
We Entered A Town, I Think?

Ahahahahaha! It felt so good to make that damn girl eat dog piss. I wanted to get revenge on her for cutting the tip of my finger off, so when I saw that dog piss on the wall I knew right away I could get some sweet revenge. Just seeing her scrunched up face that showed how disgusted she was about the whole thing made me feel that much better!

At least I know for the next year I will not be bored. I can use Riku as some fine entertainment. She seems to be scared of me now that I have gotten my powers back. Yet she still stands over me at night breathing heavily and drooling all over the place. Because of that, I am lacking quite a bit of sleep. To be honest, I am more worried about me being taken advantage of by her, then me taking advantage of her. By her taking advantage of me, I mean her making me into a midnight snack.

In just the past week I have woken up in a cold sweat with her holding my arm and her mouth centimeters away from it. It is truly a life threatening matter. What's worse is when she goes to sleep, she will be a few meters away from me and I will wake up in the middle of the night with her hugging on to me and if she wakes up before I get a chance to move her away she will slap me and call me a lecher! It has gotten to the point to where I need to tie the damn girl to a tree just so I can get a good night's sleep.

So basically to sum up the past week as we traveled through the woods. To not be bored I have to risk my life against a monster who can eat endlessly.


So I really am being bullied! Masa is so mean. Every night for some reason he has tied me to a tree leaving me there all night sitting in an uncomfortable position. How am I supposed to sleep like that? Well, although I complain, I do have to say Masa has been giving me lots of food.

And oh! I have finally hit level 20! It happened during our escape. When I finally chewed through the disgusting wall we ran into a group of guards which I unconsciously hit them all with my chains killing them where they stood. They didn't have any skills but they gave enough experience to level me up once.

I also discovered that I had an inventory. This came about because I was looking at the dead guards wondering if there was an easier way to carry things. that's when it dawned on me that normally leveling systems came with an item box of some kind. I tried all kinds of things to try to open an inventory menu. But in the end, it still came down to me having to actually speak the words out loud. Luckily your voice does not need to be loud at all, as long as it is spoken I can open and close my inventory. I just hope no one ever hears me, how embarrassing would that be? I do have to say that my voice is very angelic and cute. I bet if Masa were to hear my real voice he would fall head over heels in love with me!

Huh? You say you highly doubt that? Why do you say that? I will let you know I am beautiful! I saw my reflection in the water. Although I might not have much going on in the chest department now, give me two more years and I bet men will be lining up to try to get me to date them! You say it's not about the beauty, but the personality? Are you saying I do not have a good personality? Isn't that just a matter of perspective? I think my personality is really good.

Anyway, after a full week of travel, we were finally standing outside of a town. It's just that currently I seem to be getting a lecture.

'Now Riku, remember, do not try to eat everything you see. From what you told me in the last town and why you were imprisoned before was because you ate the Lord's son's dog. If you want to be able to sleep on a comfortable bed then you need to keep your compulsion…. Where the hell did you get that!?'

'Get what?'

'The stack of meat sitting next to you!'

'Oh, this? Some guy was walking by while you were talking who had a large stack of meat on his cart. It smelt very good so while he passed by I tossed a chain out and snatched some… It's quite good, do you want some?'

'This is what I am talking about! Stop doing this! Wait, this is quite good. Actually... No this isn't what I mean. Riku keep your impulses… WHERE THE HELL did you get that!? '

'This? Some little girl walked by with it in her hand.'




'You didn't right?'

'Didn't what?'

'You didn't eat the little girl did you?'

'Huh… of-of course... no-not...'

'Can you answer without averting your eyes and stuttering!? Why is it when you burped just now you spat up a hair clip? That's it we will need to undergo drastic measures….'

'Huh? Hey, wait Masa! Why are you getting the rope out!?'

'Why are you tying me up!?'

'Please do not carry me like luggage!'

'I'm sorry okay! I lied! I did eat the little girl! But she had something sweet and I just couldn't help myself! So please come on untie me? Let me walk on my own! Please! I will let you look at my feet!'

'Who the hell wants to look at your feet!?'

'I thought you had a foot fetish!'

'Since when did I have one of those!?'


'An ankle fetish?'

'Just shut up and be quiet! Do not talk until we reach the inn!'

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