
The Intercosmic War

In a word where strength is everything, Ernon Stellar finds himself with a cosmic level of 94, a near perfect score that helped him make it onto the Intergalactic Space Agency(ISA)... But what Ernon didn't realize where the risks... Shot into space with two others, Ernon finds himself in a faraway galaxy, where humans still rule the earth, but the whole Galaxy is at war. He later discovers that him and his colleagues are no longer in their own universe. He had travelled to another universe, which wasn't possible, was it? His whole life's at risk. Will he return alive? It's a new objective now. To get back home. How will they do it? Follow the adventure of Ernon as he helps win a war against evil forces that were planning to come after his home universe next... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE COVER PIC ISN'T MINE! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

ProjectRun · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


Ernon Stellar walked home with a slight limp. He walked into a narrow, dark pathway. The boy didn't live in grand hyper modern mansions. He lived in an unknown part of the city, at the side of an old road that was well past its maintanance check.

Ernon lived on his own. That's how he liked it. He could've rented a home with some of his friends. He had the money. But no.

He entered his house and closed the front door behind him. Ernon should've been more happier. He aced the Cosmic test. He was so close to be part of the number one company in the world. But somewhere inside, a painful sorrow and guilt gnawed at him.

He knew he was being too selfish, joining the ISA without his best friend, Jayden. He invited him over, presumably for the last time in a long time. Some ISA missions take years. They have to colonize a new land and live there.

Ernon sat back in his chair. Jayden would be hear at any moment. You would have to be an idiot to fail the Tier two test. You have to opportunity to control one of the ISA space Shuttle's. Very few have failed the test.

Ernon knew that he had to be confident. It wouldn't be a surprise for Jayden. He already knew and he expected the worst.


Ernon gulped in air and got up and ampled towards the front to open the door. He tried to get rid of the depressing look on his face. He opened the door. Jayden was standing on the path wearing a long sleeved shirt and shorts. He had his skateboard in his hand and a pack of coke on the other.

"Yo Ernon" he said with a goofy smile. Ernon smiled. "Come in" he said, as cheerily as possible. They sat on the opposite sides of the sofa. Ernon couldn't possible to make eye contact with him. "Hey, you ok?" Jayden asked, a concern look on his face.

Ernon didn't respond. He knew he would get emotional if he said something. "Uh, ok... How was the test" he asked. Ernon shifted in his seat. He was afraid Jayden would ask that. He got up and came back with a clipboard. "See for yourself" Ernon whispered.

Jayden took it, frowning. After a few seconds of silence, he said: "WOW, that's amazing, nearly a perfect sc-" Ernon instantly knew that Jayden understood why Ernon was depressed. "Oh" Jayden said, making a sad sound.

After a few seconds of silence, Ernon looked up slowly to see his expression. He was simply sipping away at his coke. Ernon smiled. Typical Jayden. He would lighten the mood no matter how bad the situation was. "Come on Ernon" he said, sighing. "You know I won't forget you, you turn up like this to the second test and they will probably fail you" said Jayden, laughing.

Ernon couldn't help but smile. "I guess your right" he said. "We'll keep in touch"

"Yeah" Ernon said, a bit more confidently. "Here, catch" said Jayden. Ernon caught the coke. Jayden lifted up his coke into the air. When Ernon opened it, the coke fizzed and popped. It brought back memories. He lifted up the can, 'CLINK'


"Goodbye, Jayden..."