
The Invincible Corruption Manual

Synopsis: A strange dark entity approaches the milky way galaxy. A new era was about to begin and it would choose the fateful one. Joey always thought that he was unlucky and hopeless. From an early age, he was brought up by the church and ended up adopted by a couple. From then on, his life became not so easy. Poor in studies, abused by his parents. One day after school, he was hit by a car after saving an old man. "Am I going to die like this? " He thought. Then the old man suddenly hit his forehead with a strange stone. ------------------------------------------------------ # OP Mc # Lots of new unlimited action packs. You will enjoy them. # Harems, you will love it. But, my main theme is action and comedy. # It is a Xianxia novel. ------------------------------------- #Corruption in the title, corruption: what is it? is it a good thing or a bad thing? No, we all are looking in the wrong way. Corruption is everything. Everything, we see, touch, smell, and feels, is corrupt. It is neither a good nor bad thing after all. It is just our limited point of view that we see the Corruption Dao as a bad thing. hmm, life is also another law of corruption Dao after all. But, it was like two faces of the same coin, one path is the way of righteousness and the other the evil path..... Let's see which path the MC will choose in the later part. If you want to know more please feel free to comment to me. --------------------------------------------- Joined me here https://discord.gg/Nn4P9R46 #The novel cover is not really mine. Please contact me if the owner wants to talk about this issue.@here

The_handsome_fatty · Eastern
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378 Chs

CHAPTER 36 : The legendary Soul devouring dragon

Inside a large hall, Joey appeared out of thin air and stood at the center of the hall. First, he observed the hall carefully. It was a large hall. All the walls were decorated with the drawing of different dragons with various colors. He could see nine platforms connected with stairs at the far end of the hall. At the entrance of the platform, a signboard was also there,' Tombs of famous dragons' with dragon's scriptures. Also, many sculptures of dragons made with marble were all around the hall.

Tang Mie lien also appeared beside him. She also observed the hall.

" Xiao di, what is this place? You seem to know this place." She asked.

" Zi Zi, this is the tomb for dragons," Joey replied while he continued observing the hall.

" Dragon's tombs, really! Why don't we start searching for the treasures here? Are we waiting for them?" Mie lien was shocked. Then, she enquired a series of questions to him.

"Zi Zi, other than us no one is coming inside this place," He replied.

"Why? They have all seen how we entered here." She asked again confusingly.

" Because we are the only ones with dragon bloodline in our veins," replied Joey firmly.

" Xiao di, we are human?"

"Zi Zi, let me tell you honestly. We are actually the hybrid of a dragon and a human. It's the truth. You need to accept this fact sooner or later. " He corrected her.

" Xiao di, but mom and father were both humans. How are we ..? Are we adopted?" She became more confused.

" Hey, stop there. Our mother is a true dragon. I don't know what happened to her, but she really is," Joey assured her.

She still has doubts in her mind. But, she thought to ask him about the details later.

" Sister Ai, I am already inside the tomb. What shall I do now?" He asked telepathically to Long Ai.

" I know. I am also searching for members of my clansmen here. Alright alright, you are a dragon too. You need to trust your instinct, focus your mind on the aura of your heartbeat and slowly search for the source of the thing that boiled your blood. But, be careful this place is filled with strange arrays that I can't even figure out." Long Ai instructed and warned him in his mind.

Joey turned to his sister and instructed her to follow behind him closely. Then, he closed both his eyes and started focussing his mind on his beating heart. He then felt the aura that made his blood react and started moving in that direction. Mie lien trusted her brother totally even though she had some doubts about some things, so she followed behind him without making a sound.

Afterward, they reached the entrance of the platform without any mishap. Joey still closed both his eyes and entered the 1st platform. When they entered this platform, the space here became twice the size of the hall. Joey was still in another state, but Mie lien clearly saw how this platform became bigger when they entered inside. She thought that this had something to do with space law here. She also sees thousands of tombs inside this platform. She still closely followed behind him.

Joey still kept going up the stairs and also passed through the 2nd platform. Like that he passed through all the nine platforms, but he still continued his step. And at last, he stopped after entering a room. Inside this room, there is only one tomb inside. As they went up from one platform to another, she could see that the numbers of tombs inside each platform were decreasing. At that time, Joey opened his eyes. Mie lien was also stood beside him. They waited. Suddenly, the room's door closed automatically.

He then approached the tomb, made a small cut on his palm, and poured the blood into the tomb.

Suddenly, a quake shocked the room. Then, an old man appeared before them.

"Hahaha, how much time have I been sleeping for? Oh, I have a successor, no it's two. " The old man laughed loudly and said to himself then he looked curiously at both the siblings.

Seeing the old man appear abruptly before them, both of them become alert.

" Tch, both of them are only halflings. Anyway, something is better than nothing. Hey, two kids relax, I am just an old man. As you two are lucky to come here. I will give you all the things left by my original. Which one of you wake this old man?" The old man asked.

" Senior, my little brother, wake you up." Tang Mie lien replied politely.

" Boy, come here. Let me check your dragon root first." The old man waved his hand to come near him. Joey walked toward him.

"Don't try to resist. I'll not harm you." The old man further explained.

Joey nodded and stood before the old man. Then, the old man chanted a mantra in a strange tone producing a green color aura from his mouth. The green aura is then moved inside Joey's body. Afterward, the green aura moved toward his heart and stayed before the dragon root inside his heart.

Inside Joey's heart, the green aura started to observe his dragon's root. But, when it felt the presence of the aura, it roared and disrupted the mantra that the old man was chanting now.

" What the hell! So strong. Then, let's try that technique." Then, he started chanting another strongest mantra in his arsenal.

This time too, the dragon's root roared and stopped his mantra.

"Good good! A legendary level dragon's root. Good then let us observe the other root in his heart." The old man then used the green aura in Joey's heart to scan the human-shaped root. He only saw the backside of the human's root. The human-shaped root turned his head once, glared at the green aura, and turned back again. The consciousness of the old man inside the green aura was completely removed from just a look from the human-shaped root. What the old man could feel just before he completely lost his connection was that the green aura was later devoured inside the mouth of the dragon root.

" This kid! Even though he is just a halfling, his both roots are abnormal. Oh, I remember something, his dragon root seems to be the remnant of the so-called legendary 'Soul devouring dragon'." The old man murmured and sighed heavily.

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