
The Inner Me

"How dare you?! How dare you tell the class we're friends?!!!" She screamed at me right after landing that slap on my face. "That's because youre my friend" i managed to curl up a smile on my red face. "Shut up!! We are not friends okay!!! Now you are going to tell everyone exactly what i just said!!" "But i cant tell a lie. We are friends" It wouldn't have cost me anything to just succumb to her wishes but i didnt, all because of the crush i had for her, and that cost me a whole lot. Linda's parents were major sponsors to the school and she managed to create a scandal against me and i got expelled. I spent most of my teenage like being homeschooled and disconnected from the world. I would have loved for my new life to last forever but it all had to stop when my parents told me i would have to be re-enrolled in my former school. Apparently, facing my fears was the best option according them. A story about closeted lesbian teen like me is one that needs to be heard.

Ta_mmy · LGBT+
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18 Chs

Incidental kiss.

I couldn't concentrate anymore. I kept on stealing glances at her. She noticed and looked at me a few times and it just made me blush.

Thoughts ran through my mind, I never felt this way before.. What am I saying, Am I in love? That's impossible, snap out of it girl. My classmates noticed the way I was satring at her and started to whisper to themselves but I just ignored, as usual.

English class ended and the teacher left the class but I didn't even acknowledge that because I was so lost in her and all I could think of was "she's so beautiful".

I noticed that she was coming close to me, then she smiled softly and said "Hi there, haven't seen u before so I guess you're new. What's your name?".

I couldn't believe my ears, she was speaking to me!. Her voice was sweet and soft like cake but better. I trailed away in my thoughts forgetting that she was still waiting for my reply.

She snapped me out of it "earth to the new girl" she said as she waved me out of it, "oh hi" I said suddenly.

She smiled and nodded slowly "lost in thoughts huh, I asked you about your name but you spaced out, so what's your name?".

I opened my mouth to speak but words couldn't come out, I kept on saying things like "Huh...wel..l.. hm..". She chuckled and said

"so you're the shy type huh?, it's cuz you're new. Don't worry, it'll wear off soon"

She took one of my books and read out my name "Ella, nice name. My name's Linda".

I wanted to compliment her with all the beautiful words I knew but all I could say was "pre..t..ty". "Do you mean my name or me?"she asked purely. I chuckled a little "b..o..th".

She gave me a warm smile and said "Awwn, thanks. You're so sweet. Sorry to cut this conversation short but I have to go for lunch, you coming?", I shook my head to show decline. "well then, see ya" she waved as she went out the door.

I felt so happy, she actually said I'm sweet. I kept on daydreaming about her until Cole tapped me, It annoyed me that he spoilt my daydream so I exclaimed "what?!!". The tone of my response surprised him but he had something more surprising on his mind and he needed answers.

"Sorry if I startled you but what was that?!, I was really confused so I asked him "what was what?". He pointed it out with much surprise "well, you were just having a conversation with Linda, The Linda",

"so?, why do you sound so surprised?" I said starting to get annoyed. I mean why would he be surprised that am talking to Linda, does he think am too weird to talk to her?.

An annoying thought then popped into my head and I needed to get it out so I blurted out furiously "don't tell me you like her, like you like like her?". He noticed that I was starting to get annoyed so he replied with a much lower tone "No I don't, I mean why would I? eww she's too mean. I'm just surprised because she really hates new students and I even heard that she made a girl get expelled when she was much younger"

At that time, I really couldn't connect the dots because I was lost in love, then I blushed "just let it go, maybe she thinks am special and make sure you don't go passing around rumors" I said with my eyes narrowed. He raised his hands up showing sign of surrender as he said "Just saying.."

I kept on staring at her during classes and she looked and smiled at me at intervals. The bell rung for school's closure for the day and Linda approached me "hey there, Ella right?.

It was happening again, she's talking to me. I put on blushes "yeah, you're Linda right? I said with much more courage this time.

"yes" Linda replied "wow you really wore off your shyness much faster than I imagined". "well it's all thanks to you" I said. I praised myself under my breath for speaking confidently. "The bell rang a while ago so I guess you should be packing your stuff, I already packed mine so lemme help you" she said with a soothing smile on her face.

We were packing my stuff together and then my pen dropped. I bent down to pick it up and I stretched my hand to it, I felt a person's warmth, a person's touch. I knew it was Linda but I still looked up to see her face.

She looked up at the same time then our lips locked in together. My world froze up, I froze up....Again I felt like everything stopped and every other thing disappeared only she and I remained. I thought my heart exploded, I just kind of got my first kiss! And It was from Linda.

She immediately pulled away. She couldnt hide her blush and I couldn't hide mine too. She shyly said "Hm.. Well.. Sorry I didn't-" I interrupted her and for some reason I was pretty confident "You don't need to apologize, it was just a mistake", "But it was my mistake, sorry I made you uncomfortable."

She stood up and adjusted her bag on her back "I'll be going now" She said that and started walking towards the door the she stopped, and turned back "can I get your number?" "my number?" I asked with the intention of knowing why she asked for it.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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