

"Hundreds of years, thousands of people, millions of prototypes, billions prians worth of research." Otto and Nana reached the bottom of the staircase, infront of them was something white, like a big metallic white plate. "Culminating into the ultimate Anti-Dicere machine." Otto flipped a switch on a control panel and the lights turned on, blinding Nana. "I present to you, the final prototype of the angels." 

"An angel?" Nana opened her eyes and the entire lab was lit up, the white marble walls glistened in the light and the quartz pillars extended from the ground to the roof. But most importantly, there was something that could only be described as a monster in front of them.

Chained and restricted, a ginormous dicere stood asleep in front of them. "Is that..." Giant tubes stretched from the wall into the heart and vitals of the dicere. The dicere was white in color, like it was going through hibernation and asleep.