
The Infinity Gear

After a verbal lashing from Rias and the other members of the peerage, Issei finally snaps, leaving the group in an explosive manner. After surviving being separated from the Welsh Dragon, he; as well as the Vali group; journey the world with a new goal, one that could bring them face to face with the entirety of every religion in existence. Chapter 3 is here! Chapter 4 Ongoing! NOT DROPPED!!!

Ras23 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

The Plans of a New Future

The devils before Issei could not help but stare with mouths agape at the arm he held over his head. All three of them were beyond surprised as they should be.

On his newly regenerated arm was a black and purple version of the Boosted Gear.

"An…Infinity Gear?" Vali was absolutely stunned, as were the girls. To request one of the most powerful beings, The Dragon God of Infinity; The True Black Dragon God Emperor; The Ouroboros Dragon, to reside within their soul…!

'Albion, if there's anything I learned from this host, its that if a fool is foolish enough, he'll achieve the impossible!'

The impossible…truly, what Ddraig said back then could not have been more accurate.

Issei could feel his body growing cooler by the second, the overwhelming power gradually receding from where it came. Confident that his life was no longer in danger, he lowered his black and purple gauntlet to gaze at it closer. It really looked a lot like the Boosted Gear, the only differences were that the jewel was purple and the gauntlet was black with purple markings comparable to that of the Boosted Gear. Hell, even the markings were the same as the Boosted Gear.

It had a very nostalgic feeling to it, like it was a perfect fit. There wasn't any inclination that his gear was out like he did with Ddraig. With the Welsh Dragon, he could always tell when the Boosted Gear was active or not. With this… Vali said something about an Infinity Gear? Not only did the name sound catchy, but with the only outward difference between the two gears being coloration, the name made sense. He liked it.

This Infinity Gear felt so natural, like it was a perfect fit, conformed to him whereas he had to conform to the Boosted Gear.

'That is only natural.' The jewel glowed and the voice of the Infinite Dragon God could be heard inside of the boy's head. 'When you were bonded to Ddraig, his power could only be called on when you desired it. My strength, however, is always there. Infinity cannot be contained unless I allow it."

'Guess that makes sense.' The reincarnated dragon thought. 'So, how is it? Do you finally have the silence you have been looking for?' This was one of the few worries he had left. If Ophis was dissatisfied, he couldn't exactly stop her from leaving and putting him back in that death-like state.

'Yes. At long last, I have attained silence. Thank you, Issei Hyoudou, for helping me accomplish what I desired most.'

'Hey, I should be the one thanking you. I only escaped certain death because of you.' At this point, that was the boy's greatest relief. There have been too many attempts on his life ever since he joined the world of the supernatural. Raynare's light spear, Riser's one attempt at killing Rias' peerage, Loki, and everything in-between. In two of those numerous attempts, he actually did die. What just recently transpired could be considered a third attempt on his life, despite it being his own.

How many more times would death try to take him?

Issei shook his head at such unpleasant thoughts. 'Well, I should head over to the others.' Just as he was about to do just that, Ophis spoke once again.

'Issei, listen to me carefully.' Ophis told him, making the boy pause in his actions. 'Because you are now a full dragon, you will always be releasing more draconic energy in comparison to what you were before. Forces both positive and negative are going to be drawn towards you at an even greater scale."

This was most certainly a cause for concern. Issei could feel how weak had become. He was much stronger with Ddraig.

Must be a side effect from the fusion, he reasoned.

'Comes with being a full dragon, I guess.' Was his acceptive response. 'Makes sense that the attractive forces would be stronger now that I am a full dragon.' He reasoned, seeing nothing that should upset him regarding this fact.

'Another thing I should mention is that you are not ready to wield the infinite mass of energy that I represent. Only I, who is infinite, can control my infinite strength.'

'���I guess that makes sense… but if we became one, then shouldn't I be able to access your power?'

'With time, yes. However, as of right now, you are no more powerful than you were with Ddraig's Balance Breaker. There is no way a freshly turned dragon could possibly wield the entirety of my strength. For now, you will have to make do with the abilities you acquired alongside Ddraig.'

'My abilities...? Hold on, you don't mean-!'

'That is right, you can still use all of the abilities that you had when bonded with the Welsh Dragon: Boost, Transfer, Divide, Balor View, all of them.'

'Wow! That is great! Thanks, Ophis! But…I can use Divide and Balor View? When have I had those abilities?'

'From what I saw of your memories, I couldn't say. I would guess that you somehow used those abilities when you were in Juggernaut Drive and your soul remembered how you used them. I allowed them to stay because they looked interesting and will most certainly aid you in the future.'

'Oh…wow…I don't even know what to say at this point…' All this new information, along with this day in general, was really starting to make his head hurt. 'So, regarding your own power…how long would it take for me to have access it?'

'Judging by how well your body is adapting to my influence, at best a century.'

'A Century!?'

'Yes, a century. Because we became one, I am your body just as you are mine. My body can handle my energy no matter what form I enter. You, however; cannot. The fusion of a being such as myself and a being such as yourself resulted in our body becoming unstable. Currently, the seal is holding the vast majority of our power. It will take at least a century for our body to adapt to the sudden change and let us access more of what is now our strength.'

Issei nodded in understanding, removing his gaze from his left arm and looking over at the three devils who continued to stare at him in shock and awe, unable to believe what they bore witness to. 'If I train my body, would that make any difference?'

'Very little. Like I said, the problem is not your physical condition but the presence of an unknown entity in our body: you.' The strongest dragon replied. 'Mere training will not accomplish anything regarding accessing my power faster.'

'Well, that is unfortunate. Whelp can't be helped.'

'I should also let you know that your soul was not a sufficient payment for becoming my host.'

This information caused the reincarnated dragon to raise his eyebrow as he started to walk over to his friends who had helped him survive long enough for Ophis to repair his soul. 'Could you explain?'

