
The Inheritance Of The Supreme Immortals

In the vast and grand universe, myriad treasures and artifacts existed, some crafted by the Grand Dao of the universe itself, while countless others paled in comparison to the might of those created by the Grand Dao. Yet, amidst the cosmic expanse, one individual achieved the extraordinary feat of fashioning a treasure on par with those birthed by the Grand Dao. This creator wasn't mortal, nor an immortal cultivator who had ascended to the pinnacle of power. Neither inherently good nor bad, this enigmatic figure stood as the genesis of countless races—a shattered being unlike any ever witnessed. Known by many names, the most prominent being the 'Son of the Universe'. Born directly from the Grand Dao of the universe, he was not the first entity to be brought forth in such a manner. The universe had previously given rise to beings governed by the System of Reality—known by various titles such as Heavenly Daos or World Trees—acting as gods of creation for innumerable planets across the universe. These divine entities, also referred to as the 'Daughters of the Universe', were exclusively female, with no sons among them. However, the Grand Dao of the universe defied this established norm, birthing a Son and thereby breaking the rules of the System of Reality. The treasure forged by the 'Son of the Universe' was lost to time, only to reappear fortuitously in an alley on a fateful night. On that particular night, a young man named Sam Hailstorm stumbled upon this extraordinary artifact, forever altering the course of his life. As for why the Grand Dao birthed such an unimaginable being, why this treasure found its way to Sam, and the purpose behind the Son of the Universe creating such a powerful artifact, join Sam on his journey of discovery as he unravels the truths and destinies that lie ahead. [A/N: As the story unfolds over several dozen chapters, the protagonist will evolve into the epitome of overpowering prowess. While the narrative will predominantly shift towards elements such as romance, face-slapping, power-ups, world exploration, comedy, and slice of life, it doesn't imply an absence of intense battles. Conflicts, wars, fights, and instances of revenge will still play significant roles in the overarching storyline.] [Tags: [R-18], [harem],[Comedy],[Wars],[Frequent Power Ups], [Cultivation],[Overpowered],[Necromancy],[Action],[plot], [Magic],[Adventure],[Supernatural],[Vampire],[Werewolf],[Demons],[Devils],[Dragons],[Slice Of Life], [World Exploration]]

Sam_OverPowered · Fantasy
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158 Chs

Chapter 18: Sugar Daddy

After a moment's thought, Amelia replied, "Yes, I trust you."

Sam pressed further, "Why?"

"I've seen how girls fawn over you. They practically throw themselves at you because you're incredibly handsome and charming," Amelia explained. "And yet, you never take advantage of them. That's why I trust you."

Sam was somewhat surprised by her reason. "You trust me based on that?"

Amelia nodded as if it were the most obvious thing. "Mm."

Sam decided to push the boundaries a bit. "What if I did take advantage of you? After all, the girls in our class are nothing compared to you in terms of looks."

Amelia's response was surprisingly grim. "I would plunge your lungs out of your body using my hands."

"Got it," Sam replied, trying hard not to imagine the gruesome image she had just described. "So, how do we do this? You bite my neck?" He pointed to his neck with his index finger.

Amelia shook her head. "No, I've never drunk blood directly from the neck. I've always had blood given to me in a bottle; my clan members would have them prepared."

"Then drink from my hand," Sam offered, extending his wrist toward Amelia.

Amelia hesitated for a moment, her gaze fixated on his wrist. Slowly, she reached out, gently grasping his hand and bringing it closer to her mouth.

Sam watched as her fangs extended from her mouth, and her eyes turned blood red. It was a sight that would terrify most, but to him, she looked surprisingly cute. As she bit into his hand, Sam briefly felt a stinging pain before it transformed into a strange sensation, one that he didn't find unpleasant.

Amelia drank a few drops of his blood before stopping abruptly. "You... I can sense every type of natural Qi in your blood."

Sam quickly came up with an explanation. "That's probably due to my two noble dragon bloodlines," he suggested, not wanting to reveal his unique connection to all spiritual qi.

Amelia didn't seem entirely convinced but nodded in agreement. However, she didn't continue drinking from his wrist. Instead, she looked at him and admitted, "No... I don't want to drink from your wrist. It doesn't taste good that way."

Her gaze drifted to his neck, and a faint blush appeared on her face. Vampires typically only drank blood through the neck of their mates. Aside from their mates, they rarely had direct contact when feeding. It was a delicate matter, especially for a female vampire.

