
The interpretation of priority

Interpretation of priority is a realistic story based on the bitter reality of the world in this era. It describes the different junctures of life as a transgender. Who confronted so many ups and down to become a successful man. As we know so many people in this world think that having a transgender is a source of infamy. That's why he/she is taken away from themself and sent to his/her community. Even though they are part of this society, of course, people don't like them or they just stare at them with evil eyes, and they are treated inadequately. So in my story, the view is the same as the guy was disgusted badly but where there are bad people, there are good ones, and yes. A good-hearted couple adopt him and made him a successful person. As the American journalist" Gloria Steinem" said, 'The gender-equal society would be one where the word "Gender" doesn't exist.

AyeshRay · Realistic
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51 Chs

The obsession ceiling!

The school staff decided to have a royal ball party on the eve before Christmas. In which Every student would go there with their dancing partners. It was like a prom party.

Everyone was deciding to propose their Partners, Larry was searching for a girl in Eden who wanted to propose Zhi.

But even was confused he didn't know how to talk to her (Zhi).

Eden was sitting in his room and trying to make a proper plan but he couldn't suddenly Brooklynn appeared and noticed Eden who was looking at the ceiling of his room.

Brooklynn: "What happened kid?"

Eden: "Our school has arranged a royal ball party an eve before Christmas. In which every student even I should own a dancing partner."

Brooklynn: "Oh I see when I was your age, Erwin and I were dancing partners."

Eden: "But I want to propose Zhi, to be my dancing partner. "

Brooklynn became serious and said, "But as much as I know, your final exams are starting next month."

Eden: "Yes mom, I know but everyone is going there so how could I stay and study. It's just a one-eve party."

Brooklyn stood up and said, "You are not going that is my final decision."

Eden: "But mom..."

Brooklynn interrupted Eden's word while mumbling, "Shut up Eden. I don't want any discussion so it would be better if you sit at home and prepare the papers because your papers are near and Come and eat with us because there is no point in arguing with me."

Eden: "Why don't you understand me? I always for you to be my best friend but what are you doing right now."

Brooklynn: "What am I doing? I think you are doing something worst."

Eden: "What worst?"

Brooklynn slammed the door of Eden's room furiously, and stepped out of his room while saying(loudly), "I wouldn't force you to to come and eat with us so you better come here."

Eden (loudly) replied, "I am not hungry."

Brooklynn sat on the dining chair, Erwin also sat while asking, "Why were you shouting at him so loudly?"

Brooklynn: "He is getting out of control."

Erwin: "What did he do?"

Brooklynn: "He wanted to propose his friend, to be his dancing partner at the ball party."

Erwin: "What? A ball party?"

Brooklynn: "Yes, You heard it right."

Erwin: "Oh my God."

Brooklynn: "I think this is the right time to tell him (Eden) the truth."

Erwin: "Why didn't you told him yet?"

Brooklynn: "What do you mean by why didn't? It is also your responsibility to tell him you can also tell him and I couldn't bear to tell him this reality"

Erwin: "I'll talk to him don't worry."

Erwin stepped into Eden's room.

Erwin peeked in Eden's room.

Eden was sitting on the couch furiously.

Erwin stepped into the room and raised a question, "Why aren't you eating?"

Eden replied, "I am not hungry."

Erwin: "No, you are wrong, you are starving but you are furious too."

Eden: "Did mom told you?"

Erwin sat on the couch beside Eden.

Erwin: "We didn't eat anything just to eat with you."

Brooklynn was crying in her room.

Eden: "I didn't stop you from eating."

Erwin: "Do you like Zhi?"

Eden: "Maybe."

Erwin: "What do you mean by maybe."

Eden: "I am not sure but I think I started to like her."

Erwin took a deep breath and said, "Don't like anyone."

Eden looked at Erwin and asked, "Why? Everyone thinks that I am a mommy's boy."

Erwin: "Hmm, but you are also Daddy's boy."

After saying that, Erwin chuckled a bit.

Eden: "Please daddy."

Erwin made a serious note on his face and said, "I mean it, Eden."

Eden: "Do you mean to say that I should not date anyone or focus on the studies?"

Erwin: "I meant both."

Erwin took another deep breath and said, "Aah I think it's time to uncover the reason for that."

Eden: "What do you mean daddy?"

Erwin: "Do you love us. I mean do you love Brooklynn and me?"

Eden: "What sort of question is this? I love you both, you know that better than me."

Erwin: "Auhhh would you believe I mean yes uhh you must believe, and your mother didn't have any courage to tell you and she uh sent me to you to tell you that because this is not only her responsibility to tell you or realize you even I am your father as well so I am here to fulfill my responsibility."

Eden: "What responsibility, you both want to see me as a successful man and I am working hard even I am a topper of my class but I, I have no control over my heart. what do I do? I can not stop myself from liking someone."