'If I were to merely take your soul, your body would be unable to adjust to the sudden amount of power you took on and you would literally combust from my strength before I could do anything to stop it. I had to take your entire body as well so that I can slowly mold it into a body capable of accessing our power.'

'Still kind of confused here…'

'You are a newly created planet and I am the rest of the universe. If I gave you everything I had, you would explode. You need time to grow into a beautiful orb of life like Earth in order to handle the dangers that I come with.'

"Issei!" A sudden ball of white slammed itself against the former devil's chest just as the Black Dragon finished its explanation. Looking down, the boy saw that it was the younger of the two present Nekoshou. "You're alive! You're alive!"

The girl was squeezing him so hard that his human self would most likely die from a crushed spinal cord. The dragon in human form raised a hand and ran it through her hair while another played with her cat ears as Koneko cried into his chest in joy and relief.

"Sorry I worried you so much. I promise it won't ever happen again." The calm, comforting tone did much to ease the display of emotions that wrapped itself around his torso. Still refusing to let go, Issei smiled down at her and ran his hand through her hair, scratching the back of her skull in a manner that left her snuggling into him with dried tears caking her happy face.

"Kuroka, Vali." Issei raised his head and spoke to the other two. "Thank you for helping me until Ophis arrived. If it wasn't for you two, I would have truly died."

"Anything to make Shirone happy-nya." The elder Nekomata replied while waving the gratitude off in a carefree manner, adding a nya at the end now that the situation has relaxed.

"I only did it because you deserve a glorified death on the battlefield." Vali explained his reasoning for his assistance no further, crossing his arms relaxingly.

"Even so, I cannot thank you enough."

The two of them gave him a small smile before Kuroka asked a question.

"So, what are you going to do now-nya?"

Everyone froze when those words left the girl's mouth. What was he going to do? They were the Vali group and the Vali group's objective were to protect Ophis. However, Issei became one with Ophis so… shouldn't he be the one they need to protect?

The answer seemed to be made for them. "I think I am going to hang out with you guys for a while." Issei told the small group, still petting Koneko on the head, loving every bit of soft hair. "I mean, I am technically a stray devil now. If not, then the entire underworld will think I am dead before long. I also don't have anywhere else to go since Rias did all but steal my house."

"True." Koneko gazed up at him with a seemingly apologetic expression. A smile was all it took to satisfy her worries this time.

"Not only that," Vali added, "but you are much weaker than you were when you were the Welsh Dragon. Is that a side-affect from merging with Ophis?"

"Yeah, something about being a new planet unable to handle the dangers of the universe?" Issei was still wrapping his head around the dumbed down explanation that was given to him. Eventually, he relented, thinking that he was simply still unable to comprehend the concept of infinity just yet.

"That makes sense. Since you are hosting Ophis and not the other way around, if she gave you everything at once, you would most likely be erased from existence-nya." Kuroka sat beside him, happy to be next to her smiling sister. "How long before you can harness her original power? Any guess?"

"Ophis said the fusion went better than expected. It may or may not be due to my affinity for dragons, but I should be able to handle it in about a century."

"Only a century?" The half devil couldn't help but raise an eyebrow with a lopsided smirk. "Will you be training at all? To accelerate your growth?"

"I am still probably going to train, but that won't do anything in regards to getting more of her power anytime soon."

"Hmm…so the time is set in stone? Rather unfortunate to have to wait a century to see anything interesting…you said you were still going to train?"

"Yeah. I managed to retain all of my skills from when I was the Red Dragon so I was going to play around with them a little and actually familiarize myself with them. Boost is pretty much the only thing I really used back then, relying on power to fight power. I only used Bo…"

Color flushed the cheeks of the resurrected man, a palm running through his hair as he tried to not remember the name of his technique.

"I can't believe I called it that."

Vali, Kuroka, and Koneko all exchanged a glance at his words. The older Nekomata was the one curious enough to inquire, however.

"What are you talking about-nya?"

"My, umm…" The flush on his face lit him up like a Christmas tree, Issei constantly changing where he put his weight and not once dared to meet their eyes.


It was muttered under his breath so the, now, Ouroboros Dragon believed no one would hear it. What he failed to realize, however; was that two of the present three had enhanced hearing while the only male was, unknown to all, a very good lip reader.

"Booblingual?" The older yokai could not resist the urge to raise an eyebrow and smirk at the odd name. The blush only grew more vivid hearing it come from the girl's lips.

"If I am correct," Vali joined in the confusion, "'lingual' refers to language correct? Does that mean you can understand…the language of breasts? I must say, I am unsure if I am understanding this technique correctly."

"Oh~ really~" The smirking Kuroka, seeing an opportunity, leaned forward with narrowed eyes, thrusting her chest nice and snug against the dragon's face. "Can you tell me what these breasts are saying? Hey~ can you?"

For his part, Issei was surprisingly calm despite the fact that the two mounds of glorious flesh were cutting off his oxygen. Not only did he fail to indulge in the blissful sensation of the Nekomata's bountiful bosom, he also gently removed her overly-tempting figure with not so much as a trace of the previous coloring upon his face.

Kuroka was absolutely flabbergasted. The old Hyoudou Issei was a perverse boy who frequently indulged in a woman's natural gifts. Not only was he failing so to anything to her or react in a bashful manner at her forwardness, but he also pushed her away, a major to to her feminine pride!

Koneko was equally shocked as well, having the two mounds of flesh unknowingly placed upon her head removed by the man in her embrace.

Vali raised a singular eyebrow but said nothing, his rival exhibiting behavior that was quite different from what he expected and it intrigued him greatly.

"Kuroka," with a hand still on her shoulder, a firm squeeze came before Issei continued, "while I won't deny that that was absolutely amazing, don't you think that kind of behavior should be saved until it is just the two of us?"

