
The Infinite World Tower

A story full with fun about a outcast, who learns how to live in this modern world with the help of a god who is on vacation gives him the system and send him to climb the tower.

kumarayush3760 · Urban
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3 Chs

The Ticket to Tower

Both sitting on the rooftop in traditional Japanese way drinking green tea, Roy brain is still in the chaos after what he felt.

Ahem..(Roy in shacking voice)..so, you are the god who is on vacation. How long is your vacation?

I took a 50 human year leave, I still have some 30 years left and I was enjoying it by opening a very famous hotel until you came to end it with a single stroke. Why you are not drinking the tea?

Oh..hmm I was just lost in the thoughts (taking a sip)…blah why is there no sugar?

I knew it you would say that what do you thought, it will be in Indian style with lot of sugar.

No-No, let just drop it so, which god you are? like in my Indian traditions great Shivas or Vishnu?

No, they are celestial beings, I am different.


Yes, you can say I am a god of another world- "God of Tower"

O my great god of tower please liste...

NO!! I know you very well, you want me to grant a wish that's not possible you greedy human, all the humans are same don't wana go through any hardship and just want a easy life and even if I were wanted I can't do that because I am on vacation.

What!! at least make my life good, give me abilities to earn money easy, attract people, super physique and a handsome face for which ladies will never say no!

Listen carefully young ma....

Roy…call me Roy.

Okay Roy, listen very carefully, first- I am not a god of this world. Second- I am on vacation. Third- I am a tower god, which people climb to find their goal, peace or reasons like why the exist. So basically, I grant wishes of my tower climbers. Whatever they wish, they find that by climbing my tower, it's a very easy way to keep eyes on living beings in my world (sparkling). Unlike other worlds, like yours where fate is decided by your own. In your world everyone seeks money and power, tell me whatever you study from childhood to adulthood is only for making money for living, even someone's worth and status is decided by money and power they have. That's why I created a tower in my world so beings in my world can find their true self, just like you said in your suicide rec. "the barrier I created between me and world' you people only find your qualities and mistakes in situations like this, the same the tower does they teach them how to live and this tower is known as "The Infinite World Tower ".

Wow, I am speechless…you really are a great god I wish our good also did the same, then wouldn't it be perfect world for us.

No, I don't think so your world has been given the freedom to think by own rather than under the influence of tower it's a good idea, but you people are just degrading it by not having any balance, if there is good then its too good and if something bad it's too bad.

Well too bad, I am on that end. My own choices and ways led me into this kind of life…...LIKE HELL I WILL BELIVE THAT! where were the gods when I was sufferi....

Ah…Roy (interrupting him) if want to ask these questions go ask your gods, I am not your god. Go find another building and jump off, then when you arrive haven take a token in front of gods office, wait around 200 years until your chance comes and ask as many questions you desire and yes one more there will be no beauties in haven , there is office work of haven for retuning souls like you.

Are you serious? (god nodding head) what should I do neither I live properly nor I can die in peace..aggghhhh...can't you do something have some mercy on this poor child (with a puppy face).

Well let me see…..hmm…what can I do.....of Corse let's try that (searching something in his pocket) where it is…. Ah found it, take it.

A ticket? What should I do with this?

Tear it and say your name (doing what the god say)

Now what?

Now you will climb the tower, clear the stage which will be world with comrades or solo your wish the things will you learn there, you can apply it in your life here. Since you are an outsider, I gave you my blessing a system which will help you to climb the tower….

HELL NO…. I never asked for something like that…..


He vanished in thin air god was happy as he got something more fun on his vacation like a new toy to experiment with, and about Roy we will find it about in next chapter

thank you Alatar_Blac for showing me your support, I hope everyone will see this as a good story....again please just like that write comments i was very much touched to see that i am still crying.....

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