
The interpretation of priority

Interpretation of priority is a realistic story based on the bitter reality of the world in this era. It describes the different junctures of life as a transgender. Who confronted so many ups and down to become a successful man. As we know so many people in this world think that having a transgender is a source of infamy. That's why he/she is taken away from themself and sent to his/her community. Even though they are part of this society, of course, people don't like them or they just stare at them with evil eyes, and they are treated inadequately. So in my story, the view is the same as the guy was disgusted badly but where there are bad people, there are good ones, and yes. A good-hearted couple adopt him and made him a successful person. As the American journalist" Gloria Steinem" said, 'The gender-equal society would be one where the word "Gender" doesn't exist.

AyeshRay · Realistic
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51 Chs

The hue of inferiority!

Kevin and Lauren stood up and look at the corridor, it was Jason.

Lauren: "Finally you are home."

Kevin ran towards Jason with his excited and happy expressions by saying, "Daddy!"

Jason sat on the floor with his knees and hugged Kevin happily.

Kevin: "I am happy you are here. I missed you."

Jason: "I missed you too my son."

Lauren was looking at the scene between father (Jason) and son (Kevin). She (Lauren) was smiling towards them. They released the hug and Jason stood and stepped into the lounge.

Jason: "Mom!"

Jason hugged Lauren.

Lauren: "I'm happy to see you back finally."

Jason: "Me too."

They released the hug and Jason and Lauren sat on the couch beside them.

Lauren: "How was your tour?"

Jason: "Good but Exhausting."

Lauren: "You must be very tired."

Lauren looked at Raina and said," Make a coffee for us."

Raina nodded his head as yes and headed to the kitchen.

Jason looked around and asked, "Is Rocella still in her room?"

Lauren: "No, she is out."

Jason nodded his head as yes and said, "Hmm Angel must be with her."

Lauren: "No I don't think so because it's Monday and Angel must be busy with work."

Jason: "Hmm but you still call Angel to confirm it."

Lauren: "Okay."

Lauren called Angel and angel received the call.

Angel: "Hello Aunt Lauren. How are you?"

Lauren: "Hello dear I'm fine. How are you?"

Angel: "I'm fine."

Lauren: "Oh, is Row with you?"

Angel: "No. Is everything okay?"

Lauren: "She isn't receiving my call."

Angel: "Oh can I help you?"

Lauren: "No need dear Jason would help me. Thank you."

That's how Lauren hung up the call. She looked at Jason and said, I wonder what would be her condition?"

Jason: "Why? Did something happen today?"

Lauren: "When I I went to her room to call her for breakfast then she was crying while sitting on the floor and holding a calendar in her arms. I asked her that what happened to her or what exactly was making her cry so hard. She told me that today is Edina's first birthday. I consoled her. She slept back by taking pills. But when she got up she asked my permission to go out for freshening up but now she didn't arrive yet. I even called her so many times but she isn't responding or answering my call."

Jason: "Hmm. Don't worry I'll find her."

Subsequently saying that Jason left the house and he drove to the society where Mark lived earlier.

He knocked on the door of Mark's old apartment, "The same lady came out (who met Rocella like this before) of the home and said, "Yes sir?"

Jason peeked in the house and responded, "I want to meet Mr. Mark."

A lady looked back in the house and answered back, "Sir, No man by that name lives here!"

Jason: "What are you talking about? Lady, I just met him in here three months ago."

A lady: "Why would I lie to you, sir? It's been three months since I've been here."

Jason: "Oh. So, uh. Do you know where he lives now?"

A lady: "You should ask someone else. I hope they would know."

Jason nodded his head as yes and bowed down his head with gratitude.

Jason turned back but the lady mumbled, "Is everything okay with that man? I mean a lady came here A woman came this afternoon. She was also asking for that man."

Jason looked at the lady and said, "Really?"

A lady nodded her head as yes.

Jason was stapping to go out but he stopped after a step of walking and turned at the corridor next to the lady's apartment. That was Nick's home earlier.