A quick wink and a confident smirk, combined with his newly built figure exposed for the world to see in the very much tattered and bloodied shirt were too much to the seductive Nekoshou. Kuroka was the one wearing the blush this time with Koneko quickly following suit, although the red on her face was not for the same reasons.

"What do you mean the two of you!?" The rook gripped the remnants of the collar and shook it with such force Vali could feel the breeze it made from several feet away. "If you think for a second that I am just going to let you do anything with that cow-"

"Shirone." The moment her real name left those smooth lips, her limbs ceased treating him like a rag doll. That single word left her completely still, her limbs feeling heavy as she gazed into those chocolate orbs of his with her amber ones watched a single arm glided across her skin. Tiny hairs rose and a minute tingling filled her spine when fingers dove into her shoulder length hair.

His face drew closer. "You were there for me when the others weren't, stayed by my side when it mattered most. It means the world to me that you did that and I can't apologize enough for shooting at you during my episode. If it wasn't for you, I would be dead by the hands of a Juggernaut or the explosion. You are the reason I am alive right now, not Kuroka."

His face was too close, hell; she could feel his breath! An arm around her waist and other still in her hair, fingers combing through it with his breath tickling her sensitive ears, Shirone was left panting into his chest.


"I wonder what I should do to thank you…Shi. Ro. Ne."

With those quiet utterances caressing her delicate ears with a voice of honey, the Ouroboros applied an affectionate nibble and a firm but tender tug of her hair.

"Iss…" Overstimulated from her ears and scalp, exhausted from the emotionally stressing day, the younger of the two yokai became an embarrassed and happy mass of putty, dirty thoughts flooding her mind like a tidal wave.

The blushing Nekomata, overhearing everything, was torn. One part of her wanted to protect Shirone's innocence while another wanted to jump him here and now, audience be damned. Those thoughts instantly melted when the boy set her sister down in a patch of fresh, clean grass, stood, and began to stride towards her. She sat unmoving as the boy entered her personal space, positioning himself next to her ear just like he had with Shirone.

"Behave yourself and perhaps I will treat you to a…reward later."


Moments later, she was lying beside her sister in a very similar state.

"Issei Hyoudou." The boy in question turned to see the half-devil approaching him with a smile tugging at his face and hands in pockets. "What happened to you?"

"Depends on what you are asking." He answered. "Today has been rather eventful, after all."

"So, I've heard. Let me rephrase that; you are not acting at all like the person who I fought with a while back. You seem to have more self-control, more awareness, and more confidence than before. The way you treated those two is also confusing. I've done my homework on you since our battle; you were killed once by a fallen angel when you were still human, that same fallen angel killed someone you considered close to you as well. And earlier, you said 'the others were being selfish'. When you say others, I assume you were talking about the Gremory and her peerage. So, something happened, something unpleasant, and it eventually led to you being here, with no Boosted Gear. Yet, you are still treating Kuroka and her sister fairly well, dare I say affectionately? Considering everything that has happened thus far, shouldn't you feel some sort of animosity towards the opposite gender? After all, all of the female you trusted have hurt you in one way or another. I would not be surprised if you felt animosity in general actually, with all of the near-death experiences and battles you experienced."

Vali was right. Raynare killing him, being brought back to life by Rias as a dirty move to acquire another piece, Raynare killing Asia, going through hellish training, the Holy Sword incident, sacrificing his body for strength, fighting Riser and his peerage, Fenrir, Loki, the betrayals he faced, the list could go on. If Issei just flat out chose to turn his back on the factions and on girls in general, no one would be able to fault him on it, not easily at least.

But despite everything, Issei continued to smile and treat woman the same as he always had…better than he had, if past experience was anything to go by.

"To be perfectly honest, Vali, I don't know." The boy turned to see the two girls on the ground, watching them talk and listening intently. "One wrong move and your expectations could very well have become reality. But I think I know the reason why I just can't bring myself to discriminate against the female gender and seclude myself somewhere."

An enjoyable silence filled the air. A starry night sky bore down on them, the chirping of birds and the songs of crickets filled the air as they bathed in the light of a full moon. The atmosphere was absolutely serene, there wasn't a single clue that someone was on the verge of 'death' earlier besides the torn fabric and bloody grass a couple yards to the left of everyone.

"And what is that?" The calm and patient voice asks, seeking to satisfy his curiosity.

A warm smile still pointed at the two cat girls renewed their blushes. "Despite the fact that women have a large part to play in most of my recent 'bads', they also play a large part of the 'goods' as well."

Lucifer's descendent raised an eyebrow to this. "What do you mean?"

"Raynare was the reason I died yes, but it was also because of her that I met Rias and were given a second chance at life, despite the way it occured so far. All of the training and sacrifice, hellish and gruesome as it was, has given me the strength to make it to this day. If the results were any less, I can't positively say I would be standing here right now. The fights I had with Raynare, Riser, Kokabiel, you, and Fenrir were painful and some even left me on or through death's door, but they built my character up and made me realize that the only things worth having are those I fought for."

"But the things, the relationships you built, the people that you fought to protect betrayed you."

"And it was, and still is, the worst pain I have ever felt. I made a mistake trying to return to a normal life when I cut Ddraig out of my arm and I paid the price for it. An eternity of silence and solitude with my broken soul: that was my fate... until you guys came. You aside, I was saved by women. If Kon… Shirone, if Shirone hadn't given up her purity to perform Bedroom Arts to keep me alive, I would have died before you and Kuroka showed up."

"But you weren't dying. You were going into a state of suspended animation. You would not be dead."

"I wouldn't really be alive either."


"Anyway, without the two of you, I wouldn't have gotten the idea to host Ophis, who took on a female form, and it was because of her that I am the way I am right now."

