
2: The Academy of Mages and Knight in De Gracia Academy (Temple)

"... Do I really need to wear such a tight clothes?" Balor complains about the uniform he got from the Temple yesterday because of the tightness he felt wearing uniform. Tomorrow gonna be the Entrance exam for the nobles and scholar to attend the Temple.

The "Temple" is the source and cause of the rapid rise in reputation for the De Gracia Kingdom. Despite its name, the Temple is not a religious site but an academy built near the kingdom's castle. This prestigious academy is the pride of the De Gracia Kingdom. Those who graduate from this academy are renowned for their resilience and strength, like the pillars that support the Temple. While some students may start off vulnerable, they become stronger through rigorous training.

Only 30% of the academy's entrants are accepted into the elite Royal Class A and B. These classes are reserved for the most exceptional children, who are nurtured and trained to reach the peak of their potential. The graduates of these elite classes make the greatest contributions to the kingdom, solidifying its power and prestige.

"Balor, I'm going to remind you again, the prince and princess are going to be in the same grade as you. Avoid those two at all costs. Never cross paths with them, or you'll be dragged into their mess," Arthur warned Balor, his tone dead serious. Arthur didn't want Balor to be caught in the storm between the two siblings. The reason why Arthur wanted Balor to sent to Academy was to experience what "life is," not to get entangled in their dangerous rivalry of the Royals.

As the long History of the De Gracia Kingdom. There are many things that can be normalize like, a Women has a political power other than that they got also a same power as the men. With this the women didn't go through a discrimination against men, the one who make this was the Second Ruler of the De Gracia Kingdom long time ago, this is order to protect women and Children from discrimination. Also this is the Reason why Elizabeth was Fighting off his Brother, Kiera for the throne.

Kiera De Gracia and Elizabeth De Gracia, the blood-related siblings, were locked in a fierce struggle for the throne. Their rivalry extended beyond the throne; they competed in every aspect, each trying to prove they were the rightful heir to the De Gracia kingdom.

Now, at the Temple where they would be enrolled, their competition would intensify. They would seek to increase their followers and prove their leadership skills until they graduated from the Academy. Balor knew that getting involved with them would mean getting caught in the crossfire of their relentless power struggle. Arthur's repeated warnings had drilled into Balor the importance of avoiding them and the potential dangers of crossing paths with the royal siblings.

Before long, the day of the entrance exam arrived in a blink of an eye. Balor, walked up the stairs, nearing the entrance of the grand reception office. The building was much larger than he had anticipated, resembling a noble's mansion.

A carriage stopped nearby, and a beautiful girl stepped out. She had golden yellow hair and blue pale oceanic eyes, her bored yet calm demeanor exuding an air of coldness and unapproachability. Balor instantly recognized her as Princess Elizabeth. Remembering Arthur's warning, he decided to ignore her and focus on the entrance exam.

Despite the strong presence she emanated, Balor kept his thoughts on the task ahead and entered the reception office, determined to follow Arthur's advice and avoid any entanglement with the royal siblings.

The entrance exam to the prestigious Temple Academy was notoriously difficult, with only half of the examiners managing to secure their spot in the prestigious institution. The examination was divided into three sections: Physical, Magic, and Mental.

The Physical exam demanded the examinees' to demonstrate their resilience by showcasing their speed, endurance, stamina, and strength.

For the Magic exam, the examinees were required to master not one but two spells: an attack spell and a defensive spell. It was a test of their knowledge and skill in the mystic arts.

The final and most formidable section of the examination was the Mental Test. This trial plunged the examinees into a profound illusion, confronting them with their deepest and most paralyzing fears. It was a rigorous assessment of their mental fortitude, resilience, and ability to confront and conquer their inner demons. Additionally, it tested their capacity to resist external manipulations, ensuring they could withstand control from malevolent entities.

"Registration, Complete. Please Standby for the Entrance exam." The beautiful black hair lady receptionist smile at Balor as she give the entrance exam ticket to Balor.

