
Quinn Moore

After a long time, Alistair woke up, but he was not able to open his eye, he couldn't see, hear, smell or feel anything. Alistair was terrified and thought it was because something went wrong with the process of merging with the white room and thus he shouted for white box.

Then he was teleported to the white room, only then did he relax. Soon he was greeted with a cold and indifferent voice which could even scare a person as ruthless and terrifying as Alistair.

[Welcome host and congratulations for becoming the owner of Zenith box.]

"So this white room is called Zenith box. Are you the soul of Zenith box?" Alistair was relieved slowly calmed seeing the white room. Though the room was a bit dimmer and glummer, it didn't bother Alistair.

[Host I'm not the soul of the Zenith box's soul. The soul is still in the development phase; I am a tool spirit similar to a world's guardian]

After hearing what the spirit told Alistair nodded. As all worlds have a guardian governing them, it was only logical to have an existence governing a treasure that could devour planets. But Alistair wasn't too excited or overwhelmed by possessing such a treasure; as he has experienced too many ups and downs.

[host is advised to return to the body as it's harmful to the development of soul to part with its body before birth]

'So I'm inside a women's stomach right now' "How long will I stay in the stomach?" Alistair asked the spirit.

[host it will take 2 months for your birth]

"Okay, send me back" Alistair did not want to cause any permanent damage to his new body. Though he had many questions, he wasn't willing to take the risk.


18th June 9604 Locus Era.

Alistair's mother gave birth to him. When Alistair opened his eyes first, he observed the room. He found it too dull with few cupboards, and there was not even a fan in the room much less an air conditioner, but to his surprise the room temperature was comfortable, and the room was not stuffy at all even after delivery.

The room had no ventilation, the windows were tightly shut, and the door was closed. Even then, the room was filled with fresh air. Then he found even more astonishing things though the room and bed looked ordinary, it was too clean. They were in mint condition.

Before he could recover from the shock, he was lifted. Only then did he look for the people. There were totally three people in the room. Middle-aged women who looked ordinary in every aspect and then a young man in his mid-twenties he was lean and handsome; he had a fair face with white hair and deep black eyes. He was refined like a scholar, yet his muscles seemed to super explosive; then Alistair found a tired woman lying on the bed behind him.

She was just like a heavenly angel, and her motherly aura made her even more stunning. She was only wearing an ordinary white dress; though it was plain, it could not mask her beauty. She had long black hair and blue pupils; she was simply perfect.

Alistair felt a faint connection or bonding with the man and the women lying in bed and believed that they were his parents. He felt blessed to have loving parents again and swore that he would protect them with all his power.

The one carrying him was that mid-aged women, she must be the midwife. But Alistair did not feel any warmth from her; she was like a plank of wood. She was cold and but her eyes just blank, or there was no life in it. She was more like Zenith box's tool spirit.

"Dear bring the baby to me, let me have a good look at him." his mother asked his father there were eagerness and affection in her voice.

Then his father took him from the women's hand gently, and when he was in his father's hands, he could sense warmth and care. Then he was passed to his mother, there he felt like he was in the safest place in the world.

Then his mother stared at him for a long time and then gave a bright smile. "Andre look, the kid's just like you; he's surely going to disturb many beauties sleep once he grows."

"Yea, he will surely be well accomplished with many wives and even more girls chasing him, whose son do you think he is?" Both the couple was bickering completely ignoring the midwife.

Though Alistair was eager to learn more about his new life, sudden drowsiness came over him, and he couldn't resist the sleepiness, slowly slipped into a deep sleep.

"Hey, Andre what can we name him?" His mother was observing Alistair, who was sleeping and asked her husband without lifting her head. She was thinking of different names for Alistair.

"Pass him over, let me take a good look at our son." His father took Alistair from his mother and teased him a bit. Since Alistair was asleep, he did not respond, then he thought for some time before coming up with names.

"Helena, how about Quinn?" Andre asked Helena, and then Helena approved the name with a satisfied nod.

"Hey, sleepyhead you're Quinn Moore. Do you like your name Kiddo?" Thus Alistair got his new name without his consent. The couple started to get rowdier as they were too happy. But his parents conveniently forgot about their sleeping kid.

"Madame, young master is asleep, so please don't disturb him." the midwife reminded Helena in a monotonous tone. Immediately both his parents stopped talking and then his father went out, leaving the two women and child on the room.


Alistair found himself in the white room again, but this time he was a small baby and not in his soul form. Moreover, his movements weren't restricted like earlier. He was able to move freely without any restrains. Alistair waited for Tool spirit's cold voice. After some time, he started to lose his patients so shouted for the tool spirit.

Then a small boy around 10 years suddenly appeared before him. The kid was wearing a long yellow robe, and he was bald, but it was somehow complementing his attire. He was like a cute little Shaolin monk.

His black pupil was too bright and pure, not even a hint of darkness could be sensed from his eyes. He was like light god's son, the radiance he emanated could make anyone bow before him in awe except his aura somehow failed to imitate Alistair.

[Welcome Host. Thanks for enduring the painful fusion. I'm not the tool spirit; I'm the treasured soul or Zenith box's soul. My name is Elgar.]

Elgar's voice was like a small kid, but it didn't contain any immaturity or childishness. It was filled with wisdom like hearing an old sage's golden words. At the same time, Elgar was more like a human compared to the tool spirit or the guardian.

"Nice to meet you Elgar and how old are you." Alistair was curious about Elgar's real age as he was too mature to be a kid; he was like an old sage.

Everyone it's been a while sorry for the delay.

Well exams are truly a pain in a** and failing one's even more sh*tty. I had to re write the those stuff so i couldn't find time to edit the novel. anyway i'm truly helpless.

I will upload daily 5 chps till 50 chps and then it will be daily release as schedule. Only small changes are made with wording and grammar and chps has been down sized to 1200 words,

Thks for the support!!!


Edited on 19-11-2019

Hoswincreators' thoughts