"So, what you are trying to say is that you don't feel anything negative for Shirone, Kuroka, or Ophis?"


"What about the other girls? The ones in your old peerage? Or the ones in the human educational facility you attend?"

"…That is kind of complicated." Issei's lips curved down at the thought. Now that he had calmed down, he didn't regret what he did.

His love for Rias, Akeno, Asia, Xenovia, and Irina; his companionship with Gasper and Kiba, no longer existed.

On the other hand, if it wasn't for them, he wouldn't have been put into this situation which was both good and bad: bad because no one should be verbally abused by the people they love and good cause of the results that came with it. He managed to host one of the strongest beings in known creation and, after one century passed, he would be as strong Ophis.

No…even stronger.

The girls at school, however; was a simple matter. All he had to do was curb the perverted tendencies and little by little his reputation should rise.

"Honestly Vali, I don't know. I don't feel like going all man hunter on the peerage and exacting revenge, but at this same time I won't tolerate their presence either."

"Hmm, is that so?"

Despite the somewhat stoic expression he wore on the outside, Vali's head was churning. If there was one thing he could say about his rival with absolutely certainty, it was that Issei Hyoudou was not normal by any sense of the word. If he had been as weak as him at the time and went through a similar ordeal, he would have sought strength simply to crush them into submission.

But Issei was willing to let them live their lives unabated. Was he always like this…?

Or, did something happen to him when he cut Ddraig out of his soul?

"Hey Vali, Kuroka?" Issei, calling Vali out of his thoughts while the girls finally stood after Issei turned them to jelly and walked over. "Your main combat skills revolve around magic right? Do you think you can teach me more about it?"

'Is my rival planning on getting even stronger?' Vali thought, almost giddy at how far he would have to push himself to keep up.

"Magic?" Kuroka asked, having recovered from her Issei induced emotional overload. "Why do you want to learn magic? Aren't you what the devils call a Power Class? Someone who fights with his own body?"

"I was, yeah." The Ouroboros confided. "And I was fine with that. But now, for some reason, I can't help but want to have more in my arsenal besides my crappy fighting and poor swordsmanship. The only spells I have are Dress Break and the Boob-you know what, I'm changing that to Bilingual."

"Certainly, sounds better than that joke of a name." Vali nodded in approval.

"Ditto." Shirone followed suit and did the same.

"Anyway," Issei said, "I feel like my fists won't be enough anymore. Besides, I always did admire how much magic Vali could use at once. Even Kuroka who can bend space to her will for a short period like when we first met."

Both the Half-Devil and black Nekomata exchanged looks before their lips curved up.

"While we certainly don't mind," Kuroka informed him, "you do realize that magic of our level won't be learned overnight right?"

"I have one hundred years before I can use Ophis' full power safely. Might as well put it to good use. But…"


"Is there a way to compress a century into a shorter amount of time?" The dragon asked. "If such an option is available, I would prefer that than waiting for an actual one hundred years."

"Compressing time?" Vali, amused by this method of thinking, could not help but get himself involved in this conversation. Getting stronger in a short amount of time was the ideal in his point of view. If he wanted any chance to continue being Issei's rival, this was the minimum requirement.

"Why do you think you can fit one hundred years into a smaller period of time?" Kuroka could not help her curiosity.

"Dragon Ball Z."

"I'm sorry, what?"

Needless to say, not a single one of them knew what Issei was talking about. In retrospect, this made sense. Not a single one of them spared time for humane entertainments…at least, Issei didn't think they did.

"A fictional story a human by the name of Akira Toriyama created. In it, there was an alternate dimension where; if you stood in said dimension; time moved three hundred and sixty-five times faster than that of Earth."

"A whole year in twenty-four hours?" Vali, being the battle maniac that he was, could not help but hope that such a place actually existed. All the training he could do, the strength he could acquire, the element of surprise when he fought against opponents that kept getting away from him...

Cao Cao...

"Correct." Hyoudou confirmed

"Hmm." While that certainly did sound like the ideal place to get training done, it was a work of fiction. They did not have access to this dimension…unless…

"You want to know if there is something similar to this fictional dimension in reality?"

"Yeah. I haven't been a part of the supernatural for long so I honestly don't know if such a place exists."

"It does." Ophis interjected.

"Wait, it does!?" Kuroka and Vali could not believe their ears. True, Ophis knew the Dimensional Gap better than they did so there was no point doubting her words. What really drove the stack into their hearts was that there was a place where they could make literal jumps in power, had access to it, and simply because they didn't take a fictional story seriously, they lost out on the strength they could have had? All they had to do was ask their charge and it would have been theirs.

Needless to say, both of them were disappointed at the vast quantity of missed opportunities.

"Indeed." Ophis continued on. "Did you actually think that Heaven, Hell, and Earth were the only dimensions that are separated by the Dimensional Gap?"

…Now that the humanoids thought about it, it did sound rather stupid.

"Wow Ophis," Issei smiled down at his arm "you certainly are useful."

"Of course, I am." Surely, they were hearing this wrong but…did she sound smug? "Not only am I knowledgeable about my old home, I can provide you with all the energy you can ask for so you never have to worry about running out of power. Sure, you can't use it all at once but there isn't a problem about continuously giving you what you can manage."

While the wielder of the Infinity Gear was smiling at his arm in gratitude, the other three simply stared at him.

"What?" He asked, noticing their blank stares.

"Having Ophis is cheating." Kuroka told him.

"I agree." Vali voiced.

"This coming from the descendant of the original Lucifer who had the power of Divine Dividing." Issei deadpanned. "And the Nekoshou who has access to time-space manipulation."

"I stick by my words." Said Nekoshou stubbornly persisted. The Lucifer just smiled and relented.

"Vali. Kuroka." Ophis spoke aloud, gaining the attention of the mentioned people as well as the third. "I also wish for you to teach my host all you are able. He cannot simply rely on a power that will not have complete control over for a hundred years."