A lady was observing Jason. Jason started knocking at the door. Suddenly A lady spoke up, "Sir, Do you want some ghosts to come out of this house and stick to you?"

Jason stopped knocking and looked at the lady with confused expressions on his face.

Jason: "What do you mean?"

A lady: "No one lives in here since I arrived here."

Jason: "Oh sorry for bothering you then."

Jason went out of the building. He asked some persons outside the building but they also didn't give him a valid response.

Jason was wondering and driving slowly to search for Rocella.

Unexpectedly it started to rain.

*On the other side*

Everyone left the park. Rocella was fully soggy in the rain. An old lady offered her (Rocella) an umbrella but she (Rocella) rejected her offer.

Jason saw Rocella while sitting on the bench and crying.

He went out of his car and grabbed an umbrella in his hand from the boot of the car.

He rashly entered the park and put an umbrella over his wife (Rocella) to keep her from getting wet.

Rocella looked up to Jason and raised a question, "Jason. You are here?"

Jason shrank his eyebrows furiously and responded, "I told you not to come here."

Rocella looked up at Jason and said (while wiping her tears with the backside of her hand), "I tried hard to stop myself but it's Edina's first birthday and...."

Jason interrupted Rocella's words and mumbled, "Eden."

Rocella looked down and said, "Yes, Eden. He is Eden now, not our Edina. Jason, please let me see my child for the last time. I want to celebrate his birthday. Please, Jason."

Jason: "Shut up Row. Let's go home. Mom is waiting for you at home."

Rocella: "No, I won't go home until I see my child."

Jason: "Last time."

Rocella stood up and wiped her tears happily.

Jason: "Let's get in the car otherwise you'll catch a cold."

They both got in the car and Jason called Mark.

Mark attended the call.

Mark: "Jason, How are you?"

Jason: "Mr. Mark I am fine but I have a request."

Mark: "Yes."

Jason: "I want Eden for one day. If you don't have any problem so can I?"

Mark: "Come on Jason. You are his father. You can take him whenever and wherever you want."

Jason: "Oh okay but where do you live? Can you send me your location?"

Mark: "Okay."

Mark hung up the call.

Jason stopped the car in front of a clothes store. Rocella got confused and asked, "Does he live here?"

Jason: "No."

Rocella: "Then why are we here."

Jason looked at Rocella and replied, "You are completely wet."

Jason and Rocella went out of their car. Jason looked at Rocella. Her clothes were stuck with her body. Jason took off his coat from above and covered his wife (Rocella).

They entered the clothing store. Jason bought the clothes and Rocella changed her new clothes and put her wet clothes in the shopping bag.

After that, they both headed to Mark's location.

Jason stopped the car in front of Mark's corridor. He called Mark as a signal. Mark received the call and stepped out of his house while clenching Eden in right his arm. With the support of his shoulder and holding a phone with his hand in the direction of his left ear.

Jason went out of the car and started to look around.

Mark: "Yes, I saw you. I'm coming stand there."

Mark stepped nearer to Jason. Rocella went out of the car and looked at Eden.

Mark: "Sorry for letting you wait."

Jason: "Come on now Mr. Mark you are embarrassing me by your words."

Mark and Jason chuckled. Rocella was still noticing Mark and Eden that how Mark had kept her baby neat and clean. She passed a smile and said, "Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Mark."

Jason and Mark looked at Rocella and passed smiles towards Rocella.

Mark: "Ut's my honor to cooperate."

Jason looked t Eden and said, "My child is grown up."

Rocella stepped towards Mark and Jason and sighed to take Eden in her hands.

Mark gave Eden to Rocella and Jason and Rocella headed to buy some gifts.

They brought so many toys for Eden.

They ordered the cake on which Eden's name was written. They (Jason and Rocella) celebrated his birthday happily.

When they were sitting in the restaurant, Jason got a call from his mom (Lauren). He received a call.

Lauren: "Did you find her?"

Jason: "Yes we are together."

Lauren: "When are you coming back home?"

