
The Infinite Tower : Myriad Realms

Mika at the brink of death , receives an invitation from a mysterious entity. Tired and hopeful he accepts the offer . Now with his ambition re-awakened he wishes to overcome his inner traumas while also ascending to supremacy. "At the end of these war , only the winner will get to decide what JUSTICE represents . Fortunately for you , I WILL BE THAT VICTOR !!" [INSPIRED by other multiverse fanfic like TERROR INFINITY , ULTIMATE EVOLUTION AND DEMONIC RESURRECTION ] ************ Hello to anyone who is interested in my work I`m new to this whole writing thing but be assured I will do my best For anyone wishing to support me on this journey my KO-FI is below https://ko-fi.com/prof_nuclear started a discord. For anyone interested go check it out . https://discord.com/invite/B6PSXSrY68 I have also managed to start a patron , all interested for early chapters please check it out . At a price of course patreon.com/Prof_Nuclear Disclaimer : Other than my OCs , I don`t own any character . THANK YOU !!! ALSO LEAVE A COMMENT , REVIEW AND DROP YOUR POWERSTONES ...

prof_Nuclear · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

1. The Reunion .

A darkness darker than black covered the whole forest , reducing visibility to a complete low . The forest was absolutely silent , obviously , it was a secret front to keep hidden the military base hidden within .

A sudden movement on one of these trees suddenly broke the silence sending leaves fluttering in every direction .

A human figure sat atop one of the top branches of the tree it`s dark figure a perfect camouflage with the dark silent surrounding.

The figure wore a complete full body dark body suit and a mask covering the entire face , a sleek dark chest piece armour that was immaculately desidned, a pair of normal looking boots and a piece of very high tech pair of gloves covering the arms .

'static noises' , the figure quickly picked up the old walkie talkie that was equally hidden by the dark environment . " Is it done ? ." The figure now confirmed to be a man asked .

"Yes , the virus I implanted should shut down their security system as soon as you are ready ."The robotic voice said sounding troubled by what was happening .

 "But ,,, Mika you don't have to do this!! . We have thousands of supporters , one of them can take your place .PLEASE , stop this before you die !!''

Their was silence , a soul shattering silence that passed for a second but to the two it felt like hours.

''We already talked about this Uri ." "I KNOW THAT ALREADY BUT ... !" " I'm tired Uri , tired of leaving this type of life " Mika said, the statement shocking Uri into silence .Their was silence again both figures refocusing their thoughts.

" Okay I understand . but you better survive .You know we still need you" Uri said his robotic voice rising sharply".

"Of course , when have you ever seen me do a bad job." Mika replied while smiling slightly. " That's a promise Mika , you better not break it " The robotic voice said laughing silently .

"See you later Uri'' Mika said before shutting off the machine. The smile previously there gone , almost as if it were a dream. "I'm sorry Uri "

Their was silence again. Mika almost seemed to be in thought , his body completely still. No breathing , no twitching, no eye movement a truly terrifying level of stillness that would have looked completely abnormal to any normal observer .

His eyes were still on the military base, observing it with a clarity that should have been impossible at the distance he was from the base .

A keener observer would have seen his widely dilated black pupil emitting a subtle white glow which contrasted with his equally blue eyes. 

'THUD , thud , thud' every light source in the base suddenly shut off sending the military base into panic as the night guards scrambled and shouted.

Mika finally moved, a sudden violent movement that completely shook the tree he was standing on as his body flashed forward jumping from tree to tree with breathtaking grace.

He traversed the 10km distance he was from the base in a matter of 5 minutes . Shockingly , on arriving near the base parameter his speed increased and with an astounding jump , he scaled the 10 meter high wall with an impossible grace . 

'Thud' he landed silently unknown to anyone as he started navigating the compound . With a certain level of familiarity and why not , he had spent the last month memorizing every nook of the base .

Mika moved silently and quietly completely like a ghost as he avoided the main base and headed southwards ,deeper into the facility as the number of guards he encountered was a complete zero , a fact he expected.

The number of facilities reduced the further he went as also the plant cover became increasingly sparse .

This continued for about 2 minutes until he arrived at his expected objective point , a small mansion , a very ugly mansion to him .

Mika looked on at the better organized guards with better combat gear compared to the former facilities he passed through.

They were each a group of three ; each of them equipped with a pair of thermal vision glasses , the latest AcceleRator rifle [A.R rifle ] and an implanted exoskeleton that would enhance their capabilities but , at the end of it all , they were still human , fragile and easy to break .

The security would have seemed unimpressive if anyone knew whom was being kept hidden at this very house but , a trained eye would likely cry from the shear impossibility and luck it would take to traverse the compound without being discovered.

Mika's eye dilated again , in search of something and he finally spotted them, the slight displacement that occurred above the entire small mansion. Small fluctuations and an almost silent hum .

'The Sleeper drones, a model that had 360 camera capabilities , a light distortion matrix that made it almost invisible and a stun gun with enough energy to knock out an elephant .

The only glaring flaw about them was their programing , which forced them to focus more on intruders than the patrolling guards .

Despite this , his level of preparation could also not be overlooked . the drones would be easily handled due to Uri's techno virus which would render him invisible to the drones.

The gloves he wore were precisely prepared to deal with the exoskeleton suit the guards wore , the hydrogen cell powered chest piece would produce temperatures cold enough to be considered normal for the guards thermo vision and the rest would be handled by the electric pulse pistol he had on hand .