"Hey, I never said I was against training him-nya." Kuroka spoke out. "This is my chance to teach my sister as well-nya!"

"M-Me?" Shirone took a few steps back. "But, I don't-"

"Shirone." The older sister interrupted her before she could even thing of finishing her sentence. "You were led to believe that Senjutsu is bad-nya. Just like any power, while it is dangerous, it isn't something to cast aside. I will help you so that you can wield Senjutsu better than I can-nya! Teaching the Welsh, I mean, Ouroboros Dragon is simply icing on the cake."

"I am also interested to see how far you can go, Hyoudou." Vali could barely contain his excitement. Issei would grow into one of the strongest existences' creation has ever known. Teaching him, training alongside him may be his only, if not best way, for him to fulfill his dream.

"Umm…" The female feline of white was looking at the dragon with a curious expression from on the ground where her elder sister had finally was snuggling into her lap for a cat nap. "Issei-senpai, can I ask a question?"

The brown-haired individual smile at his cute kohai. "Sure. What is it?"

"Training plans aside, what do you plan on doing now? Your last dream was to become a Harem King…but what about now?"

Kuroka mentally ceased the creation of training plans for the two of them and Vali redirected his eyesight back to his rival, the two of them also curious as to what his motivation would be from now on.

The former Red Dragon Emperor gave them a reply that none of them were prepared for. "To do what I want."


{1 month later in the Occult Research Clubroom}

The atmosphere was tense. The red head female Gremory was sitting in her plush red chair with her fallen angel/devil hybrid queen standing by her left, a platter being held under her breast with soft hands having served her King some tea. The both were downtrodden and ashamed of their actions and assumptions. If only they had not forgotten…

The vampire sat on a couch closest to the mahogany desk that Rias sat at, taking Koneko's previous spot, a worried and confused expression upon his face as he grasped the hem of his skirt.

Next to him sat the failure of the Holy Sword Project. He was also somewhat worried about the outcome of who he considered a friend's actions, fidgeting ever so slightly and tapping his right foot in a robotic manner.

Across from the vampire sat the blue-haired excommunicated church member, the picture of perfect calm, a disguise for what she was truly feeling underneath her frontal bravado. She was scared that the man she wanted to bear children for would never again walk through the door of the ORC.

The bishop, who sat next to the female knight, did not attempt hiding her feelings and fears, sobbing into her palms yet again, unable to believe she had committed such a hideous act as betraying her first friend. All the members of the ORC wore their respective school uniforms as school had yet to officially begin. They had about another 15 minutes before the first bell rang.

Apart from Asia, all the members of the ORC were facing the three leaders of the Great Factions who stood at the other end of them room.

Michael was dressed in his normal attire consisting of golden shoulder armor, a red top with black coloring on the sides of his waist and a matching kilt like clothing with a white fabric and a yellow cross presented on the front. His smile was nonexistent, a sign that the news he brought was not going to be pleasant.

Azazel was dressed in his school clothing: a grey undershirt with a red tie and a darker shirt covered by a buttoned up blue dress shirt that went trailed down to his knees in the back. He also wore velvet pants and black dress shoes. The leader of the fallen angels had his prothetelic had running through his hair, a tired and exhausted expression upon his face, not a good sign in the slightest.

Lastly, Sirzechs stood before his little sister and her peerage in his normal Satan attire consisting of silver shoulder plates with an indigo cape and a shirt of sage and snow with pants of cornsilk. His crimson hair came down to his shoulders and a troubled expression upon his face. The fact that the leaders of the 3 Great Factions being together in one area was of enough significance, but for all of them to appear in such a worried manner was most concerning.

"Have you had any luck finding them?" Rias asked her older brother, hoping that they would have some good news to share with her. Unfortunately, this was not the case.

"Sorry Rias, but for some reason we cannot locate him." The Satan told his little sister, feeling the bitter sensation of being the bearer of bad news. "I went to Ajuka to see if he found anything, but he told me that Konkeo's and Issei's pieces are not releasing the signal we need to track them. He also doesn't know what is causing them to stop. We could very well be looking at one of the first Evil Piece malfunctions in centuries."

This got the attention of not only the whole peerage but of Azazel and Michael, apparently not privy to the information being disclosed.

"The Evil Pieces are capable of malfunctioning?" Michael asked, unsure if the angel reincarnation system, that was based on the evil piece system, was in perfect condition.

Azazel seemed to notice this and attempted to quiet his friend's fears. "I highly doubt that that anything is wrong with the system itself Michael. Remember that this is Issei we are talking about here. He always seems to be at the center of the strangest events. It just so happens that Koneko was taken along for the ride, quite literally."

His attempt at humor fell on deaf ears.

"Indeed." Sirzechs affirmed Azazel's assumption while ignoring the joke made in poor taste. "There is nothing wrong with the evil piece system itself, Ajuka guaranteed me of that. If I had to guess, the pieces inside of Issei and Koneko are being suppressed. If I am right, then whatever is suppressing the rook and 8 mutated pawns must be monstrous."

The room was as quiet as a grave after hearing that statement, afraid of what could possibly be blocking that tracking signal.

"While I am not saying you are wrong Sirzechs, I can think of some other scenarios that may be taking place. Since I have nothing to back up what I say, however; I'll do a little bit of digging on my own and let you know what I find."

"Please do."

"I will also do some investigating from Heaven. If they are on this planet, we will find them."

"Your help is much appreciated Michael. Well then, I am afraid this is all I have time for today. I must get back to the Underworld and try to explain the disappearance of the Red Dragon Emperor to the Council."

Without warning, an ashen magic circle appeared by the Satan's ear. "Oh, Grafia! Has something happened? …okay…I understand…wait, she did what!? Oh, hell no, not again! Damn it Serafall, when I get my hands on you!"

