
Old man Blake

Handcrafted goods are superior to robot made ones. The rich and powerful ones enjoy the handcrafted products while weak and impoverished can only afford the mass machine produced ones. Just like the earth - the rich get richer; the poor get poorer, Or the survival of the fittest.

Though Earth and Unigux have one primary difference, the theory survival of the fittest is widely accepted by all the people of Unigux. In contrast, on earth, people try to overthrow this theory in many ways. For the people of Unigux, this theory is just like the law of gravity humans on earth.

Quinn's parents are running an ordinary restaurant in the city. He has been there a few times, though it a small restaurant with only 5 employees it was always crowded. His father's the chief cook while his mother manages the restaurant.

Quinn was able to figure out the general situation of Unigux through his interaction with the customers of the restaurant. Everyone loved cute kids, and Quinn could be considered as the cutest kid around; so he's actually pretty popular with the customers.

His parents were just ordinary cultivators with decent strength, he did not know their exact realm, but he gauged their power to be slightly above average cultivators.

Actually, Quinn was content with his lifestyle, in his past life though he was born with a silver spoon and loving parents; but they didn't have much spare time to spend with him. Being average people Andre and Helena shower Quinn with love and he too behaved like an ordinary kid before his parents, Quinn desired to fully enjoy his childhood and create numerous happy memories.

At times he would act a bit mature and exhibited some talents. These were to make his parents happy and proud of having a bright kid and a few other advantages.

Overall he was very content with his present life; he had a loving and doting parent who spoiled him a lot. Their living condition was very pretty ordinary yet a filling one. The only thing that bothered him was access to gadgets. He was only given a few tech toys like the Rubik's cube.

He did not have a Personal Implant of his own. So his information was limited to what he gets from the customers of the restaurant and his parents.

His parents refused to give him a Personal Implant no matter how hard he cried or begged.


"The record is broken!! New record 4.34 minutes" beautiful women appeared from the blue ball and stood behind the cube. Her voice was mesmerizing, and the enthusiasm was evident in her voice.

When Quinn heard the announcement, he immediately awoke. He was stunned, realizing that he broke his own record. The previous record was set by him 8 months ago; then he challenged himself to break his own record in 9 months.

But that challenge was like a ban of his life, and he failed thousands of times and finally, he broke the record after 8 months. But before he could celebrate the door opened and his father called for him.

"Hey kiddo, come greet Grandpa Blake." Immediately the cube shrunk and it became 3x3 Rubik's cube, the women also vanished.

Quinn was amazed to find that he had relatives; he always presumed to have no relatives or some sort of misunderstanding between his parents and his relatives. Now that a Grandpa suddenly popped up, it ignited his curiosity.

Though the tragedies of his past life were caused by evil relatives Quinn didn't develop any sort of prejudice against relatives or family as a whole; in fact, during his voyage, he encountered many kind-hearted people who were supporting or loving their kin.

Moreover, Quinn was resolved to lead a different path in this life, and he sincerely wished for having a large group of warm and affectionate relatives in this life.

Quinn went to the hall while holding his father's hand and found his mother talking with a bald old man. The old man was wearing a reddish-black robe; his looks were very average as ordinary as a bookkeeper.

One would forget his face if they didn't take extra pains to register, to most he will be like a passerby. Nothing stood out about him that made him unique. He was a stark contrast to his parents; no matter what they wore, his dad and mom would look gorgeous.

When his mother and the old man sensed their arrival, they stopped their conversation and turned towards him. And then the old man eyed his father and mother as if was asking their consent for something.

After his parents nodded their head solemnly; the old man started mumbling something. The moment he started his mumbling, the calm and gentle aura around him transformed into an overbearing majestic aura, he was like an evil tyrant king brimming with arrogance and intense Killing Intent.

Strangely it only lasted for a short period till; then his eyes turned white like a blind old man, his previous majestic aura was like an illusion or a misconception.

But strangely Quinn felt the white eyes even more terrifying than the tyrannical aura. He started to panic; the eyes were threatening to see through all his secrets; it was as if they were lying bare before the terrifying eyes.

"Truly strange this brat has a Grade 10 natal soul."

The old man was muttering in a low voice, but since it was extremely silent, Quinn and his parents heard it clearly. When his parents listened to this, they were blooming with a smile and were literally over the moon.

"But he only has a Grade 2 innate body, this type of body constitution is one in a million possiblity; actually this is a disaster."

The second part of the sentence was like pouring a bucket full of cold water; his parent's joyous mood turned gloomy, but still, there was no despair or helplessness in their eyes.

Immediately the very next second, they recovered with a confident smile. The present scene gave out an ethereal flavour, loving parents are a different breed altogether.

Their confident guise was similar to a brave soldier's last drink before marching towards his death happily without any regret. When the old man saw them, he shook his head slightly and sighed lightly.

'Only parents love can be this unconditional.'

Considering their expressions, he re-checked Quinn, yet he still got the same result.

"Do not worry; there are many people in history who has achieved great heights with a strong soul but weak body."

He tried to lift the heavy mood, but anyone could that he was trying to cheer up his parents. It will be challenging to cultivate with a low mortal body.

It's the very base for cultivation - higher the Grade body easier it is to cultivate. Unfortunately, no treasure could improve the body constitution before cultivation.

Edited on 19-11-2019

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