"Thank you." Balor replied and he sat down at the nearest waiting bench that reserve for the examinees to use if they are waiting for the examination.

After a few minutes of sitting there nothing to do, the receptionist called for the examiners. With that gesture of call, everyone including Balor who was going to take an entrance exam stand up and they walk straight to follow the receptionist.

Some of Balor fellow examinees are commoner they are wearing a white t-shirt, so that they are more likely representable even in a casual clothes. Balor who was wearing a black longsleeve shirt and a regular heavy duty boots that Arthur brought for him. Even though Balor seems more representable than other commoner, he doesn't have a friend to talk with like the other examinees who seems talking about the entrance exam.

As Arthur said to Balor while they are walking closer to the Reception office not using a carriage even though they have, Arthur much more prefer to walk than riding a carriage to exercise his body as same goes to Balor.

"Balor, You might witness some of your fellow have a friends to talk with, but always remember what I said-"

"Make a friends that will stand by your side. Right?" Balor continue what Arthur gonna say.

"But also remember, there are people who doesn't deserve a friend." Arthur seriously tone as he switched from his Warm and smile old man into an serious peirce wolf.


Balor stood in front of a lush forest, gazing at the instructor, Zylas Marionette. With bright yellow hair, piercing green eyes, and a handsome smile, Zylas exuded an air of approachability and confidence.

Zylas, known for his exceptional achievements as a student at the Temple, was tasked with overseeing the examinees' examinations. As a mage, he not only possessed formidable mystical abilities but also excelled in physical strength and speed, essential attributes for maintaining his mental and physical well-being.

"I, Zylas Marionette, will be overseeing and explaining the examination to all examinees. It's nice to meet you all." Zylas smiled warmly as he introduced himself to the group.

As the examinees stood there in awe, taking in Zylas' presence, he gave them some advice.

"I'm gonna give you the examinations. The exam has been changed to be tougher. Why? It's simple - to gauge your true potential. If you pass the standards, you'll be accepted into the Temple. Got it?" Zylas smiled wickedly, like a villainous character from a children's book.

As Zylas walked closer to the examinees, he veered towards the group of commoners where Balor was standing. Next, he continued walking towards the right, approaching Princess Elizabeth, who was wearing fitted but comfortable workout attire of a white long-sleeved top and ponytail-tied hair, matched with tight-fitting pants. Balor discreetly observed the princess, noting that she had dressed appropriately for the physical portion of the examination.

"Initially, the exam was split into three categories, but due to recent changes, the format has changed. Now, the examinees will be required to race to the highest mountain peak. The number of examinees is significantly higher than expected, so I've been tasked with reducing the count. With a total of 100 examinees. Only 20% will pass, leaving 80% to try again next year." Zylas explained the new examination procedure, his tone serious despite his smiling expression.

Zylas pointed at the mountain, obscured by dark clouds.

"There it is - the mountain you'll be climbing. Feel free to use any magic, physical reinforcements, or even take down your competitors if you wish. Bear in mind, though, that only 20 examinees will make it through." His tone was firm as he reiterated the rules to the examinees.

The examinees were visibly uneasy at the harsh conditions needed to pass the test. There was a sense of nervousness in the air as they eyed each other warily, as if every competitor was a potential predator. Balor couldn't help but reflect on his own difficult journey.

"Alright, you have 30 minutes to rest and prepare before the exam begins," Zylas informed them. "Remember, the climb up the mountain could take anywhere from 3 to 5 days." Balor glanced at the mountain, calculating the distance and the challenges posed by the forest topography.

With this tasked exam to Balor and other examinees along with the Princess Elizabeth. They are all doubting their skills to survive because they weren't used in forest, but for Balor who came from the Hellish place.

"This is Nothing I suppose." He murmured and smile while packing some foods and necessary stuffs to be able long last for 3-5 days in the forest.

To be continued.