As she subconsciously studied Sam's face, it dawned on her, perhaps because she was suppressing her hunger earlier, only now did she realize that Sam was undeniably handsome.

Sam could feel the atmosphere between them shift, and he couldn't deny the growing attraction he felt toward Amelia. Her blush and the way her gaze lingered on his face didn't go unnoticed.

At that moment, he leaned in slightly closer to her, his eyes locking onto hers. "Amelia," he said softly, "if you'd like to try drinking from my neck, you can. I trust you."

Amelia's heart raced as she met his gaze, her blush deepening, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. The connection between them deepened, and it was clear that something more than just blood was being shared between them in the quiet intimacy of the infirmary.

The offer he made was unexpected, and it filled her with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. She had never been this close to someone, let alone in such a vulnerable moment.

Drinking directly from the neck was a delicate and personal act for vampires, and he wondered what had prompted her to make this request.

nonetheless, Sam had no objections.

As Sam leaned in closer, she found herself drawn to him, unable to resist the magnetic pull between them. "Sam," she whispered, her voice barely audible, "I'd like that"

"Are you sure about this?" he inquired, wanting to be certain of her decision.

Amelia nodded with determination. "Yes."

Sam sat cross-legged on the bed and gently tilted his head to the side, baring his neck. It was an intimate gesture, one that signified trust and vulnerability.

Amelia's vampire instincts kicked in, and she moved closer, her fangs elongating, her gaze never leaving him, with a mixture of anticipation and curiosity, she gently leaned in, her lips brushing against his neck. 

Their proximity intensified the anticipation and the sensual nature of the moment. Sam could feel her warm breath on his neck, sending shivers down his spine. her fragrance, that intoxicating scent unique to vampire girls, filled his senses. It was alluring and addictive making it difficult to resist.

Despite the overwhelming temptation, Sam, with his strong mental strength, managed to maintain his composure.

Amelia's mind raced with confusion as she found herself oddly attracted to Sam. It was a sensation she couldn't explain, a magnetic pull that drew her closer to him. She questioned her own feelings, her heart pounding in her chest.

She gazed at the spot on his neck that was moist with her saliva, her fangs gently grazing his skin. Unable to resist any longer, she slowly sank her teeth into that tender spot.

Unbeknownst to Sam, his Primordial Chaos Dragon bloodline was assimilating at a rate of 5%.

As her lips met his skin and she began to drink his blood, it was as if she had indulged in the richest, most decadent chocolate. A warmth spread through her, and she closed her eyes in bliss.

A minute passed, and she continued to drink, her eyes still closed. The temperature around them seemed to rise, a palpable heat enveloping them.

Two more minutes passed, and something shifted within Amelia. She drank more aggressively, biting down harder on Sam's neck. He was momentarily surprised, but there was no pain, only a strange, exhilarating sensation.

Amelia instinctively wrapped her arms around Sam's back, her body moving to sit on his lap. Her legs encircled his waist, and Sam, who had been sitting cross-legged, held her securely by her waist.

As she fervently drank his blood from his neck, her vibrant red hair cascaded over his hands and stomach. Its fragrance filled the air, intoxicating both of them.

Their chests pressed together, and the room seemed to grow even hotter as an undeniable connection forged between them.

After about fifteen minutes, Amelia was still drinking Sam's blood. It was unlike any blood she had ever tasted, and with each sip, it seemed to draw her in more.

Eventually, Amelia decided she had had enough. Slowly, she withdrew her fangs from his neck, leaving behind a gentle bite mark. She carefully licked the spot to clean it of any lingering bloodstains.

Her hands remained securely behind Sam's back, and she opened her eyes, meeting his gaze. In those intense moments, she suddenly became aware of the position they were in, with her limbs tightly wrapped around him and her chest pressed against his.

"Have you had enough?" Sam asked with a gentle smile.

"Umu," Amelia nodded several times, her face flushed with embarrassment.

Amelia slowly rose from Sam's lap, taking a seat beside him in a more appropriate manner. She couldn't help but place a hand over her chest, feeling her heart still racing.

"Amelia, it's getting late. We should go home," Sam suggested.

"Yes," she agreed, her voice slightly breathless.

As Sam moved to exit through the window, Amelia suddenly reached out and grabbed his hand. "Wait."

Amelia couldn't bring herself to meet his eyes as she stammered, "C-Can you give me your contact number?"

Sam's smile widened at her request, and he readily took her phone, quickly typing in his number before handing it back to her. 

Amelia playfully entered "sugar daddy" as the contact name and saved Sam's information on her phone.

If only Sam knew.