Jason: "After some time. Don't worry mom. We'll dine together."

Lauren: "How's her condition, Is she okay?"

Jason: "Don't worry mom. She is alright."

Lauren: "Okay I'm waiting for you to head back home soon."

Jason: "Okay."

Lauren hung up the call.

Jason looked at Rocella and Eden. Rocella was happy and playing cheerfully with Eden.

Jason: "Come on Row. Let's head back home."

Rocella: "I want to spend some more time with my child."

Jason: "Mom is worried and she is waiting for  us."

Jason and Rocella head back to Mark's place to give Eden to Mark.

They gave so many toys to Mark for Eden.

Mark entered his home, Nick was sitting on the couch.

Nick asked Mark: "What, why are you happy?"

Mark: "I'm glad that his (Eden's) parents love him so much."

Nick: "Huh, Love."

Mark gave Eden to Nick.

Eden was sitting on Nick's lap.

Nick passed a smile to Eden. Eden was smiling continuously.

*On the other side*

Rocella and Jason reached back to their home. Lauren was sitting in the lounge and watching the tv serial. Kevin was sitting on the other couch (which was located in front of the couch where Lauren was sitting).

Jason: "We are home."

Lauren passed a smile while looking at Rocella and Jason and said, "Finally you guys are back."

Rocella was smiling.

Kevin stood up from the couch and looked at his parents with his adorable expressions (Kevin was holding a teddy bear in his arms).

Lauren: "Rocella dear, where did you leave?"

Rocella: "I went to meet Eden."

Jason got shocked by looking at Rocella and Lauren suspiciously asked, "Who's Eden?"

Jason: "Mom, uh. She means that she went to an orphanage. She likes a child named Eden there. He is an orphan."

Rocella looked at Jason with her blank expressions.

Lauren: "But why does she need to meet other kids besides she has her son."

Lauren gestured at Kevin.

Rocella looked at Kevin and ignored him.

Rocella: "Mommy, I am starving let's eat something first."

Lauren directed herself towards the kitchen and said, "Let's go."

They were stepping to the kitchen. Lauren and Jason turned back and looked at Kevin.

Jason: "Let's go Champ."

[Champ is a word that is used to summon the champions. Jason used this word because he thought that Kevin was the best.]

Kevin threw the teddy bear furiously and stepped to his room by saying, "I'm not hungry."

Jason looked at Kevin's expression and followed him to his (Kevin's) room.

Kevin locked his room and started to cry.

Jason knocked at the door of Kevin's room by saying, "Kevin my dear, Open the door."

Rocella and Lauren were listening to them looking at Jason.

Kevin: "No, Everyone hates me."

Jason: "No one hates you, Kevin."

Lauren and Rocella stepped towards the door of Kevin's room.

Lauren: "Kevin dear. I love you."

Jason: "Yes Kevin did you listen to that, mom loves you. I love you."

Kevin: "My mom doesn't love me."

Jason looked at Rocella. Rocella ignored them and headed to the kitchen for a meal.

Jason helplessly looked at Lauren and said (to Kevin), "Look! your mom is stressed up, please open the door."

Lauren: "Please dear."

Kevin opened the door and hugged his father (Jason) and grandma (Lauren).

Kevin: "I hate my mom. I love Grandma and Daddy."

Jason and Lauren smiled at Kevin.

When they headed to the kitchen to dining together, Rocella was observing them.

Rocella looked at Kevin seriously and said, "So, your drama is over."

Kevin looked at Lauren and Lauren fed Kevin with her hands.

Jason was noticing Rocella.

After eating dinner and putting Kevin to sleep.

Jason went to Lauren's room.

Jason entered Lauren's room in said, "Mom are you asleep."

Lauren looked at Jason and said, "Come in son."

Jason stepped in and sat beside his mother (Lauren).

Jason: "How could we create love in Rocella's heart for Kevin?"

Lauren: "That's exactly what I was thinking about."

Jason: "I have understood a lot to her but she does not acknowledge."

