
The Insight

My life just went downfall, "totally shitty if you ask me". Anyway, I've been dumped a couple of times, stratch that, I've never been dumped. "I'm totally rolling my eyes, if you could see me", never been dumped, like EVER, since I've started dating. Then suddenly I'm dumped, by my one true love. Well, our relationship was toxic anyway, but that doesn't mean I thought the 'dump me day', would ever come. Meet Nina, a romantic, beautiful girl who thought the guy she's dating is her soulmate, up until he dumped her. "What a total Jerk". But you know what they say, "when one door closes, a better one opens", something like that. Now she's back into the dating World and things aren't perfect as they should be, "or are they?", She's lost trust, true love, and half of her romantic side has been destroyed, totally destroyed. I guess her old friend, which she thought was only just a friend, will try change all that. OH WELL...

Brigget_Phokoane · Teen
Not enough ratings
50 Chs

Chapter 27

Friday: 25 December

Its Christmas Day

I wake up in the morning feeling great. Most of us aren't working and we have a day of family day. Travis and I have planned to hangout later so we can give one another time for our families.

"You awake?", my mum yells at my door.

"Yeah", I reply.

"We headed to town so get ready", she says and I decide to get off bed.

Within a few hours we at the Mall doing shopping. I walk pass a biscuits section and I suddenly remember that Travis promised to buy me a huge box of Choice assorted bakers biscuits. They're my Christmas biscuits, that's what I call them. 

After shopping, we get home and I'm ready for my day to probably start. My day with Travis. By 5PM he calls letting me know that he's around some place a few minutes away from my house and he's getting Icecubes to sell around.

I start getting ready since his car broke down and maybe he'll make it here early cause we'll be walking. I hate walking on the streets while it's dark and he knows that.

I actually end up waiting till it gets dark. I didn't wanna be pissed over all this but it's now 7PM and I can't help it. He wants us to fight, and so be it. I grab my phone to call him, when he picks up I start yelling like I always do. Sensing that it's not working, I hang up and decide to shut the hell up.

At 8PM he calls, saying he's with his Polo driver friend and he's on his way to pick me up. Within a few minutes they get here and I head out.

I get so quiet the whole way to his Gran's, I'm not even planning on yelling at him. I'm tired of yelling over the same thing.

We arrive at his Gran's and I quickly head inside while he says his thanks to his friend. I take a seat on the couch with my bag on the side. He walks in and walks passed me with the ice bags in hand headed to the kitchen.

I'm not moving from this couch, I'm not planning to move. Once he's down and the friend is gone, he walks to me, pulls the coffee table closer to me before taking a seat.

"I'm sorry", he says. Im just looking at him, saying nothing in return. "I got busy, you know with my parents around they keep sending me places. I keep running up and down like a mad man", he continues while I still look at him, like the mad man that he is. "Hey", he playfully hits my hand. I ignore him, pulling out my phone then browsing through Pinterest. Nothing seems interesting but it keeps me from saying a word to Travis. "You know I had to spend a lot of money with these bags of ice, and now that my broke down-", I keep browsing through Pinterest and it's starting to irritate him. "Babe?", he whispers. "Babe come on, say something", he tries pulling my phone out of my hands but I hold on to it tighter. Seeing that it'll only upset me even worse, he grabs my free hand that isn't browsing and plays with it, brushing my skin softly while I still ignore him. Instead of it calming me down, its pissing me even more. It's actually being quiet, I can't be quiet knowing very well I need to get all this out my chest.

"You hungry?", he asks.


"I'm feeling hot", he moves his hands to my thighs and starts caressing me with his soft hands. I move my eyes from my phone giving him a deadly stare which makes him stop. He grabs my hand again, "how long are you gonna be mad at me?", he asks, making my face turn red with anger. He actually notices that and moves from the table to sit next to me. I lock my phone then turn facing him, I'm ready to let my pissed state out now.

"Okay", I sigh, fixing my sitting position. "What the hell have you been doing all day?", I start. If looks kills, mine is murdering him right now.


"All day?", I snap, cutting his words. "I called you around 6PM and you said you're taking a bath which is fine", I throw my arms up in surrender then stare him straight in his eyes. "Around 7PM I called again and you said you're still taking a bath", I give him a deadly stare. "So you take a 2 hours bath now?", I'm boiling with anger, I can't even control it.

"No, no, around 6PM I wasn't in a bath-",

"So you lied?", I snap.

"I did had my bath ready though", he cries softly.

"Do I look like some kind of idiot to you?",

"No. Not at all", he shakes his head. "Look, I'm so sorry", he starts apologizing but I ignore him. My whole body is shaking out of anger. Now that I won't say anything else to him, he sits quietly, glancing to see if I'm calming down.

After a few minutes he speaks, "so you really gonna be mad at me all night?",

"Yes", I yell. "Do you have a problem with that?",

"Come on babe-", he rolls his eyes in a way that I don't see his rolling his eyes.

"You know what", I get up and grab my bag. "I'll make things easier for you and head home",

He grabs my arm pulling me back to the couch. "No, I actually don't mind you being mad at me the entire night", he says. "As long as you by my side", he fake smiles at me. I just stare at him cause actually I don't have anything to say. But in my mind I'm thinking damn..., I've never been with a guy who'd treat me as much as Travis does, especially through my stubbornness.

