
The Irregular Grimm at Magic Highschool

A boy who lost his lost precious memories fell into a new world, or a fusion a new world. With no idea of his previous life, he has no choice but to embrace this new life in a familiar yet unfamiliar world where beasts walk among humans and magic becomes the evolutions of science. He who walks both these worlds will be an irregular for both worlds. -------------------- So this a fusion of the series, Grimm, and the anime, Irregular at magic high school. The power of the protagonist is based on Naruto cause I am a Naruto fan As for the readers who read my other stories, I humbly apologize for starting a new one before finishing the last ones. It's just that, ever since I got the idea for this one, I couldn't help but think about it, and before I realized, I was planning the storyline. And for people who don't know about Grimm series, I tried my best to keep you guys inside the loop within the story. So you can understand what I am talking about And you don't necessarily have to watch Grimm (though I recommend that series) Disclaimer: I have no rights on Irregular at magic high school or The Grimm series

ITS_ASH · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Enrollment Arc 14

Next day, early morning, I got up for my training.

My stay at the temple felt more relaxing than at home. Was it because I was always on edge at home alone?

Tatsuya and Miyuki came in the morning.

Me and Tatsuya had a sparring session. In terms of pure hand to hand combat, Tatsuya had the advantage over me.

Even if I could read his moves, they were just too tricky to deal with. He always used my own predicting ability against me and by the time I could react, I was already on the ground.

But that was a whole different story if magic was involved. With kamui active, I was able to beat him too.

After they left, I went back the Temple to clean up. I constantly checked on Shiori-san but she wasn't waking up.

I sighed.

I had already informed Rodrick. He said he will arrange a safe place for her tomorrow. She will be moved to Kyoto.

With nothing better to do, I decided to work on my sensory skill.

I sat on the floor and started to meditate.

My senses extending everywhere around me. I am instant, I could sense everyone around the temple. With more focus, I extending the range outside of the temple. Although vague, I could extend my senses to about 1000m. It was too vague to distinguish individual presence though

Next I focused the range back inside the Temple. Then repeated the process again and again pike exercise.

I don't know how many hours went by, but I when I stopped, I was soaking wet from sweat and my psyche was drained.

I fell flat on the floor, exhausted and soon passed out.






Hearing the yelling, I jumped in panic. Next think I knew, I was standing upside from the ceiling.

"Do you really have to yell in my ear, Shiba-san?", I asked, recognizing the source. I had a smile on my face to mask the sheer annoyance I was feeling, for disturbing my sleep, and in the MOST annoying way possible.

"Then maybe you should try NOT to sleep in the middle of the dojo, uchiha-kun", she said with a smile, which I certainly knew, was not an honest one.

"Why are you here?", I asked as I hopped down. I looked outside and saw that the sun was already setting.

Did she come here right after school?

"Why isn't Tatsuya coming?", I asked

"Why would you easily assume Onii-sama would follow me everywhere I go?"

"Do I have to state the obvious?"

"...", Shiba Miyuki stood there silently. Her fake smile was faltering a bit, but she was trying her best to keep it.

"Looks like you don't have anything to explain about yourself. Well then, I will be leaving", she said, with an even more elegant smile, and then bowed.

As I saw her leave, mind was still stuck what she said.


About what?

Didn't I already tell them everything?

What is she- OH SH*T!!!

I ran out of the dojo remembering what she was talking about.

As I reached the stairs outside the entrance, my eyes scanned for her.

Down the stairs, I saw Shiba-san wearing her skates. If she leaves now and tell Tatsuya what happened 'that Day' without hearing the proper explanation, I would be erased from the face of the earth, literally!

Seeing her skate away using acceleration magic, I grabbed my skateboard and jumped down from the very top of the stairs, skipping few steps in the process.

As I reached down instantly, I took off on the skateboard, insider to catch up-to her.

Shiba-san was skating skillfully through the side if the track. Actually, she wasn't even skating. She just stood and the wheels carried her. Her body was steady with no need for her to change her posture to balance herself. Her speed and magic was steady.

Speeding up, I soon caught up to her.

