
The Innkeeper and The Vampire King

Within the small town, Aurora do Vale, sat the simple but famous Silver Moon Inn. Owned by one, Diego da Silva, a retired adventurer with a big smile and charm that could make a princess swoon. His inn was a sanctuary for travelers passing by into the town, seeking food, a drink, a story or a warm bed. His quiet life kept him too busy to even think about going back into those dungeons or seeking adventure like he did in his youth. Diego quite liked the peaceful life. Enter Farah Marcellus LeRoux, the unseen and terrifying Vampire King from the realm of monsters…and he needed a break. The humans that came in day in and day out to try and take his head were getting more and more pathetic. On top of that, he had to rule those meatheaded beasts. So for the first time in his long, long life, he left the demon realm and ventured into the world of humans. His journey brings him to Diego’s inn, and their story begins.

itoade · LGBT+
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62 Chs

A Maria Guarantee

"Why did Sofia drag me here saying it's an emergency when you're perfectly fine, ya lazy sack of shit?"

I didn't even bother to turn over on the bed when I'd heard her knocking so I definitely wasn't going to bother doing so after she'd just let herself in.

The sounds of the inn below could've been heard through the door just before she'd shut it closed, the laughter making my ears sting as I continued to stare out the window from my fetal position on the bed.

The sheets were starting to lose the scent of him, even the shirt he'd left behind that I had been clutching on to for the past three days was starting to simply smell of mere cotton. The scent of roses mixed with something so uniquely him had all but faded, but the persistent pain in my chest refused to fade with it.

I'd only known him for a week. Why did I miss him so desperately?