With that last outburst, the Crimson Satan left the clubroom with a flash of a magic circle.

"Hah hah! Seems like the Leviathan left her paperwork for Sirzechs again! As entertaining as it would be to watch the 2 Satans run around the Underworld, I have to get back to Grigori."

"And I must return to Heaven. I wish the best to you all, Rias and friends."

With that, the two biblical beings vanished into their respective magic circles. The remaining students felt downtrodden, hoping to have some good news when they were called here.

"We…really messed up, didn't we?" Kiba asked no one in particular, the silence becoming unbearable for the knight of Gremory.

"We were too focused on what our King wanted." Xenovia added, saddened by the news that was presented to them. "We didn't even think of Issei."

"And because of my selfishness, he is now listed as a stray devil and can very well be dead!" Rias sobbed, tears starting to overflow from her eyes.

"Ufufu, I wouldn't be too sure about that Rias." Akeno, who was feeling rather depressed, had moved from her King's side to gaze out the window in lament…only to have her negativity completely replaced with sheer happiness and amusement.

The rest of the peerage seemed to notice the instant reverse in emotion, standing up to look out of some of the other windows to see what had cheered up the Queen so quickly.

"What are you looking at to have you change your mood so quickly Akeno?" Rias asked the same question that was in everyone's mind before standing from her chair to look out the window that Akeno stood in front of.

"Why, that handsome and mischievous devil right there." The Lightning Priestess pointed at a certain individual that was walking into the school grounds. Following the direction that the girl's digit was pointing, the club members instantly found the object of their queen's reversal in mood.

Issei was back.


{A couple minutes earlier}

Issei was walking towards the schoolyard towards his classroom. He had left the Vali group about an hour ago via Ophis' personal teleportation circle. The remaining time he had before arriving at school he spent wandering the small town he resided in, seeing everything in a new light after becoming a dragon.

'Remember Issei, now that you are a full dragon, you will attract a lot of attention both good and bad. However, no one can sense the infinite. People who knew you before will know that you changed but will not be able decipher how, even the other supernatural species. No one will know that you host me until you reveal me to them.'

'Okay.' He replied. 'That helps calm me down a little bit.' Truth be told, the host of the Ouroboros Dragon was nervous. While he had all of the energy of infinity at his disposal and a tougher body, that did not make him omnipotent. Right now, in his base form, he had all of the abilities and stats of the Welsh Dragon Balance Breaker thanks to Ophis literally copying the Balance Breaker's specs that were ingrained into his soul and memories, integrating them into their new body. Yet, here he was in the Gremory's territory where the 4 Super Devils and their peerages could show up at any second alongside Azazel and Michael with their respective army of angels.

'Quell your worries young one.' Ophis spoke softly from his left hand. 'Azazel and Sirzechs attempted to fight me when you went berserk and they were not even worth my attention. You will be fine. If it makes you feel any better, I will even let you use that.'

This caused the boy's eyebrows to rise in shock and surprise. Now he felt even better about being here, cocky even. He was under the assumption that the infinite dragon god would not let him access her power unless it was truly necessary.

'Thanks, Ophis, I really appreciate this. Do you want the usual in return?'

'Do I even need to ask?'

This earned a small chortle from the dragon, already knowing what the being he hosted would say.

After what was a rather enjoyable stroll through town, they finally came across the familiar brick wall on their right. There was also a growing number of people wearing the exact same style of clothes: fancy black button up shirt with a white undershirt and black pants/red skirt. Some of these people were giving him an eye too.

"Hey, isn't that one of the perverted trio?" One girl asked a group of friends who Issei had passed.

"No way…isn't that Issei Hyoudou? You know, the boy who has been missing for a month?" One of them asked.

"God damn, he is hot!"

"What happened to him in the last month?"

"Did he always look like that?"

'And thus, the draconic attraction has begun.' The boy couldn't help a small chuckle. When he became the host of the Welsh Dragon, there really wasn't much of a change. Now, it seemed everyone was taking notice of him. Heads were turning, people were whispering to each other, some were even pointing. Without a doubt, Issei was unable to help but wonder how fast this wildfire was going to spread.

Finally entering the courtyard did he finally start seeing faces he recognized. A young girl with a chocolate pony tail combined with two twin tails falling down just in front of her ears tied with two ruby red ribbons. Her amber golden eyes were looking over at him in a dirty look. She definitely looked familiar but for some reason he couldn't quite pick out her name or the relationship he had with her.

Trying to be friendly, he waved over at the girl only to earn a blink, a scoff, and the shoulder as she walked away.

Obviously not a good one.

Other than the occasional comment about his return and how good he looked now; things went relatively peaceful. He was surprised that no one from the Occult Research Club came up to him yet. While Issei wasn't looking forward to it, the boy was certain his presence here would at least cause a ripple among the Gremory and Sitri peerages.

Finally, the 1-minute bell rang, signaling all students they only had sixty seconds to make it to class before they were tardy.

'What is that annoying sound?' Ophis groaned, trying to get a small cat nap before the sound of the bell disturbed her rest. 'If I hear it again, I will destroy it.'

'You will be hearing it quite a bit so I would appreciate it if you don't do that.'

No response.

Wondering if the other part of his soul was serious, he made his way to class in a somewhat quick manner. He walked in with a few seconds to spare.

Not bothering to say hello to anyone, he casually walked towards an empty seat and sat down. Placing his bag on the floor, he faced the front of the class only to see a very surprised teacher. The silence also became noticeably heavy, all of the students who did not hear the gossip of his return despite his tone were shocked into silence.

"Hyoudou!?" The teacher exclaimed, shocked not only because the missing student had returned, but the loud voice had startled her. "Where have you been? You have been absent for nearly a month!"

