
The Introvert's vengeance

caution: R-18 substance) *NO MAJOR Misconception* *Solid FEMALE LEAD "Consider it, you do not have anything to lose after you marry me. I'm appealing, awesome in bed. I can cook, handle errands and in specific I'm committed." Yan Mei brought down her head and her eyes were some way or another void. "You're a not too bad person, you justify a not too bad life partner, not Satan restore." Yan Mei said as she smiled. Lei Zhao mumbled and raised her jawline so she can investigate his eyes. "Okay, I'm not joking. I have to be marry you with the objective that I can ruin you. I got to see you smile like that day at the club, I realize you do not review me however since I saw you that day, I ensure myself to fulfill this woman. I got to protect you and defend you from the storm. Moreover, I would or maybe not see that irritation in your eyes. Permit me to fulfill you Alright?" Yan Mei's heart suddenly avoided a pound, no one at any point said that he will over-indulge her and defend her not to specify protect her from the deluge. She has been hurt and all she needs is to develop her control with the objective that she can major ranges of quality for be revenge be that as it may directly some person said he will defend her. In spite of the reality that she realized it was imposter, she had a inspiration to assent to this suggestion. She chuckled at herself when she caught on she was considering almost his suggestion. Men will allure you with words and by the day's conclusion, drop you into the pit of wretchedness. Yan Mei realized this the foremost troublesome way conceivable, no she won't confront this challenge once more. ** Lei Zhao took a gander at the youthful woman who was crying and his heart harmed. His principal reason for being in this relationship is to fulfill her in any case by and by he has failed. He felt like some person has dropped a major stone on his heart, he was incapable to unwind. He steadily walked towards Yan Mei and maneuvered her into his arms. "Meimei, If you don't mind acknowledge my statements of regret," he communicated gently as in spite of the fact that he was on edge almost the plausibility that that the basic sound of his voice will alert her. Seeing that the woman in his arms was hyperventilating from crying Lei Zhao got startled. He raised her head and caught her lips. he continuously kissed her as in spite of the fact that he required to etch her want for his soul. Yan Mei expanded her eyes when she caught on that Lei Zhao was kissing her. She lifted her hand and endeavored to drive him absent in any case Lei Zhao held her hand and created the kiss. Yan Mei who was contradicting out of no place turned out to be sensitive and stopped fighting. Lei Zhao was misplaced in excitement, basically a single bit of this woman causes him to let totally go. he taken after the kiss to her neck as he sucked to some degree. Yan Mei moaned inenchant, "mmhmm...." Lei Zhao groaned when he listened her. He scooped her into his arms and walked towards the room. ***** Yan Mei has reliably acknowledged that reverence may be a trap within the wake of getting harmed by the individual she cherished the foremost. From that point forward her heart has changed into ice. She trusts that as long as she doesn't drop head over heels she will not get harmed within the future. Lei Zhao is the Chief of Interstellar corps the most arrive organization in the nation. He misplaced his kin in a disaster and his way better half cleared out him that exceptionally day. From that point forward he became apathetic with respect to everything around him.

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48 Chs

Are you still alive?

The following days passed by quickly. Without a follow of Lei Zhao, Yan Mei truly needed to feel that a chunk of her is missing. She has ended up usual to having him around that she was starting to miss him. She mumbled as he slanted in her situate and picked her phone.

Opening up the illuminating application she composed a quick message.

Yan Mei: Would you say you're as however lively?

Her finger tapped rapidly on the work region as she sat tight for his reply. Since he cleared out he has never messaged her and she was beginning to induce pushed. Deplorably, she stood by 30 minutes however the reply didn't come clearing out Yan Mei weakened.

She looked at the records on her table and groaned.

"Here is your coffee chief". Su Bei said as she set the plate on Yan Mei's work range.

Yan Mei gave her signal as she looked blankly at the heap of authoritative work piled specifically before her.

"Are you Alright?" Su Bei inquired worriedly as she took a gander at her companion who has been working steady since recently.

Yan Mei figured working would offer assistance her take her see any issues off Lei Zhao in any case she fair couldn't come up short to keep in mind his loathsome scoffs and his dishonorable comments. She realized he was changing her and progressing her. In spite of the truth that she endeavors to be unconcerned she can't conceal the way that her chilled heart was starting to melt. The misplaced woman who was left by her way better half was at long final following down herself.

"In fact, I'm fine." Yan Mei said with a fragile smile.

Su Bei raised her sanctuaries when she listened her. "Is it secure to say that you simply are disliking of your noteworthy other?"