It was exactly 1:32am , or at least that was what his internal clock said, the next guard rotation would occur in the next three minutes .

He was positioned to the westward side of the small mansion as he observed the second floor window , his entrance for this dark night . The guards positioned their already starting to leave while the next group came along .

 'Now !' he rushed forward immediately and the world slowed down in his perception a skill he liked using by supercharging the brain , when the three replaced guards left the area .

His movement was silent , as silent as death as he approached near enough that the guards finally saw him but it was too late .

The first one tried to raise his A.R rifle while the other two fell back one to provide cover while the other called for backup, but unluckily for them ` I'm fast `

. 'shiu , shiu , shiu' silent but powerful , his pulse pistol fired three successive shots the first landed on the guard at the back who was trying to call for help throwing him backward with a horrible crunch the next two shots both landed on the rifles the two guard were holding causing them to spark and become unusable.

The next second he weaved up close to the frist guard and threw a quick jab at his throat breaking the protection in that area as well as his trachea .

He then took one big step and clamped the seconds guard mouth shut as he weaved beneath his arms 'THUD' The guard neck twisted swiftly his body twitching as Mika held onto it.

'Whuuu' he took a deep breath as he admired the artwork he had done , it had a certain level of beauty and at the same time it disgusted his very being . 'shiu , shiu , shiu ' he finished the job firing a pulse beam at each of their heads .

One minute had already passed , he still had nine more .

Mika then slightly crouched and forced his leg muscles to contract . He shot upwards his gloves and boots glowing a very dim blue as he stuck to the wall beside the window .

A blue dim circuit appeared on the dark body suit he wore connecting to the pair of glove .

He pushed his hand on the window and the dim energy burst forth with a cold chill ,flash freezing the window perfectly . 'Crack' the window broke inwards after he tapped it and he swung himself into the room , a guest bedroom , he would know .

He quickly moved to the door and slightly opened it ,'Things are going to get harder from here ' Mika reminded himself the blue glow returning to his gloves and boots .

' eight minutes left '. he quietly opened the door and jumped to the upper roof and gently pushed the door to close behind him.

He Held himself in a crawling manner as he started to crawl towards the main office of the mansion . The reason for doing this was twofold first , was to avoid the pressure plates on the floor and the second , he looked downwards at the mechanical dog passing below him , it's red glowing eyes and razor shaped teeth a clear sign of their violent nature . 

Mika quickly arrived at the office and easily bypassed the security system at the door pad . He entered, feeling an instantaneous wave of nostalgia wash over him .

He approached the sole portrait in the room . A family of three ; a blonde woman dressed in a labcoat with a mega watt smile , a large dark hared man with a stone cold face and a grey haired child with crystal blue eyes .

Mika observed the image quietly , silently , his eyes detached .A spark of something sinister could be felt from the very air that surrounded him before disappearing returning to stillness once again .

He approached the portrait ... 

Four minutes remaining and he was back again crawling on the upper hallway his speed visibly quicker as his chest piece was no longer with him .

He was approaching his final destination which unfortunately was guarded , two guards both of which had only the exoskeleton suit stood waiting infront of the massive doors , the owner of the room was obviously compensating for something .

He crawled directly above the guards and released himself into a freefall . He could feel the same all powerful feeling he felt earlier as his arms blurred and latched onto the necks of the two guards .

'thick , thick' . Before his feet touched the ground both of them were already dead .

He looked at the huge door which lacked any type of security , at best it would be a very hard door .He almost felt insulted at the vey fact but he pushed the door and walked in .

It was exactly as he remembered , the same tactless decour and still the same snobbish artwork ; somethings never change. He walked up to the massive bed , big enough for five people and observed the sleeping man on the bed .

The same stone cold face , the same perfect skin and finally the same sleeked back dark hair with hints of grey . He felt a sudden emotion overcome his normal aloofness , a sudden maddening anger that overpowered his reasoning .

It was disgusting , for someone to make him feel this way . And then he felt the sting in his head , trying to suppress him. But , his fury refused to be quenched .

The memories came soon after crushing him , sinking him further into this state as he ripped the mask that covered his face with a violent fury , exposing his clenched teeth and blood shot eyes but despite this , the perfection he emitted could not be overshadowed . 

His eyes were still on the man lying on the bed but his hand shot forward , pistol in arm he pointed at the wall beside the bed " Show yourself !! "

He commanded and the wall disappeared, opening and a man in complete dark full body armour walked out , he had an A.R rifle which he held pointed at him but did not fire .

Despite this, Mika`s eyes remained on the man on the bed and that`s why , as the man`s lips slowly lifted to a small smile , as he opened his blue eyes almost theatrically , as his body shook almost as if to hold back a laugh ,he saw it all .

The man sat up , slowly , casually as if unbothered by his presence .

Their eyes locked , a silent challenge of blue meeting blue and you could feel the unspoken threat in the air . It was as if the world had frozen over.

An underlying tension that was comparable to an erupting volcano quickly filled the room with a silent fury .

The man finally satisfied by what he was seeing broke the deadlock, his cold smile still present acting as a sign of the contempt he felt .

"You finally came back to me .... son !!"

`Two minutes left .' 

. . . . . .


That is it, wait till Wednesday for the next chapter .

 For all who have read this chapter , I appreciate your support and please comment review and drop your power stones .

Add this book to you collection !!!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

'fewww , first chapter clear . This thing was actually streasfull writing but im glad it`s done

If you find any mistakes comment and point it out , I`LL try my best to corect them . PEACE OUT !!!!

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