
The Insperation of Ron Miller

A demon boy gets sucked into a portal and is taken into the infinite forest. He finds out who brought him there and sets out to kill them. Same universe as The Magic Following.

Fleeing_Shadows · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Promise

         As he walked down the cold, dark streets Ron felt the ground start to shake. The only other time this had happened is when the earth beings had tried to summon Xavier the Breaker. But now it's happening again. Before Ron knew it, the kingdom's guards had arrived to see what was going on. "They're doing another ritual. Get our best men!" A second later, the guard had arrived and brought one of the test subjects. He was massive, from what Ron could see he was at least twelve feet tall, and very thick around his torso. He went directly under and into the small, but getting a bigger beam of light that shone down from the sky. Ron had noticed that a small trinket fell from the giant's pocket. Ron picked it up, and it was as big as his hand. He ran to a guard and told him about the trinket. The guard chuckled and told him that it shouldn't matter. Ron nodded and walked away. He glanced over at the giant who looked very confused and worried. He was patting down his pockets and Ron realized that the giant was looking for the trinket. A crowd had formed and were waving the giant goodbye. Ron pushed through the crowd. He broke through and was standing in the light. He ran to the giant who was twice as tall as him. He handed him the trinket, but before he could get back into the crowd, he got sucked up and was lying on green grass. 

    Ron opened his eyes, and saw the giant stumble then get hit by a ray of light. He recoiled back and grabbed his right shoulder. He could start to hear people in outrage. As he got up he noticed that there were houses on fire, the air was dark and smokey. He saw a blueish light from the smoke, and then made out the characteristics of a human. He couldn't help but wonder what the blue light was. As the man approached, Ron noticed that he was wielding a sword. Ron got up and approached the man through the smoke. The man saw him and stopped walking. Ron heard the sound of the man say something, but couldn't make it out. Ron moved towards him, light blasting through the smoke. All of a sudden the man turned his head and appeared to get tackled. Ron ran to him and saw that the man had stabbed the person that attacked him. The man pushed the guy off his sword and started to get up. Now with a closer look Ron could see that the guy was wearing a helmet, and Ron was a little taller, only by an inch or two. "What's going on?" Ron asked. "You're not a villager?" The man asked. Ron looked at him confused. "To be short, these villagers thought it would be wise to summon a demon." The man told him. He must not have noticed Ron's horns. Ron looked over at the massive soldier that was still being hit by rays of light. Ron suddenly saw a glow of red out of the corner of his eye. "Where did you come from?" The man asked. Ron looked at him, and paused. He knew what was about to happen. "Im not going to ask twice." The man told Ron. "You know exactly where i'm from." Ron said. The man looked at Ron's head, and the red on his mask got brighter. The man sighed, then shouted, "Guys, we've got another!" He paused, "Listen, we don't have to fight, we can ta- '' Ron didn't let the man finish his sentence as he sent his claws out at him. The man impressively blocked it with his sword. He did it again and the same outcome, it didn't seem like it was going to be an easy fight. But it was short lived as Ron got hit by what he could tell to be lightning. He fell on the ground and saw two figures stand over him before he passed out. 

    As Ron came to he saw that the smoke had lifted. He looked around and saw that every building had been burned down or was burning down. Ron got up and stood there, staring at the chaos when he heard someone call out, "Help… me.." Ron ran over to voice to see it was the soldier that had come to the overworld. Ron looked at him and searched for the tricket. He found it and handed it to him. The soldier opened it and a tear fell from his eye. "This is a picture of my mother," He spoke raspy, "I carry it around for good luck." He coughed. He reached into his pocket and pulled something out, then mumbled something into his fist. He stared at Ron, "Take the photo and this crystal," He handed the two items to Ron. "If you kill the wizard that killed me, the crystal will collect his soul. Deliver that soul to my mother, and she will give you anything you desire for as long as you live." The soldier looked at the sky and Ron knew he had died. Ron put the crystal and trinket into his pocket and set out to kill the wizard with a burning rage.