
The Inherited Darkness

In the quiet city of Fukuoka, Japan, Kurashi Ito, a nihilistic 17-year-old high school boy, leads a solitary life in his bland apartment, finding solace in the depths of his own solitude. Alone, he finds himself disconnected from those around him, struggling to grasp the idea of life and his place within it. One ordinary day, as he returns home from school, riding his worn-out bike through a stormy afternoon, his life takes an unexpected turn. Stumbling upon a forgotten cardboard box in his apartment, Kurashi discovers a book inscribed with the writings of his late father. Intrigued, he begins to read about a mysterious and long-lost clan to which he belongs. The revelations within the pages unveil the untold secrets of his extinct family. After unraveling this new-found knowledge, Kurashi sets out at midnight on a journey that transcends the boundaries of his comfort zone. Through his journey, Kurashi is faced not only with ruthless fights, but also the internal struggles of finding his true identity. "The Inherited Darkness" is a captivating story of self-discovery, resilience, and philosophy. The unraveling of complexities in Kurashi's identity and the power that lies dormant within him.

Its_kurai · Action
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18 Chs

The Abandoned Warehouse

Kurashi slowly approached the girl, his hands resting in his pockets. She became tensed as Kurashi stood in front of her.

She remains in fear before asking, "Y-y-you're not gonna hurt me...Are you here to save me"?

Kurashi negates the question and quietly asks, "Where are they"?

The girl stares at him in confusion.

"The men...where are they?", Kurashi repeated.

The little girl rubbed the tears from eyes before whimpering out, "I-I don't know...".

After hearing that the girl did not have any useful information, Kurashi began to walk away. He had suddenly paused when the girl clenched his left hand.

"Please...don't leave me...The bad guys will get me again.", the girl said in a fragile whisper.

Without a word, Kurashi continued to exit the alleyway. The little girl kept close to Kurashi in the crowded streets, holding tightly onto the back of his hoodie with both hands.

The girl said softly, "Mister...can I ask you something"?

Kurashi looked over his left shoulder at the little girl.

"Mama...Papa...will I see them again?", the girl stated in a desperate tone.

Kurashi replied in a monotone voice, " I don't know...", as he turned his gaze forward once more.

The little girl looked down in disappointment, upset by the response she received.

"Then can you promise this...Promise that you will protect me from those people.

Kurashi remained quiet before saying, "If you tell me where they are...I will".

"Okay, I will try my best to remember.", the girl said with a hint of hope in her voice, "Thank you...".

The sound of the festival dulled down to a hum as they moved into the more secluded side of town. The streets were dark, the buildings abandoned, and the smell of smoke filled the air. As they walked along the cracked pavement, a vague memory had come to the girl.

"This place...I remember...the scary sounds, the laughing men, the fear...", the little girl stated as she looked around.

"What did it look like?", Kurashi asked in an almost robotic tone.

"I-I'm not sure, it was really dark.", the little girl hesitantly stated.

They walked on through the streets, their footsteps merging with the faint night breeze. It was then that Kurashi had noticed the sound of a car engine coming to a stop, its tires crunching softly on the pavement below it. Now hiding along a wall, covered by the depth of the night, Kurashi observed the scene before him. The car then shut off and two men had stepped out, closing the car doors behind them. As the two men approached the front door of an abandoned warehouse, Kurashi noticed three other men standing guard, their posture casual yet alert. With a stern nod from one of the guards, the two men were allowed into the warehouse, the large metal door shutting behind them.

"It's here...This is it.", the little girl whispered, her voice a mix of both recognition and fear.

"Walk up there...", Kurashi commanded, his voice devoid of emotion.

"What! Why would I do that? They would just take me again...", the little girl protested in fear.

Kurashi turned his gaze to the girl, his cold stare forcing her to look down.

"We made a promise, remember that...", the little girl said softly as she walked into the open.

She fidgeted with her hands as she walked towards the front door.

"He promised me...I'm safe...I'm safe...I'm safe...", the little girl said to herself, "I just have to be brave, that's all".

As she got closer to the door, one of the guards noticed her.

"Well, well, well! Looks like the girl showed back up by herself", one of the guards stated in a mocking tone.

"What happened? The outside too scary for ya?", another guard chimed in, laughing to himself.

"Stop messing around, and get her inside. The boss is already irritated enough.", the third guard commanded, aggravated by his fellow coworkers.

"Fine...", the first guard responded as he walked over to the little girl, reaching out his hand, "C'mon, it's time to head back inside".

The little girl said to herself, "He promised me...I'm safe...I'm safe...I'm safe...", her eyes closed by the fear of what was standing in front of her.

From the top of the warehouse, a phantom had silently descended from the darkness. Kurashi drove his katana down into the collarbone of one of the guards, blood spraying as he pulled the blade out. With a swift pivot, Kurashi severed the head of the other guard standing at the door in a clean slash. The last guard ,who stood near the little girl, fumbled desperately to pull out his gun. Kurashi then turned his cold gaze upon him, slowly lifting his left hand towards the remaining guard. As Kurashi closed his fist, an unseen force had punctured the guards insides, coughing up blood as he fell to the ground in agony.

With the guards now taken out, the little girl had stepped cautiously around the dead bodies. The girl then stood behind Kurashi as he opened the warehouse door, her small hands clinging onto his hoodie once more.