
The Invisible Things

After joining the mathematical contest Czarina meets someone from the past and present. After winning second place Czarina attracts different people from the past. Secrets will reveal as the chapters continues— Czarina Indigo Stallin: Czarina's a clumsy teen who loves to watch anime. She has a salty persona and intelligence, but she only uses it if it's absolutely necessary. She was never uses effort on anything unless she wants to.She's not a damsel in distress, she chooses to defend herself and stand alone. Kaizer "Linus" Stellan: Kaizer's the smartass calm person, he's popular with the girls and boys but chooses to ignore the fame and mostly run away from the places that he feels is being watched. He likes to read books and write poems, and is the responsible one in the family. ''Foster" Lucifer Ramos: He originally had a cold aloof persona, caused by complicated family issues. Focused and unemotional, he chooses to preserve himself from other people and ran away in a young age. He hides a lot and is barely known alive. These three will cross paths in the future revealing eachother's secrets. :CHECK OUT THE BOOK COVER ON INSTAGRAM -> PHANTOM_21

IamDANNYmosh15 · Teen
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14 Chs


LAY: Hey Czarina, look man it's okay. I know he's stubborn but try to understand.

He pats my back after he stood up to help Andy and Zayn with cooking the food and making drinks. I was still not talking to Stellan after what he did, c'mon what he did earlier is ridiculous and stupid and UGGHHHHHHH boys!!!! The three was taking too long to come back after Zayn burns the garlic that was on the pan that she left, it was on fire by the way. I tried to take a peek of what Stellan is doing and when I did I caught him looking back, we both looked away embarrassed. I turned

again out of curiousity when I heard him chuckled.

STELLAN: Look if your mad about-- we planned it for Zayn to make her laugh. Andy told me that she's still bummed out about it so we decided to... I know it's stupid

but I just-- i'm sorry.

His cheeks were turning pink as he tried to say sorry but he did and I... I just wish I know how to say sorry without saying sorry, you know? I mean I know i'm supposed to say sorry but most of it was his fault but he did managed to cheer Zayn up BUT STILL! What if Lay didn't fell on top of the garbage truck? What if he was sitting at the wrong spot? What if-- basta what if.

STELLAN: Oh and we asked the driver to park there so he would land on something.

CZARINA: That was the most stupidest plan to cheer someone up!

STELLAN: We didn't force Lay to do it he was the one who thought of it.

CZARINA: And you agreed, which means you're also stupid. Ridiculousyly f*ck*ng stupid!

He sighed, I could sense that the three heard me and now I look like the dramatic one. I felt really tired after walking a long way, I seriously don't get why we have to go to the longest root to Andy's house. I stood up and walked around the living room and to the hallway at the right, I forgot that Andy lives on his own now.

He moved out after his mom died, he never was close to his dad and secretly hates him for cheating on his mom twice. His sister died a year after her mom passed. There was a lot of photos hanging at the hallway, it was all pics of his mom and sister. I stopped halfway right before his bedroom, there was a wooden covers and on top of it was a picture of him holding a baseball bat

with two boys.

Lay looks like the one wearing a hat and-- If we're being real here I never believed what Lay was telling us earlier. Andy had never mentioned either one of them.

STELLAN: God I look so fat.

My eyes widen when I heard Stellan behind me. HE WAS THE FAT KID?! BISH HE LOOKS NOTHING LIKE THE FAT ONE ON THE PHOTOOO!! He laughed at the face I was making after

hearing that. It was a poker face with I DON'T BELIEVE YOU written on it. He placed his hand on his hair and brushed it with his fingers, he smiled and posed a piece sign while smiling.

He was trying to copy the fat kid's pose on the picture, I shook my head. I'm still not buying it, I was trying hard not to laugh at him. He looks soooo absurd. He stops and stares at me,it was kinda long that it made me think if there's dirt on my face. He puts his hand on my head, he stares at me in the eyes and leaned close.

STELLAN: You're nothing like Indi.

LAY: Yo guys the pancit canton is coo--

Lay stops and went back inside the living room. Stellan pats my head before he went back, for a moment there his gesture... the way he pats my head felt so familiar to me. No one has ever done that to me, it felt kinda nice. I was about to walk back but before I did I noticed a girl with a red balloon sittiing at the tree behind them at the picture, it gave me chills. It reminds me of the movie IT.

I went back and when I got there they were laughing, making jokes and talking as if not one of them got thrown off the building, I guess this is what happens when you put a fujoshi girl and three ridiculously smart morons together. While we were eating we were trying to figure out what excuse we'll make after we get called to the office cause of what happened earlier. For sure there was atleast one person that saw what happened.

ZAYN: So... which stupid idiot thought i'd find that funny?

Stellan and Andy points at Lay, Lay raised his hand with pride. Zayn stood up with her glass of tang and splashed it on his face.

ANDY: Go take a shower man, you f*ck*ng stink.

Lay sighed and left.

ZAYN: Now what, if someone snitches and saw us they'll for sure kick us out.

Lay came back with only a towel covering his half part. Stellan threw a pillow at him, Andy stood up and kicked him in the ass.

LAY: Wait waiit wait did you guys told him about the girl that was sent to the offi--


Before we can topic something else Stellan looks at us and asked who's she and got curious to the point that he wouldn't shut up about it. We got annoyed and ends up telling him the whole story and how ridiculous it is that the students kept making twists and odd rumours that has no connect in the real story. The truth is Ashley Rozales was actaully last seen in the oak tree next to the rail street five blocks away from the school.

We did some digging at the internet and local news

papers. It wasn't that a huge story to tell but there are some theories that the school had something to do with it. Zayn looks at the papers we wrote on, she paused from reading the article and gave out a huge sigh.

STELLAN: Why'd you stop?

ZAYN: Can we just go home? We could just explain what really happened and like tell them Lay has a brain problem. Orrrr we could just stop this crazy investigation, why are we even doing this investigation kenemerot? Shouldn't we just focus on apologizing for what stupid sh*t Lay did?

LAY: Uh... She has a point


We all paused from whatever the heck we're doing. All of us quietly stood up from the floor and took our bags then went out. Zayn and Lay went the other way, since Andy's house is near our

village I decided to walk. As I was walking I noticed Stellan was behind me the whole time, i'm kinda getting that creepy vibe from him. I was thinking, maybe I should have said yes to Andy's offer to walk me home.

I was trying not to turn around, I just kept on walking while looking at his shadow behind mine. As we were passing the entrance of the village I suddenly remembered

that he told me I was nothing like Indi. Who the heck is Indi and why did he think tha-- STOP STOP STOPPPPP!!