
Chapter 1: Dying Inside

There is a boy with long black hair and eyes as dulled as it can be sits at the back of the bus. His daily life is the same as usual, working part-time till nights go home and sleep repeatedly everyday, he worked at a restaurant, and a very busy one, people can't help but notice his dull eyes with a smile taking order from table to table, the boy smiled and acted as nothing is wrong ever happened. But that is not the case. He's don't exactly has a bright past, when his first day of school his day were normal until that incident happened. One day he was called to the principal's office, they accused him that he had stolen his classmate's wallet. But he doesn't steal anything, the principal asked for his bag, they search every corner of it and find the wallet in the small pouch inside his back. The boy said that it wasn't him but the teacher wouldn't believe, when he back at his classroom he can feel the chill in the air all of the students were talking about him. The class started like normal, and all of the sudden a piece of a crumbled up paper were thrown at him, the paper had a "THIEF" written all over it, the bullying continued for a couple of months. Until the very next day when he had enough with the assault and snap, he beat the boy and were yelling thief and him and thrown a paper to him until the boy passed out, again he was called to the principal's office, he wasn't very happy with his actions, he were suspended from the school for 3 month. When the suspension was over he came to school hoping that it all has ended, but he came to realise that it's far from what he had expected.