
The Insrutable

in a world with powers a young man has to face the challenge of being weak

ShadowSpace · Fantasy
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10 Chs


"Well let's see if its actually poisonous to humans." Irema said as he carefully cut open the deer's stomach. No matter how careful he tried to cut the deer open blood spurted everywhere and got on his pants. "Fuck, now I'm sure I'll have to avoid the skewer deer since I dont want them to know I killed one of their own." Irema said as he had to think of a way to avoid the deer. "Actually what if I get them to attack me and see if my movement technique is good enough to doge multiple projectiles." Irema said to himself trying to see the limit of his movement technique and see what he could improve upon it.

Irema cut the 'edible' parts of the deer, that had blood all over it. And made a fire to start cooking it. Ten minutes later and the meat was done. "Here goes nothing I guess" Irema said as he took a small bite from the meat. He made a retching sound as if he was gonna throw up. "I'm sure this is poisonous, so is the mosquito stinger actually useful for eating rift animals and mutated animals" He said to himself while panting in disgust as he never wanted to eat meat with blood in it. "Well now my little frogs can have some poison jerky meat for a while when I get out of this damn rift." He said in furt as hes been trapped inside the rift for more than three weeks.

Walking back to the skewer deer forest, the deer actually noticed and smelled the blood of own of their own and decided to attack Irema. "I didn't think this through enough." Irema said as he was doging from all sides trying not to get hit. He may not have gotten hit but the horns did scratch him almost all over his body. After seven minutes the deer's seemed to have reached their own limit and couldn't fire off any more horns. "Since you guys attacked me I'll kill some of you to feed me for a while." He said as if he was happy he could eat a lot of meat for a long while. Out of the twenty three skewer deer Irema killed six while the rest ran away in fear since they couldn't protect themselves, until their horns grew back enough.

Irema was strong enough to carry all six carcasses back to where he had been residing, which was a whole in the ground that he had dug out himself while he was waiting for his wound to heal. Back inside his 'home's irema dismembered the skewer deer and made them into jerky. "These horns could probably be made into arrows as well, and it would be lighter than the wooden arrow, it just wont do as much damage. Well still having light and fast arrows also has its perks. Against insects in the Amazon rainforest the skewer horns may actually be better with how fast I could shoot them. Now i just need to make a quiver to hold all my arrows, since i dount they'll fit into my pokets." Irema said with mirth at the last words he had just said to himself.

Resting for more than a couple of days, Irema then decided to go out and explore. As Irema was about to step out of his whole he heard multiple weird grunting sounds, as if they were communicating with each other. Peaking his head out of his whole he saw seven goblins walking around the perimeter of his whole. "Damn why are their goblins here, well at least I know this Is a low level rift, I'm sure I can kill them I doubt their storger than twenty three skewer deer." He said with confidence, knowing he could kill the seven goblins.

Pulling out his bow and skewer arrows he shit one in the air hoping it would would grab the attention of the goblins, while he ran out of his whole to get a batter line of sight of them. Shooting the arrow into the sky and ready to run out of his whole, he waited for a while and the skewer arrow killed one of the goblins by making the arrow piece through its head and come out of its ass. "Holy shit are the goblins weaker than the skewer deer." He questioned himself trying to figure out what the goblins ate if they were weaker than the only animal hes seen thus far. "Maybe they eat fruit and scavenge for dead skewer deer." Irema wondered if that was actually the case or maybe weaker animals were also in the forest.

As he was thinking of multiple things, the six other goblins tried to find their enemy. "Well if they are weaker than the skewer deer then I really dont have to be afraid of them." Stepping out of the whole, he waited for the goblins to notice him, when they did they ran at him with their wooden clubs in a fury. Irema wanted to see how fast they could attack. As the six goblins run up to him they started to swing wildly, surprisingly they were quite fast just not faster than the projectile of the skewer deer. Back up a way from the goblins, Irema grabbed a skewer arrow and began to kill five of the goblins, while the last remaining goblin ran away. "I hope this one leads me to the goblin village." Irema said as he was about to chase the goblin when he noticed one of the arrows didn't pierce through the goblins heart. "What the why didn't it pierce its heart" he said as he decided to cut open the goblin to see what had happened. As he finished cutting the goblin open he found a blue pebble like stone near the goblins heart.