Yan Mei snacked her lips and looked toward Su Bei. "No, it basically that he cleared out recently be that as it may he has never called me to let me know in the event that he has come to safely or not."

Su Bei grinned when she listened her companion. "So you miss him or you're focused over him?"

"I do not have the foggiest thought!" Yan Mei yelled in unsettling influence. She doesn't really have the foggiest thought why she is feeling irritable.

"Maybe you have got started inclining toward him and you're on edge almost the plausibility that that he won't return. You're uncertain he has left you right?" Su Bei collapsed her hands as she looked at her.

"Maybe." Yan Mei mumbled.

She was genuinely uncertain that he has forsaken her exceptionally much like everyone did. She realized she was being unsteady. Maybe Lei Zhao was uncommonly possessed or he had misplaced his phone. Yan Mei endeavored to convince herself as she took a full breath.

"Attempt not to think an intemperate sum of Yan Mei, when did he say he will be back?"


"So for what reason would you say you're centering on yourself? Maybe he has to deliver you space to get it this whole marriage course of action or he is possessed. Stop, on the off chance that he doesn't come tomorrow at that point we consider something."

Yan Mei signaled and a smile molded all the seethe. Su Bei as well put a quick smile. Interests, she was seeing her companion stress almost a individual. She was right now genuinely interested in this individual.

Su pulled back out of the work environment passing on Yan Mei to her work. Yan Mei let out a breath and took a gander at the work area work she directly couldn't appear to go through.

Ensuing to wrapping up three assentions and reviewing her most up to date ventures. Yan Mei moved herself back resting down on her situate and scoured her hands on her exhausted confront. So also as she was releasing up her phone shook appearing she has gotten a message.


Liu Yifei took a gander at Lei Zhao and a abhorrent smile showed up all the seethe. "Let me, know how seem you convince this woman to marry you. Stand by, do not let me know you married her on the grounds that your people obliged you to." Lei Zhao pretended compounding at her.

"I married my superior half since I have to be. Not on the grounds that someone needs me to. I regard marriage." The side of Liu Yifei's mouth twitched however she kept a beat on the smile.

"You love her, isn't that right? I can't totally acknowledge that you just. have the heart to cherish some person!" Lei Zhao swore gently delicately and gave her a glare. Expecting he realized he would meet her, around here at the café he may not have conceivably come.

Liu Yifei was the grasped sister of Edward Wu, one of Lei Zhao's companions. She utilized to seek after Lei Zhao when they were kids in any case he rejected her one night when she let him know she reveres him.

Lei Zhao felt she was too much evil in those days and dating a companion's sister was confined in their gathering.

"Is there any substantial reason why I wouldn't capitulate to her? She is extraordinary." Liu Yifei squinted her eyes and smiled gently.

"Well, I see." Liu Yifei snickered and tapped him on his bear.

"How approximately we go to my domestic. My kin will be happy to see you!"

"I'm not laying down with you Liu Yifei, I'm hitched." Lei Zhao glared as he said.

"Eww, who has to lay down with you! My noteworthy other is clearly predominant to you!" Lei Zhao snickered when he saw the repulsiveness all over.

"Since he may be a President of a multibillion organization? My way better half is moreover a President and she claims the most noteworthy jewel retailer in city M." Liu Yifei broadened her eyes in stun.

"Not a chance!" Lei Zhao smiled at her.

"Without a doubt."

"What does she discover in you? She can make strides!" Lei Zhao shrugged.

"Grant me your phone, I haven't called her since I came here and my battery is depleted." Lei Zhao had been within the center of overseeing backstabbers in his camp that he had ignored to call her. He didn't have the foggiest thought who was tuning in so he chose to vanish key for a small whereas untill he tracks down each one of them. He may do nothing that will genuinely jeopardize her life her.

Liu Yifei took a gander at Lei Zhao who was on edge to call someone and mumbled. Adore genuinely changes people.

She disposed of her phone from her take and gave it to him.

"Much much appreciated to you."

Lei Zhao looked at the phone for a handful of moments examining what to do. He recalls her number however he couldn't say whether he need to call or send her a message. Liu Yiefei checked out at him with an engaged see all over.

"Attempt not to let me, know you're anxious to call your critical other? But in case she doesn't cherish you! You're right now seeking after her?"

Lei Zhao neglected her and looked at the telephone in his get a handle on.

"Ha! Karma may be a bitch, right?!" Liu Yifei snickered when she saw the on edge see all over.