
The interpretation of priority

Interpretation of priority is a realistic story based on the bitter reality of the world in this era. It describes the different junctures of life as a transgender. Who confronted so many ups and down to become a successful man. As we know so many people in this world think that having a transgender is a source of infamy. That's why he/she is taken away from themself and sent to his/her community. Even though they are part of this society, of course, people don't like them or they just stare at them with evil eyes, and they are treated inadequately. So in my story, the view is the same as the guy was disgusted badly but where there are bad people, there are good ones, and yes. A good-hearted couple adopt him and made him a successful person. As the American journalist" Gloria Steinem" said, 'The gender-equal society would be one where the word "Gender" doesn't exist.

AyeshRay · Realistic
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51 Chs

Disgraceness crossed its peak!


{Author's Note => This chapter contains some words of depicted abuse, that might be upsetting for some readers.}

[The moment was written in chapter 12]

Jason held Rocella's arm in anger and went out of the building. Rocella was saying, "What's wrong with you Jason?"

After reaching near to the car in the public, Jason released Rocella's hand.

Rocella: "What the hell is wrong with you Jason?

Jason: " This is what I should ask you."

Rocella shouted: "I gave him my daughter and now he is showing me a son?"

Jason looked around and said: "Mind your language Row."

Nick was listening to their conversation while standing on Mark's apartment balcony, not even just Nick was listening. Everyone in the public was listening and starting them.

Rocella: "I want my daughter right now."

Jason pushed Rocella into the car and said (loudly): "Forget that you have a daughter. Edina is not our daughter. Eden is Mark's son now."

Rocella: "But..."

Jason closed the door and said: "Shut up Row."

Jason furiously got in the car and started driving back.

Nick was passing a smile.

Mark and Nick decided to not too spoiled their weekend, and they walked out of the building.

Mark was holding a baby prom with his hands.

Nick was following mark.

They were standing out and waiting for the cab. A lady who lived in the same building but on a different floor appeared and passed by saying, "Huh, these bloody transgenders made a whole neighborhood as a shit."

Mark got quiet and looked down on the floor.

Then another man passed by saying, "I don't know whose children these scoundrels use and maybe even sell some innocent children."

Nick was observing everyone.

Then a kid (a little boy) stopped near the prom and started to smile at Eden. Mark passed a smile towards that kid.

After a moment, The mother of that kid held his arm and scolded that kid by looking at Mark. She said, "I have restricted you so many times that don't release your hand with mine in any public place."

Mark passed a smile at the kid and said: "You have to obey your mother dear."

That lady: "You don't have a right to talk to my child."

Suddenly The scale of endurance of Nick was gotten helpless.

Nick shouted: "What the hell are you saying, lady?"

That lady: "Shut your bloody mouth you brat."

Nick: "I am noticing ever since we stood here, everyone has been talking nonsense about us."

A man in the neighborhood: "Mind your words you wretched woman or maybe a man. Oh, You do not know whether to call you a girl or a boy. You are so filthy that people hate to call you to them. And yet, look at how shameless you are here. Don't you feel any bad that you are polluting our environment?"

Nick: "Are we living here at your expense? We earn our living. We do not live in the shelter given by you people. We earn our living. You do not live in the shelter of the people. Why should we steal someone's children and why should we sell them? But in the world, 43% of women and 57% of men are involved in child abduction."

A lady said loudly, "What about this child? Why were the child's parents arguing with each other today in the public? and why was his mother crying?"

Nick: "Do you want to listen to the truth? Okay so let me tell you, This child is also transgender just like us. His parents gave him to Mark to better take care of this child and give him (Eden) a better future."

Suddenly a cab (Uber) stopped. Nick got quiet for a while. Mark folded a baby prom and got in the car and gave Eden to Nick.

Nick (while holding Eden in his arms with the support of his shoulder) stepped towards the car and loudly said, "And yes! if all of you want us to leave this neighborhood, then we will fulfill this wish as soon as possible."

