
The Infinity Helix

Natovis, better known as the Layered City, has seen better days. The upper layers are still intact and still governed by the authorities, but they are nothing compared to what they used to be. No one knows what goes on past the 8th floor down from the top. It is estimated that there could be thousands of floors. Things are so far declined that much of history and science is forgotten. People turn instead to speculation, legend, and outright guessing to explain the world and universe. Most do not even know how the city got there. There is a series of mysterious and unexplained disappearances, none of which have any evidence, except for one. The insolvency to fixing this problem shines light onto the civilizations decline. The public, led by some extraordinary individuals take action to both solve the mystery, turn things around, and figure out why the city declined in the first place.

LordofGrammar · Sci-fi
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40 Chs

Covenant of the Fallen Comet

The Covenant of the Fallen Comet and its religious elites were excellent record keepers. There were entire libraries that contained information dated back from thousands of years ago. Much of the information is even from before Natovis was even built.

This is how the cult came to be in their history. They were originally a warrior people who fought with swords, spears, shields, and armor. One day when their warriors were in battle fighting the enemy army, an enemy with a superior force, there erupted a massive storm of meteors in the sky, hitting warriors throughout the battle.

Amidst the meteor shower, the warriors continued to fight on. As the storm of meteors came crashing down, among them a massive meteor ten thousand yards in diameter came crashing down. It smashed into the enemy army, wiping out the majority of the remaining enemy force.

The asteroids from the sky intervened to help the warrior people to win their battles. In return, the large rocks in the sky surrounding all of Isova and its two moons must be respected and honored.

The meteor remained there on the planet outside of Natovis, and became a religious site. It later was retrofitted into a temple by some of their engineers for members of the warrior people and other followers. It remains occupied and in use to the present day.

At one point in their history, many of their people moved into Natovis when it was built, but there is little known of those people by the upper levels, except for some of the public threats that are made and sometimes acted upon.

Most of the public knowledge of the Covenant of the Fallen Comet present day are of the members that remained in the countryside in the region where the meteorite lays. This is also categorized as one of the rogue states that lay outside of Natovis.