"I was injured in a gas explosion as I was walking home." The student easily lied. He had been thinking up this excuse for a little while now so it slipped off his tongue effortlessly. "I only recovered about a week ago. My skin still itches though." To emphasize this, he lightly scratched at his left arm.

"Well, I am sorry to hear that, but you cannot just come back to class like this without having the proper paperwork."

"But sensei, the paperwork should already be on your desk."

No one noticed the boy's eyes flash the shade of indigo for a moment.

Doubting his words, the homeroom teacher cast a quick glance over his desk and quickly found a sheet of paper that he could have sworn was not there earlier.

"Huh…so it is. Very well then, let's get class started."

Thus, began the start of his introduction back into the human world. The lesson was just as boring as he had remembered, if not more so to his great disappointment and boredom. However, he couldn't quite just sit in his desk and do literally nothing. He couldn't remember anything regarding the lessons or any possible homework. Thankfully for him, he still had the vast majority of the student's attention.

Looking around the room, his eyes quickly flashed from chocolate brown to indigo purple with multiple students suddenly getting an itch in theirs.

Now I am caught up with everything.

With that taken care of, he pulled out a piece of paper and began scribbling on it, confident he can answer anything that was asked of him so long as he kept one ear on the lecture.

A few hours in, Issei could feel the Dragon God inside him grow restless.

'This is school?' Ophis asked, bored out of her mind to the point where she was getting restless. 'It isn't very interesting. Why do you come here?'

'Because the government insists that school is necessary to get a job and a job is necessary to make money.'

'Do you not have enough money from my treasury?' This comment made the host want to slam his head into the desk. He should have thought his response out more.

When he became Ophis' host, in between training sessions, they left the Klaxoen Dimension in order to go to a cave Ophis used to reside in while she was on Earth back in the time of the dinosaurs. She found lots of shiny things and, as it turns out, those shiny things were gold, silver, and a bunch of other precious minerals that sold for a lot of money. Issei had heard a fairy tale once where dragons liked to collect treasure. Either that tale was true or just based off of Ophis he didn't know yet.

This, combined from his earnings from Oppai Dragon, he was pretty much set for several lifetimes.

As he was drawing out a circle with a various number of symbols on it, the teacher suddenly spoke up.

"Alright class! Who can name off some of the Greek Gods?"

…At least it wasn't a stupid question like 'solve this equation!'

Taking a break from his doodling, Issei looked around the room to see the other students doing something similar.

Unbeknownst to him, the girl he saw earlier today was also sitting in the back of the class. As everyone was looking to see if anyone would volunteer to answer the question, the girl met Issei's eyes again. This time, the reaction was quite the look of disgust followed by a 'hmph'.

The hell is her problem?

'That female…' Ophis, driven out of the cat nap Kuroka practically forced her to learn, took an interest in the girl who seemed to hate his guts.

'What about her?"

'She feels…different from the other humans here.'

Now that was surprising. Ophis taking an interest in a human? She didn't feel like a devil, yokai, vampire, or angel, fallen or otherwise. That could only mean one thing.

A Sacred Gear!

Well, I'll be damned.

"What about you Murayama?" The girl that had caught the interest of the Dragon God in him shook her head, unable to answer the question. Now Issei had a name for the face.

Murayama…that does sound familiar. Wasn't there a Murayama in the kendo club who beat me up during my less than ethical days? This is her?

"I see. What about you Katase?"

The girl next the her, one with hair that was neither orange or brown and matching eyes also shook her head.

'That one too.'

'Another one? How many did Rias miss? Or is it that they haven't shown signs that devils can recognize?'

'There is a third. Over there by the window.'

'The window…oh dear lord its Kiryuu.'

'You remember that one?'

'Kind of hard to forget that one.'

"Really? No can name a single Olympic God?" The man who stood at the head of the class sounded as disappointed as Issei incredulous. Three Sacred Gears and not a single devil was aware? That was just ridiculous!'

'Issei, I want you to answer the question this boy is asking.'

'Huh? Me? Why?'

'I want to see how much of our lessons you are able to remember.'

Ophis seemed to be fully awake now. While he was more than capable of answer such an easy question, he still found it strange that it wanted him to have some limelight poured on him.

Deciding to inquire as to why later, the Ourboros stood from his chair, garnering the attention of the teacher and his classmates. He ignored the looks that were on him, two of them glaring while another one was…hard to place. Walking past the teacher, he grabbed a piece of chalk and started writing on the board.

"There are quite a few gods in Greek mythology but the main ones, the Olympic Gods are as follows: Zeus, Hera, Athena, Apollo, Poseidon, Ares, Artemis, Diameter, Aphrodite, Dionysus, Hermes, and Hephaistos."

He turned around to walk back to his desk. All of the students were giving him quite a range of emotion. Some of them were taking notes as if they didn't care he was one of the Perverted Trio, some just sat there staring at him in shock. Murayama and Katase sat in their desks while gaping at him while Kiryuu was…blushing?

Oh yeah…she is the female version of Motohama, able to tell how big a man can be at full mast with a single glance. Of course, she would be blushing, not many humans have a cock nine inches long and two inches thick from east to west and north to south.

"Very good Issei. Can you come back and tell us what they are the gods of?"

Suppressing a sigh, the boy turned around and once again began writing on the board next to the names he wrote previously.

"Zeus is the King of the Olympic Gods and the God of Thunder, making him one of strongest of the Greek mythology. Hera is the queen and the goddess of marriage and family, representing the ideal woman. Athena: war and wisdom. Apollo: bow, music, divination. Poseidon: the sea, rivers, and most things water. Ares: war. Artemis: hunting, all things wild, and chastity. Demeter: fertility of the land. Aphrodite: love, beauty, and all things sexual. Dionysus: alcohol, specifically wine, and theatre. Hermes: trade, wealth, and thieves. Hephaistos: fire, metallurgy, and crafts. Little know fact about this one is that she is actually a female, unlike how the legends describe her."