After saying that, Nick got in the car shared a location with the driver, and the driver started driving.

Mark: "Wow! I have never seen you arguing for someone else since we met."

Nick passed a smile and said, "You haven't seen anything yet."

Mark: "By the way thank you so much for speaking up today."

Nick chuckled and said: "Shut up mark."

That's how Nick got some guts to be good and take a stand for Eden and Mark.

***{On the other side}***

At 07:00 pm, Rocella and Jason reached home from Mark's place.

[Jason and Rocella didn't talk to themselves the whole time of the expedition. Rocella cried all the time.]

Lauren was baking a chocolate cake for Kevin. Jason came into the kitchen and said, "Mom what are you baking. It smells like a chocolate cake."

[Jason pretended to be happy and he got in the chilled mood to pursue his angry child (Kevin).]

Lauren: "I'm baking for my dearest friend."

Jason looked at Kevin and said: "Mom, You always cheer him up but not me."

Kevin: "You have my mom to cheer you and to hang out with. On the other hand, I have your mom to cheer me up and hang out with."

Jason: "Hang out?"

Lauren: "Yes we went to the park and watched an animated movie at the theater."

Jason: "Mom, you never hung out with me."

Suddenly Rocella shouted Raina's name furiously.

Rocella, "Raina.....?"

Raina was serving coffee to Lauren and Jason.

After some seconds,

When Raina got free and headed to Rocella's room.

Rocella was still shouting Raina's name with anger.

Jason and Lauren drinking coffee.

Rocella: "Where the hell you were dying?"

Raina: "I'm sorry mam. I was serving coffee to Ms. Lauren and Mr. Jason."

Rocella: "And here, of course, no one cares if I die of thirst."

*In the kitchen*

Jason and Lauren, we're looking at each other with serious faces.

Jason: "What should be done with this woman?"

Lauren: "Jason, behave! She is your wife."

Kevin: "I hate my mother."

Jason and Lauren looked at Kevin with pitiful expressions. Kevin was saying while eating the cake.

Lauren: "She is your mother, my child. You should not hate her. She loves you."

Jason: "Huh. Love."

Lauren: "Shut up Jason."

Lauren gestured to Jason to be silent and listen to Rocella and Raina's conversation.

*In Rocella's room*

Raina: "I'm sorry mam."

Rocella: "Tell me, when was the last time you filled this jug?"

Raina: "Tomorrow night."

Rocella: "You had the right to refill it before I came so I wouldn't have to ask you."

Raina: "I was busy with Ms. Lauren in the kitchen."

Rocella: You must refill the jug in my room before I ask you to refill it. Or maybe I should hire some other maid and I should just fire you out."

Raina: "Sorry mam."

*In the kitchen*

Jason furiously headed to his room (where Rocella was shouting at Raina).

Lauren was following Jason to stop him.

Jason entered the room: "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Raina was startled and Rocella looked at Jason with anger.

Rocella: "You know that what is wrong with me?"

Jason: "I am tired of your nonsense, I can't tolerate your nonsense anymore."

Rocella: "So kill me."

Jason: "Do you have anything other than killing?"

Rocella: "No but what about you..."

Jason: "Rocella shut up."

Lauren: "Why are you guys arguing?"

Rocella: "Ask your son who is always humiliating me."

Lauren: "Why don't you behave yourself, Jason."

Jason: "Mom. You ask your daughter. You have made her rude by putting her on your head and loving her."

Lauren: "I loved you both and you are the one who is being rude."

Lauren: "Raina. Come out and refill this jug with fresh water."

Raina took the jug and stepped out of the room.

Lauren looked at Kevin who was crying silently by that scene.

Lauren: "Oh Kevin why are you crying?"

Kevin: "..."

Lauren looked at Jason and Rocella by saying: "This is a child. When will you both know what effect this argument has on the heart and mind of this child?"

Rocella: "It would be better if you do not take him (Kevin) in the middle. You don't know what your son did."