Lauren: "She understands and obeys Angeline. If you agree, so can I talk to her (Angeline) about Rocella?

Jason: "You are right, mom. If this idea works, so why not?"

Lauren: "Okay I'll talk to Angeline tomorrow."

Jason: "Why not now?"

Lauren: "Because it's late at night and maybe she's asleep."

Jason: "Okay mom. You also get some sleep. I'm tired also."

Lauren: "Okay Jason see you tomorrow."

Jason arrived in his room and he found Rocella asleep.

*On the next day.*

Kevin was sitting in his class.

His teacher wrote a mathematics question on the board and asked some students to solve the question.

Some children didn't know the answers

Kevin was sitting on the seat that was located on the first row and second column.

[Kevin is a topper student moreover he is a favorite student of his teachers.]

The teacher called Kevin, but he didn't give attention to the lecture because he was thinking about the behavior of his mother (Rocella) with him.

A teacher noticed Kevin. When the lecture ended, the teacher called Kevin into his office.

A teacher, "Kevin, come to my office with me."

Kevin nodded his head as yes and followed his teacher, 's steps towards his office.

[His teacher's name was Harrison. He was 26 years old an international school teacher. He always dressed up as a well-mannered man.]

Harrison sat on the seat in his office and let Kevin sit next to him.

Harrison: "Kevin dear is everything okay?"

Kevin: "No professor I'm sorry."

Harrison: "What happened dear, Don't be sorry?"

Kevin: "I am not okay. I feet bad."

Harrison: "Why?"

Kevin: "I can't focus on my studies."

Harrison: "Oh should I talk to them?"

Kevin: "...."

Harrison: "Don't worry dear, You must study hard okay, and remain the proper focus."

Kevin: "Okay."

Harrison: "Okay now, you don't have to worry. Your next lecture is being started go-ahead to your class."

Kevin stood up and stepped into his class.

Kevin didn't talk to anyone properly.

*One the other side*

Lauren called Angeline.

Angeline didn't receive it. She was busy. She texted Lauren, "Can't talk right now call you later."

Lauren responded (via text), "Okay, I'm waiting."

After some minutes, Lauren got a call from Angeline and received it.

Lauren was sitting in her room.

Lauren: "Hello."

Angeline: "Hello Aunt Lauren, How are you?"

Lauren: "I'm fine and what about you."

Angeline: "I'm fine, tell me how's everyone."

Lauren: "Everyone is fine. But..uh. Actually, I want to talk about Rocella."

Angeline: "Yes,..."

Lauren: "She doesn't pay attention to Kevin. She always ignores him and she always scolds at him. My son (Jason) and I tried hard to convince him but didn't understand. She obeys you. She listens to you. So I want you to convince her to love her son. Kevin is a kid right now. But he is growing up day by day. Just like other kids, Kevin want his mother to love him."

Angeline: "I'll convince her, don't worry."

Lauren: "Thank you so much."

*In the evening time*

Lauren, Rocella, and Jason we're sitting together and drinking coffee on the chairs in the lawn.

Lauren asked Jason, "Do you know what is Kevin doing."

Jason: "He is asleep."

Lauren: "He never sleeps at this hour. It's strange."

Jason: "He must be tired."

They ate dinner but Kevin didn't join them.

Lauren went to Kevin's room.

Lauren: "Kevin dear why see you still sleeping."

Kevin: "Grandma, I am starving."

Lauren: "Oh do you want to eat my dear."

Kevin: "I want to eat my favorite sandwiches."

Lauren: "I'll make the sandwiches and bring that to you."

Lauren made the sandwiches for Kevin and entered (Kevin's) room while having a tray.

She felt the sandwiches to Kevin by herself and took him to sleep.

*On the weekend*

Angeline and Rocella met in the coffee shop near Rocella's home.

They talked a lot and Angeline asked, "How's your daughter's case going?"

Rocella: "I know where she is."

Angeline: "What do you mean?"

Rocella looked at Angeline.

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To be continued!!!

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