Once again, shocked silence. This time, he was allowed to return to his seat without interruption. It took several minutes before class started back up again.

There was one difference though.

Issei had taken out another sheet of paper, folded it into three, and starting writing on it.

After the last bell rang signaling the end of class for the day, two people quickly made their way to his desk. One was wearing glasses and had medium length brown hair while the other had a shaved head that was showing signs of hair coming back.

"Hey man, welcome back to the world of the living!" Matsuda told him while clapping him on the back, failing to notice the look of annoyance on their friend's face. It seemed that they thought absolutely nothing of his performance earlier.

"Peeking hasn't been the same since you have been gone." Motohama commented, a perverted smirk on his face, eager to tell his companion about their exploits. "We can fill you in later after we get done looking at the girls get dressed for their clubs."

This did not fail in drawing anger from almost all of the girls in the room, finding the act disgusting and creepy, not wanting their bodies to be seen by such indecent individuals.

"One, no thanks." Issei told the two of them much to their surprise. "I have better things to do with my time."

"Wh-what do you mean better things!?" Matsuda exclaimed in an overly exaggerated manner. "We are the perverted trio man! You can't just ditch us! We got a new hidden spot perfect for peeking! You can't turn that up!"

"I can and will." Was the boy's reply, finding that his gut was starting to churn? Was he really like this before? Dear Ophis, no wonder the girls hated his guts back then. "Secondly," the dragon stood from the wooden structure that held him up and walked across the class. The other kids, seeing the direction he was taking, couldn't help but follow him with their eyes as he approached the two girls who hated his guts more than any other girl in class.

Murayama, seeing his approach, nudged Katase with her elbow and motioned to him with her head. Now having the full attention of everyone in class, as well as the two girls he had business with, the room was dead silent just as it had been many times today.

"What do you want perv?" Murayama almost growled, her sharp nails digging into her palms as she clenched her fists. It was obvious she wanted to say more but the teacher was still in the room, keeping an eye on them in case conflict started.

With that out of the way, Issei held out the second piece of paper he had been working on today.

"Read it."

"Why the hell should I?"

"Hey! Language!"

Murayama shrank under the harsh tone of the person in charge of this class. Seeing as her friend had no intentions of doing so, Katase reached for the paper. While she held similar feelings towards him, her curiosity was getting the better of her. This was the first time one of the Perverted Trio had approached them so openly like this. Also, according to the rumors, something was off about the boy in front of them. Now standing before the two, Katase had to agree; there was something different about him. She just couldn't place what it was.

"Aloud please."

Both of their eyes narrowed in suspicion, Katase read aloud while Murayama quietly read over her shoulder.

"I, Issei Hyoudou of the Student Council, issue a challenge to the entirety of the Kendo Club. The challenge is a one versus all kendo match. All available members of the aforementioned club are to participate in a no holds barred match where one Issei Hyoudou will attempt to defeat every single member of the Kendo Club. There will be one bout where the entirety of the Kendo Club will face Issei Hyoudou in a one versus all kendo match. Should Issei Hyoudou have blood drawn, it will be the Kendo Club's victory all members of the Perverted Trio will cease their inappropriate actions towards all female students. Should Issei Hyoudou repel all opponents or force them to surrender, it shall be Issei Hyoudou's victory and all members of the Perverted Trio will cease their inappropriate actions towards all female students and one Murayama Mamoru and one Katase Hyou will be required to meet Issei Hyoudou at an undisclosed location at an undisclosed time to perform an undisclosed act. Note: nothing sexual will be expected from the aforementioned members above."

As expected, total silence fell once more. Not a single student was brave enough to so much as peep, not when both of the girls were literally burning with a murderous aura!!

"What…the fucking hell…is this supposed to be!!?" Murayama shouted at him, pulling her arm back in an attempt to slap him.

It wasn't allowed to finish.

Just as her hand was about to impact his cheek, Issei struck first. The overreaching appendage was blocked with the exact same motion Murayama had attempted to do. Issei's arm was snug against hers with his palm mere inches away from her face.

The message was clear.

Not only did he stop her from slapping him, he could have very easily followed through and smacked her instead with the same arm that blocked her.

"You should be happy." He told the angry pair. "No matter who wins, no one will be peeking on you. Not only that, but you have a change to make me bleed. Isn't that what all girls in your club want?"

Issei was content with what had just happened. Murayama won't take this lying down and Katase won't forgive him for almost hitting a girl. They would get their club members and they would be looking for blood while Issei would see if he could draw out signs of their Sacred Gears.


"Meet me in the front courtyard in two hours. That should be enough for you to get everyone right?"

Waving at the two of them, Issei attempted to walk out the door before something grabbed his left hand.

Looking down at his caught appendage, he saw a girl with green eyes and brown hair a shade lighter than Murayama's looking up at him.

"Well, well, well, Issei, looks like you are determined to stir up as much trouble as possible on your first day back."

"Not really." Was his response. "It isn't like they will just say 'okay' if I was them to do something. Now they have a chance to turn me into a bloody mess and they won't get in trouble for it."

"Yeah, sounds good." Why did she sound like she didn't care whatsoever? "What has my attention are these rings on ring finger. What do they mean?"

The other students snapping out of their stupor, they also took a look at the hand that Kiryuu was holding.

It was true. Issei's left ring finger had on three identical purple bands made of genuine ivory and amethyst, all of them carved to look like a snake eating its own tail.

"What do you mean 'what do they mean?' Everyone knows that having a ring on your left ring finger means you are married. There are three because I have three wives."

The entire classroom erupted. "WHAT!?!?!?"

Hate not being able to bold or italicize my text. If you want to read it with italics and bold text then check out my f*nfiction account.

Ras23creators' thoughts