
Best bet

"Mary, I have a general information question for you," Lex asked as his gaze was stuck up into the dark sky. "What is the cultivation level of a Jorlam? Just, like, generally speaking."

"Across the whole universe, as a species, I'd say they're in the top ten, which is saying something considering they have no real allies and literally everyone just does their best to kill them as soon as they are discovered. The problem is they have no cultivation levels, just maturity levels. That means all they need to do to become Dao Lords is eat and grow up. I don't think there is any other race in the entire universe that has destroyed more realms than the Jorlam, all because they literally just ate the whole realm."

It was difficult to be sure, considering the scale of their bodies was something he was still trying to comprehend, but Lex felt like he counted at least three Jorlam besides the World Eater.