Erwin: "You are right but you know uh?"

Eden: "Know what?"

Erwin: "You can't get a girlfriend not because you have bad grades it's uhh because you can't get a girlfriend or any other life partner."

Eden: "I didn't get your words. What are you trying to say?"

Erwin: "I am trying to say that you are a transgender."

Eden: "What? I No, no, no, no, Are you? Oh my God what the no, no, no, no you are joking, right? Please no."

Eden got started and stood up while crying and saying loudly, "You are joking, you know it's a bad joke. You know I hate joking like this?"

Erwin: "You are a transgender. I know it's hard to believe but it's a reality and you should face the truth. Please."

Eden loudly shouted, "No. I can not believe you I don't trust you."

Eden stepped into his dressing room, a big mirror was there. Eden stood up next to that mirror while saying, "Of which angle, Of which angle do I look like a transgender?"

Erwin followed Eden and said, "You look like a complete man because we told you and taught you to act like a man."

Eden: "I look like a normal boy, look at my hair, my dressing the style of standing. I mean..."

Erwin: "You just look like a complete man and I am sorry to tell you but One day or another, this fact would have come to you, but if it came now, it would be better for you to believe it all. "

Eden: "But everyone will laugh at me and make fun of me just like the rest of other transgenders."

Brooklynn stepped into the room and mumbled, "You are wrong, My child."

Eden and Erwin looked at Brooklynn.

Brooklynn was crying.

Eden: "What am I suppose to be?"

Brooklynn: "You are our child."

Eden looked at Erwin but you, you guys adopted me?"

Erwin: "Adoption? It is nonsense to think that we adopted you. You are our child now."

Eden: "If I can't get married, so what should I do?"

Brooklynn: "Don't speak bullshit you can become a good and a most successful person."

Eden again looked at the mirror and said, "But I still can't believe that I am a transgender."

Brooklynn stepped near to Eden and hugged him.

Erwin hugged them.

Erwin: "Beleive the truth and face the reality."

Eden: "I want to cry."

Erwin: "You better let your tears get out of your eyes and it would be good for you to cry. Sometimes crying lightens the burden of the heart and anyway, this fact must have come to you sometime or other. And now that this fact has come before you, face it with courage."

Eden released the hug and said, "You are so sweet, I am very lucky to get you in my life."

Brooklynn: "We are the ones who should thank you to accept us as your parents and we are lucky to get the most intelligent person as our child."

Eden: "If, If you guys knew my truth then why did you include me in your family and why did you raise me?"

Erwin: "Because we wanted someone to call as mother and father and when we saw you and got to know you, we got attached and attracted towards you. We decided you to be our child because you were different and you were intelligent. We wanted to give you a better life. There is no doubt, that Mark and Nick loved you so much but we wanted you to live with us and be a most successful person."

Eden: "You fulfill all my wishes and you loved me a lot. I love you both."

Brooklynn: "You are our son, no matter what happened tomorrow, you will be our son and you have to be courageous."

Erwin: "Let's go and have some dinner together."

Eden: "I need to get some sleep."

Brooklynn and Erwin looked at each other and left the room.

Brooklynn and Erwin stepped into their room.

Erwin: "It's alright Brook. It's good that we told Eden the whole reality."

Brooklynn: "I know he (Eden) will cry all night and be upset."

Erwin: "Let him cry and he should cry."

Eden cried all night. He didn't sleep a whole night. Erwin and Brooklynn we're awake all night. They also didn't sleep.

They didn't eat dinner.

Brooklyn and her husband spent the night worrying about Eden.

They were worried about how he (Eden) would treat them after knowing all this.

They had been worried all night that if he (Eden) woke up in the morning and faced them, they would not know what his reaction would be. They felt that they might have been treated by Eden differently than before.

But a night passed, and the sun appeared with a new day.

Brooklynn and Erwin were sitting in their room worriedly.

Eden went out her his room, his eyes were swollen because of crying the whole night. He looked around the lounge to search Brooklynn and Erwin.

Then he stepped to their room.

He tried to knock on the door but he got interrupted by the voice, "I am worried about Eden."

It was Brooklynn.

Erwin: "It's okay Brook, I told you it was good to tell him."

Brooklynn: "What if he started to hate us, Oh my God. I can't bear that. I love them so much I just want to make him happier."

Erwin: "Today we see his (Eden's) attitude. If his attitude is right then we are right. Otherwise, we will tell Nick that maybe he can solve this problem and explain something to him."

Upon hearing this, Eden suddenly opened the door of his parent's (Brooklynn and Erwin) room without knocking and mumbled, "If you don't mind, can I see Nick."

Brooklynn and Erwin looked at each other.

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To be continued!!!