
The Innkeeper and The Vampire King

Within the small town, Aurora do Vale, sat the simple but famous Silver Moon Inn. Owned by one, Diego da Silva, a retired adventurer with a big smile and charm that could make a princess swoon. His inn was a sanctuary for travelers passing by into the town, seeking food, a drink, a story or a warm bed. His quiet life kept him too busy to even think about going back into those dungeons or seeking adventure like he did in his youth. Diego quite liked the peaceful life. Enter Farah Marcellus LeRoux, the unseen and terrifying Vampire King from the realm of monsters…and he needed a break. The humans that came in day in and day out to try and take his head were getting more and more pathetic. On top of that, he had to rule those meatheaded beasts. So for the first time in his long, long life, he left the demon realm and ventured into the world of humans. His journey brings him to Diego’s inn, and their story begins.

itoade · LGBT+
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63 Chs

(R18+) Lovely Iego: Final [Marcellus’ POV]

He was carved by the so-called gods themselves.

There was no other way a human like him could've existed.

Even as I poured the cold liquid on my rigid cock, I could not take my eyes off his panting form below me. He was a masterpiece, my lovely Iego.

I hissed softly as I rubbed the oil over the stiffness between my legs, feeling my lids flutter as I'd finally given them some friction after controlling myself the whole night. But I did not dare close my eyes. 

I wished Diego could've seen himself in that moment. The man's back had naturally arched, and his hands had found their way back to gripping the ruined pillow behind his head. His head was tilted to the side, his dazzling green eyes filled with a mixed haze of lust and nerves as he looked up at me.

Control yourself, I had to say in my mind. You cannot hurt him. Bite your tongue off if you have to.
