
The Intelligent Potter

"From his own experience, Harry knew that luck had never been on his side. At that moment he decided that he wouldn't rely on luck to solve his problems, he had to become smart, beyond the norm and talk his way through life. That's the only way he could survive." Originally posted on FanFiction.Net (by ME) Support me and my writing at: patreon.com/pxfive

PxFive · Book&Literature
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109 Chs

Summer v3

*** Present

The two contestants were looking at each other, Harry was signaling her with his eyes to lose, to show in front of the entire grade, that the light would win over the dark.

Daphne looked back, her eyes unyielding and unwilling to lose.

Harry went all out for the first time, putting his full force into a final attack.

Daphne stared him down and raised her wand to defend, just barely managing to avoid being blown into the wall, instead, managing to skid back a few steps and counter, holding out against Harry for all she was worth, lashing back at the boy with all the force she could muster.

As Harry raised his wand again, another vicious spell no doubt at the tip of his wand, he found it flying out of his hand.

The young Potter looked at his opponent only to see Daphne wandless as well.

"I think that's quite enough, Daphne, Potter." Iliad said coolly, sending both of his students a look that promised that they were in trouble after the rest of the class had left.

Done with the dueling time, Iliad quickly set up dummies for the entire class to practice on, and they spent the rest of the lesson trying out all the spells they knew on the magically animated dummies which imitated human reactions.

At the end of the lesson, Iliad looked down at the temporary schedule he had been assigned, "I don't think you have any more classes for the rest of the day, there are some Quidditch activities which will be taking place this afternoon if any of you would like to participate in that, and I believe the Exploding Snap club has received permission to operate over the summer break already, so any members may attend their meetings following the same schedule as the regular school year. Feel free to relax as you like on the school premises, no rule breaking." Iliad finished before giving his daughter and Harry a look, "Daphne and Mr Potter, please stay back a few minutes after the end of the class, I would like to have a chat with the two of you."

Harry and Daphne nodded their understanding, waiting for the rest of the class to empty out before approaching their professor's desk.

"What was that?" the older Greengrass asked simply, "What was the point of that dangerous and reckless show that will have half the Slytherins in this class running to their mamas and papas with this information, who will undoubtedly pass on the magnitude of your strength to the Dark Lord?"

"Well," Harry started, "I wanted to show that The Light was clearly stronger than The Dark by beating the witch who is by far the strongest person in Slytherin right now."

Daphne glared back at him, "Like hell, I'd go down for such a stupid reason. As it is, the Greengrass family is not really seen as any kind of bastion of The Dark, and at the rate that things are going, there's no way we're even going to be able to stay neutral. We're going to be forced to declare our alliance with The Light publicly, especially after the attack on our Manor."

"Well, I thought-" Harry began.

"It doesn't matter what you thought, that was a bad move Potter, you're good but you're in no place to be getting cocky," Iliad said before getting up and drawing his wand, pointing it at his two students, "Come, show me whether there's anything behind that attitude of yours or whether it's all just hot air." the Greengrass Lord challenged.

What ensued was yet another furious duel. With Daphne at his side, who was intimately familiar with her father's fighting style, and he himself beginning to get a grasp on the powers that Iliad wielded, Harry, along with Daphne, was able to go toe to toe with Iliad for several minutes at his full strength.

While still pretty restrained from using the exact full extent of his powers in order not to shoot anything lethal at the two kids, Iliad used the extent of his magic and ability in the duel, and when Daphne was hurtled into a wall (which had been cushioned for the purpose of the duels taking place in the preceding class), and stupefied into unconsciousness, her mind faded to black with a sense of satisfaction.

After Daphne fell, it was only moments till Harry was taken out too, both of the children being awakened by Iliad after the end of the duel.

"Still weak," he commented dryly, but even Iliad couldn't block the small smile of pride that stretched across his face for a slight moment before he sent the two children off.

*** Summer at Hogwarts

Training with Iliad continued over the course of the summer, Hermione joined Harry and Daphne in the training as well.

By the end of the summer, the three of them could keep Iliad at bay almost indefinitely, almost always losing out to his greater stamina, but together being at par with the man, infrequently winning duels with some lucky shots in, but usually falling after stretching out the duel for any longer than half an hour.

While Iliad was not the strongest wizard out there, he was certainly still accomplished, and even standing on the same level as the seasoned Greengrass duelist was quite an achievement for 3 students barely about to start their fourth year, and already surpassing even the best that Hogwarts' seniors had to offer.

On the front of the war, there continued to be little progress for either side, as without Voldemort making an appearance, the forces of The Light continued to be just about enough to push back the relentless seemingly random attacks that The Dark kept on executing.

Albus and Arcturus were also usually busy, making only a handful of appearances at Hogwarts, leaving Iliad in charge of maintaining security, and poor Minerva in charge of handling the administration of the school as well as teaching several transfiguration classes, including recreational transfiguration workshops that she held for the students over the summer of her volition.

While their forces were very stretched, The Light had suffered very few casualties since the attack on the Hogwarts Express, and there was no doubt in the minds of anybody that The Dark Lord was planning something major, but nobody had any idea exactly what the insane wizard would do.

Assassinate Amelia Bones like he did Cornelius Fudge?

Attempt a siege on Hogwarts?

Storm the Ministry of Magic?

*** End of Chapter