

Several years ago...

"Y'know Jae Yoon?" Leo said as he stood on a collapse pillar? "This dungeon was really easy." He had a lighted cigarette between his fingers.

"This was a tier 2 dungeon, feels like a tier 4." Jae Yoon took a seat next to Leo as he rested the back of his blade onto his shoulder, his suit covered in blood, "Pass me one." Jae Yoon pointed towards Leo's cigarette.

"Hell no, this is expensive, high quality stuff." Leo took a puff and inhaled it.

"Selfish bastard." Jae Yoon took our a cigarette from his own pocket and lighted it with a flame he created in his hand, "We've been in here for nearly 4 hours, they'll call for back up if we don't hurry. We promised them we'd be back in less than 6 hours." Jae Yoon took a puff and inhaled the smoke.

"Who cares." Leo and Jae Yoon both exhaled at the same time, "We're here to collect some orbs." Leo crushed the cigarette inbetween his hand as he made a fist. He stood up.

"Where you going?" Jae Yoon stood up shortly after Leo.

"You can stay here, I wanna clear the rest of this dungeon by myself." Leo cracked his neck, "You've done enough." Leo had a smirk on his face, his canine like teeth poking out of his mouth.

"Do as you please." Jae Yoon sat back down on the pillar and placed the cigarette into his mouth, "Don't come crying back to me when you lose an arm."

Leo chuckled, as if the possibility of him being injured was nothing but a joke, "Watch your mouth smart guy." Leo busted the door open, the sound of the door vibrating through the empty dimly lit white halls of the dungeon.

As Leo walked into the dark empty room, the door behind him closed immediately, locking him into the room. Immediately, screams could be heard inside the room, both of Leo's and someone else, possibly something else. Large banging sounds could be heard, as if something was being thrown or crashed into the side of the walls. The sound of bones cracking and flesh tearing could also be heard. This continued for over 10 minutes.

"You okay in there?" Jae Yoon got up and knocked on the door, "Want me to come in and save your ass?" A large lion list broke through the wall, narrowly missing Jae Yoon's head.

"Give me that!" Leo grabbed for Jae Yoon's cigarette from his mouth, snatching it away.

"Hey! You're gonna pay me back for that!" Jae Yoon peered into the hole Leo had made, the entire room was filled with corpses and piles of bones, the walls smeared with blood, "What the hell happened in here" Jae Yoon withdrew his blade and made 4 precise cuts into the stone without even lifting his blade an inch. The wall came crashing down, shining light into the room. Jae Yoon coughed and fanned the dust away from his face.

"Stay back." Leo had his back faced towards Jae Yoon, his back riddled with scars. The only light source from the room was single light from the cigarette he had placed in his mouth which he had taken from Jae Yoon. Leo had 2 hearts, still beating, in his hand, "We accidentally entered a tier 1 dungeon." Leo had a look of sheer terror on his face as he talked to Jae Yoon. From the depths of the dark empty room, a giant hand made of a shadowy dark matter reached out and grabbed onto Leo.

"Let him go!" Jae Yoon immediately sprung into action, stepping into the room. When his foot touched the floor of the room, he felt a weird sensation, like he had been here before. He sunk into the ground, his entire body submerging.

"You really think it's okay for us to send them in by themselves?" A young Rose was talking to Shizuki, standing outside of the large pillar that was the dungeon, "They could die."

"That's the fun of it, if they make it out of it alive, they're officially part of the council." Shizuki had a twisted smile on his face, his eyes had no pupils, but they were replaced with spirals.

Jae Yoon found himself stuck under water, the heavy pressure of the water crushing him and he is slowly running out of air. His cries for help fell on death ears, "This isn't real." Jae Yoon thought to himself as he closed his eyes, reopening them and finding himself in a grass patch, the wind blowing violently. Infront of him was Leo, his eyes turned a pitch black.

"Where the hell are you Jae Yoon?" Leo is punching the wall behind him that had just closed, trying to open a hole but the wall was never ending. Jae Yoon and Leo had been completely split up and cornered. Each fighting their own worst fears.

Leo turned back and found himself inside a burning building, the ceiling collapsing onto the ground, "Leo!" A voice called out to Leo from underneath the burning debris, it was his mom, he was inside his own burning house. Leo approached her, "Save me!" She started to cry and scream at Leo. Blood came pouring down from her wound as she had been pierced by a piece of burning wood, immobilising her. Leo backed away, powerless and younger when he did not have his powers yet, he fell backwards, down a long staircase.

"Leo! Get me out!" Leo found himself in the basement where Gloria would be sent to, "You have to believe me! I didn't do anything wrong!" The sound of the building collapsing caught Leo off guard. He ran towards the door and tried to break the lock, violently shaking it, "Hurry up! It's so hot in here!" Leo broke open the lock, revealing a dark empty room without Gloria inside, "Traitor!" Gloria's voice called out from behind Leo, pushing him into the room, the door closing on him. Leo closed his eye as he was about to hit the ground, reopening them to find himself inside a grass patch, the wind blowing violently on both himself and Jae Yoon. His eyes turned a pitch black.

"What are you doing?" Leo said to Jae Yoon. He didn't get a response.

"What are you doing?" Jae Yoon said to Leo. He didn't get a response. They were both simultaneously in the same location but not at the same time. Jae Yoon lunged towards Leo. As soon as Jae Yoon made contact with Leo, the sky turned a crimson red, the sun setting and the moon rising. Jae Yoon took out of his sword and tried to cut off Leo's head, Leo blocking it as he reached over and grabbed onto Jae Yoon's head, "I don't know what you're doing Jae Yoon! Wake up!" Leo talked into Jae Yoon's ear, trying to get the real Jae Yoon out, "I'm really not in the mood to beat your ass today!" Leo smacked Jae Yoon down into the ground with his bare hand, not using any magic. Jae Yoon got up and wielded his sword on the edge of the grip, extending its reach and narrowly cutting the skin on Leo's throat. Leo dashed backwards and cupped his throat, stopping the bleeding. He took his hand off his throat and opened the palm of his hand, revealing a large pool of blood that he had shed himself. Leo smiled.

"Did you really think killing me would make me die?" Leo heaved a sigh of relief, he had never fought this seriously since he had fought with Jae Yoon. He stood atop the corpse of Zel and Gloria, his foot crushing into their heads. Blood pooled around Leo as his hand had been completely crushed and destroyed, his eyes filled with blood and his clothes ripped to bits.

-----Scene 2-----

"Acie do you realise the gravity of what you're asking me?" Jae Yoon clutched his sword.

"I'm well aware Jae Yoon. She needs to die." Acie could feel Jae Yoon's magic increasing, "We don't need to fight Jae Yoon."

Jae Yoon let go of his sword, "I'm not killing her, she's vital to the wizarding era. Her existence itself defies the laws of nature but we need her in order to continue the wizarding era and to bridge the gap between human and dicere, I'm sorry, but if you're going to kill Nana, you're going to have to kill me first." Jae Yoon had a sharp look in his eye, ready to fight.

"Nana may be vital to understanding diceres," Inside of Acie's eye was a creature of unbelievable disgust, "In exactly 6 months, she'll cause the doom of all living things."