"Aren't you going to sell ice?", I ask my voice filled with attitude. I know I'm stubborn but most times I don't feel like its something wrong.

"Not today", he shakes his head. "Not while my future wife is mad at me", he tries to lighten my mood but I'm not up for it.

"I don't wanna be the cause of stopping your running business", I look away, "let's just go, you'll go sell ice and I'll just head home",

"Nope", he shakes his head. "I ain't going to sell ice and you not going back home",

Deep down I'm smiling. He's actually the sweetest guy I know. "Where are my biscuits", I know he didn't buy them since earlier he mentioned that he wouldn't be able to.

"I'll buy your biscuits tomorrow", he says making me frown.

"But I want them now", I whisper yell with an ugly frown on my face. I'm pouting my lips like a silly little school girl, 'he must be really going through shot with me? Being his girlfriend isn't fun for him I suppose', just he won't say that to my face.

"Oh come on babe", he shakes his head in a disapproval way. "Where will I get them now?", he throws up his hands in a questioning way. He looks serious for my liking. Must have sunk in that I'm a silly childish girlfriend. But, if our country was the same as some countries overseas where stores closes late as in midnight, he'd definitely go out to buy my biscuits. Too bad stores closed way longer than I can remember.

We sit on the couch quietly, as he tries so much to touch me while I slap his hand off me. That's up until he starts dozing. I have no idea what got him tired.

"Go to bed", I push his arm.

"Let's go", he says in a sleepy voice.

"I'm not sleepy", I roll my eyes.

"Then I'll sit with you", I'm guessing he thinks I'll sneak out and run home. But seriously, I'm too afraid of the dark which makes sneaking out hard to be considered.

"Okay fine, let's go",

He waits until I get up from the couch then follows me to the bedroom.

"Babe", I whisper as he switches off the bedroom light.


"Would you please get me a glass of water", I ask. He switches the light back on then heads to the kitchen.

After a few seconds he comes back with my glass of water. "Here", he holds the glass towards me, waiting till I sit upright.

"Thank you", I say as I take the glass from him. He waits till I'm done drinking then takes the empty glass back to the kitchen. As he joins me in bed, pulling me to his arms, I whisper, "could you pour me some cold drink please", he mumbles a few words under his breath then pulls me tighter to him. "Hey", I poke him with my sharp elbow since I've got my back against him. "Colddrink",

"I didn't buy any", he says slowly.

"Go buy it",

"Shops are closed remember?", he whispers. "Now would you please sleep",

"I don't wanna sleep", I hear him sigh. I can tell he's trying to ignore me, but hey it's working. The thing is, I've never been like this to any guy, I've tried with my ex only when we worth in our happy moods, wouldn't have if he was pissed. Don't even think he'd give me attention if he's pissed.

I poke Travis tryung to wake him up but he ignores me, holding me tightly to his arms everytime he feels like I'm slipping out of his hold. We've actually gotten used to sleeping in eachother arms.

Duncan used to do that, we used to do that. Just Duncan doesn't sleep well when he's heated up, he'd push me away from him in his sleep cause he feels too hot. I've never seen anything wrong with that and in time I got used to sleeping on my side and him on his side. Until now.

"I'm hungry", I wake Travis.

"Sleep", he orders in his sleeping mode.

"I'm hungry", I try to push him away but he only holds me tighter.



Saturday: 26 December

The sound of my alarm tone screams right through my ears, waking me up in an uncool way.

"Goodmorning", his lips touch the back of my neck, pulling me out from the state of being mad at my phone on how it screamed in my ears.

"Goodmorning", I reply in a whisper. I feel his hand that's been on my waist move to my ass. That's when I realise I'm naked. Apparently earlier this morning he undressed me, trying to have sex with me but I kept pushing him away. His hand moves from my ass to the middle of my legs. I grab my phone to check the time.

"Its 5AM", I move his hand from the middle of my legs and place it back on my ass. "If I don't take a bath now I'll be late for work", i say.

"Okay. But-",

"No buts", I cut in. I know he wants sex but no man I'm not in any mood, plus I'll be late for work.

He gets off bed and goes prepare my bath.

After a nice warm bath, I get dressed in a white cropped tee and a high waisted grey Jean's.

After, he walks me to the streets to catch a taxi.

"Here", he hands me money. "Buy your biscuits and this one is for your taxi fee",

"Oh thank you babe", I stand on my toes and kiss his lips. "Oh, you look good in this view", I pull out my phone and switch to camera and take a few pics, then a few 5seconds snapchat videos. The taxi appears from the corner and he stops it, then helps me with the door like the gentleman that he is.

As I get back from work I find out he's with his family. He later comes by and picks me up and we go to his gran's. When we get there we chill, eat, watch the movies and head to bed.

The next day it's a lazy Sunday and we both working. Just after work I head to Shoprite to buy my biscuits, I call them Christmas biscuits. I'm with my colleagues when he calls to let me know he's out too. I accompany him to buy some baby diapers for his son, I'm still wondering why he buys diapers for a 2 years old but anyway, I'm not a mama am I?