Lauren looked at Jason: "What have you done?"

Jason: "I don't know."

By saying that, Jason stepped out of the room by taking Kevin with him to avoid a question.

Jason: "Let's go, son. Your mom has gotten worse."

Lauren looked at Rocella: "What has my son did?"

Rocella: "ask himself if he is agreed. I don't want you to know."

After listening that Lauren moved out of Rocella's room and searched for Jason.

Jason took Kevin with him to the mall to buy some toys for Kevin.

At night.

Kevin and Jason arrived home.

Jason was holding so many shopping bags of toys for Kevin.

He (Jason) saw his mother (Lauren) who was waiting for him by sitting in the lounge.

Jason: "Why are you are at this hour."

They haven't eaten dinner together. Lauren was alone while she was waiting for Rocella to come out of her room to eat some dinner but she (Rocella) didn't come out of her room. Lauren ate alone. While Jason and Kevin were outside so they had their dinner in the hotel.

Lauren: "I was waiting for you. Where did you go in such a hurry?"

Jason: "I wanted to hang out with my son so I left with him (Kevin).

Lauren looked at Jason's hands and said: " Why did you buy so much stuff. What are these?"

Jason looked at his hands and lift his hands that were holding six shopping bags. These all are for Kevin.

Lauren: "Put it in his (Kevin) room and come back here. I have something important to talk about."

Jason nodded his head as yes and he moved towards Kevin's room. After approximately five minutes, Jason went out of Kevin's room. He sat on the couch beside his mother.

Jason: "Yes mom."

Lauren: "I was thinking about Rocella's condition so I thought why don't we take her to the psychiatrist."

Jason: "Come on mom she is not mad."

Lauren: "I am not telling you that Rocella is mad. I am just thinking that her condition is getting worst just because maybe she misses Edina. Her behavior can be changed with the help of a psychiatrist."

Jason: "You are right but how the psychiatrist can change her behavior."

Lauren: "You'll see."

Jason: "Okay then I'll search for the best psychiatrist in the city."

Lauren: "You don't have to search or broad. I know a doctor. She is an experienced psychiatrist."

Jason: "Okay then book an appointment with that psychiatrist for Rocella."

Lauren: "Okay now you go to your room and get some sleep you must be tired. Tomorrow is your office."

Jason: Okay mom and you too go and get some sleep."

Lauren: "Don't argue with Rocella."

Jason went to his room. He found Rocella while crying. His chilled temperament was spoiled because of Rocella's crying.

He stepped out of his room and went to Kevin's room.

Jason slept with his son and Rocella cried all night. Lauren was curious that why is Rocella's behavior changing badly.

That's how they spent a whole night.

On the next day, Lauren took Rocella to that psychiatrist.

[The daughter of Lauren's old friend was a psychiatrist. Her name was Angeline.]

Lauren and Rocella were sitting in the waiting area in front of Doctor Angeline's room. A girl wearing a nurse's dress was sitting on the counter and she was doing computer work. That was an assistant of Doctor Angeline.

Another lady went out of the doctor's room. She looked at Lauren and said, "Mam, you may go in."

Lauren and Rocella stepped into the doctor's room. A tan bright-colored lady doctor was sitting on the sofa in the crossed legs style and writing something on her notebook that she was putting on her lap. She was wearing spectacles. Her short middle hair made her in looking glorious. She was wearing a white doctor coat and a long frock. She was approximately looking like a 27 years old doctor.]

She looked at Lauren and stood up by bowing her head and said, "Hello aunt."

Lauren: "Hello Angel."

Angel was the nickname of Angeline.

Angeline looked at Rocella by saying, "Ms. Jason hello."

Rocella: "Hi. Uh.."

Angeline: "Please you both have a seat.

Rocella was still confused. She didn't know that her mother-in-law took her to the psychiatrist.

{Author's note => Please vote with a power stone and add your reviews (via comments) to my story. Let me know how you like my story.}


To be continued!!!