caress was cool and familiar. Reyna felt as if she was floating on an expanse of water and the stars seemed nearer than ever but moved away every time she reached for them. Some images pushed themselves to the front of her mind but she couldn't understand what they were and didn't recognize the people in them.

There was a woman, she had black hair and eyes the color of ice. She smiled and reached for Reyna but then faded away. A boy with with shoulder length black hair and ghostly white eyes replaced her, he swiped a blade at her but faded before it made contact. Another woman appeared with eyes that resembled warm obsidian. The woman was crying and as she walked towards her, Reyna drowned back into the darkness that held her.

The stars were back but she didn't have the strength to reach out to them. One of them began to glow brighter than the rest, tendrils streamed from it and began to dance in the sky. The tendrils became thicker and swirled towards her, the entire sky was lit by them and she couldn't bare to look at it. It was only after the light dimmed and receded that she opened her eyes. Nothing had changed, she was still floating in the familiar darkness. The warmth of it made her drowsy.

Warmth? That was not possible. Her darkness had ceased to be warm ages ago. It had been corrupted by a bitter coldness that threatened to freeze the world over. It was then that she felt another presence floating nearby, she couldn't call out and not once did her eyes leave the sky.

"Reyna wake up, you need to wake up."

Where had she heard that voice before? Without warning the stars above her began to fall and Reyna held her hand up to shield herself from the impact. Her vision was filled with light before a blurry face appeared. For a second, she thought it was the master but then her vision cleared enough for her to make out feminine features.

"Get me a basin of cold water, a towel and an ice pack." Reyna couldn't see who the woman was talking to but she heard what sounded like a door closing. Where was she exactly?

It wasn't the Magi camp, that she was sure of but then it still didn't mean she was safe. There were things in the world that made a group of ruthless assassins seem harmless, she never forgot that.

"Don't try to get up, you are still weak."

The woman's voice was gentle yet firm and her hand was soft as she touched Reyna's forehead.

"You are a bit warm but not enough for a fever. Drink a little of this for your throat."

Reyna's vision cleared as she was propped up by the same small hands. Her body felt foreign and oddly energized. She couldn't explain the feeling in words but it was as if her powers had been stretched out and bloated. Even though it was taking her body a while to catch up Reyna knew she was in perfect shape. The room she was in was a show of extravagance Reyna had never seen before.

The entire floor was lined with a plush white carpet that blended in with the antique furniture that was in the room. The queen sized bed she was in was comfortable as were the pillows at her back. The woman attending to her matched perfectly with all the splendor in the room. Her features were delicate and refined. Her long hair gave off a bluish hue in the light that streamed in from the window. Her eyes made Reyna think of ice, fragile and glass like. Her posture was elegant and her movements were as graceful as a dancer's. She placed a straw on Reyna's lips and urged her to drink.

"I sent for a few things to cool you down but it seems you are just fine as it is. Take your rest, I'll have food sent up in case you are hungry." she said as she wiped whatever liquid had spilled to Reyna's chin.

"How did you find me?" Reyna still felt awkward using words but if she wanted answers from this woman she knew talking was necessary, she would just have to keep it to the bare minimum.

"Well my dear I believe what you mean to say is thank you, let's not forget our etiquette." With that, the woman went about the room ignoring Reyna.

Was that how normal people behaved? she had been taught to be emotionless and immune to what happened around her. That left her at odds when it came to mannerisms.

For every new recruit in the Magi, four years were termed as rewiring. The brain was taught how to tune out all thoughts and how to focus on just orders. Pain was a language the body understood more than any other and after four years of nothing but brutal pain, complete desensitization was achieved. Only those with the strong wills survived and proceeded to physical training while those who didn't were left for dead. Reyna's rewiring was different and the worst of all. She shut down the images of those years and brought her mind back to the present.

"Thank you." She choked out the words and felt her body tense instantly.

"That wasn't so hard was it. As for your question, we didn't find you my dear. Actually it was you who found us."

As the woman came back and sat on the edge of the bed, Reyna let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She finally got a good look at her face. Her eyes seemed familiar but she couldn't remember where she had seen them.

"My name is Serena and though we've met in this circumstances, I would like you to know that you are safe. I am sure I will get to know you soon enough. Just rest for now, we will talk later."

Serena's focus returned to the tablet in her hands, her fingers typing delicately on the screen. Just as Reyna opened her mouth to speak, a knock on the door cut her off and a man in a suit entered and bowed to Serena.

"My lady, I have come to inform you that lord Miran is awake, just as you requested." The man said in a cultured tone.

To all my Novice Guardians, thank you for your support, love you all❤️

d_nmalorycreators' thoughts