"Wait!", I yelled and reached her smile. "I can explain!"

Shiba-san glanced at me. She didn't look much surprised to see me. She was even smiling genuinely. It was smile that looked like a declaration that she won.

"And why should I listen to you?", she asked, with her same smile.

She was enjoying this.

"Because I am nice guy?"

"A nice guy who took advantage of me?"

"Hey, it was YOU who took advantage of ME!", I said in my defense. "I was the one who saved you"

"How did you even know I was in trouble?", Shiba-san asked, her face was red from embarrassment.

"Because I have a pair of eyes, if you haven't noticed. Pretty good one at that", I retorted

"You're making me rethink I decision to come see you", Shiba-san said, her face finally losing her smile and replaces by annoyance.

"Is that a threat?"

"If that makes you feel threatened, then yes", Shiba-san replied.

As a matter of fact, I do feel threatened.

"I saw you walking along with Genma senpai", I said.

"You found that weird?", she asked confused.

"He had his arms around your waist. And you won't let any man touch you unless it's your beloved Onii-sama"

"He had his arms.. ", Shiba-san muttered, releasing her Magic Power.



I chopped her head, causing her to scream, "Close the freezer door"

Holding head, she glared at me, as if she would kill me any second.

"I don't think that's the face the princess of the Fourth should be making", I teased.

Hearing this, her face turned sour and asked, "how did you find out?"

"I already found out you guys are the children of Yotsuba Miya. So next isn't hard to guess, considering Shiba Maya doesn't have children", I said.

"And you don't think it could be Onii-sama who could be the next head?"

"Shiba-san, why do you ask questions when you know you don't like its answer?", I answer her question with another question.

With this, she was silent for a few seconds.

"And what did Gemna senpai do to me?", she spoke again. She didn't seem to want to continue that topic.

"Not sure. When I arrived, you were in a state of daze. So either he used some mental interference magic or a some drug", I said, as if this was the conclusion I reached after analysing the situation.

Shiba-san stayed silent again, processing what I said. I sped up and stood right in front of her. I adjusted myself to face her while standing steady. I didn't need to see the front since I can sense my surroundings pretty well.

"...Are you showing off?", Shiba-san asked with a deadpan look.

"Maybe", I said with a grin

Shiba-san didn't bother replying.

"Is there anything you want me to clarify on? I mean, by now, you know I didn't take advantage of you"

"Just one last question", she said.


"What's a Grimm?"

"What's a what?", did she hear Genma call me that?

"A Grimm. That's what Genma senpai called You right?", Shiba-san asked, tilting her head.

Well that answers my question.

"Did he? I think you probably misheard", I covered up. "Your brain had a few screws loose remember?", I said while pointing my index finger at my temple and twisting it to make a screwing action.

Hearing this, shiba-san pouted and sped up, trying to slam into me. Not a good idea for an attack.

I simply phased past her, completely unharmed. Shiba-san turned around to face me, with a surprised face.

"You should try something else next time", I laughed, and put out my tongue at her, to tease her.

"Wait!", Shiba-san yelled at me, "I will kill for that!"

"That's not so lady-like Shiba-san", I said, while constantly phasing through her.

We continued this cat and mouse chase till we finally reached our destination.

Shiba-san had a pout on her face, while I was laughing hard.

"That's not funny"

"It was for me", I said, laughing.

Shiba-san sighed, and gave up. She walked towards her house's gate and opened it.

"Are you coming in?", Shiba-san asked, turning to face me.

"Ooh, Shiba-san, you shouldn't invite a guy you just met a few days ago to your house like that. That's so unladylike", I said acting embarrassed.

"You know, Tobi, I am reconsidering what I would tell Onii-sama", she said, I while turning away from me. The temperature around us was seriously dropping.

Is she being serious? No right? She's call my nickname. Wait, she never calls my nickname. IS SHE ACTUALLY SERIOUS?!

"Um, Miyuki-san", I said calling her first name, while taking a few steps back, "you shouldn't lie"

"Good night Tobi", she said and ran away into her house.

I could have sworn o heard a chuckle.. Is she messing with me?