
The Infinite Sky

Riley Brinks. Seventeen. Daughter of Nicholas Brinks. No mother. The only thing Riley concerns herself with is taking care of her eccentric, passion driven dad. Forced to grow up way beyond her time, Riley is a rather serious girl who has yet to experience what being young is all about. All that is soon to change when her father suddenly decides to move across the country.

D_Mack · Urban
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30 Chs

Chapter Seventeen

I manage to make it to first period without incident. Mr. Wilkes appears to be in a good mood as usual. I take my seat by Claudette and feel my phone buzz.

Trevor Lyles: We need to talk. Can I see you after school?

Trevor Lyles: Peaches if you don't stop ignoring me you're going to cause a scene.

Trevor Lyles: Have it your way then.

I roll my eyes and put my phone away. I was already planning on shutting him out but now after everything Claudette told me, it was taking everything in me to not knock his pretty teeth down his pretty throat. Cause a scene, baby.

I hear something snap and realize I've broken my pencil. Mr. Wilkes turns to me from the smart board. "Everything okay, Riley?" I nod. "Yes sir, just a weak pencil I guess."

I hear Claudette snicker. "Weak pencil, my ass. What's got your panties in a wad this morning?" I glare at her in hopes of hushing her up.

The rest of the class is pretty much mundane as usual. Mr. Wilkes is just as boring as he is adorable. Yawn.

By the time I arrive to Mr. T's class I feel like a zombie. What is with me today? I'm just so bored.

I see Mr. T and my heart stops. If I was going to lose focus over anyone it would be him. I mean what was the school thinking hiring someone that looked like him? And as a literature teacher at that! I have serious thoughts of becoming a teenage mother during his Jane Austen readings, I'm just saying.

"Riley! How are you, today? Those boys aren't giving you any trouble I hope." He winks and I definitely die. I shake my head.

"Hey Mr. T, why is your actual name nowhere to be found? Even on your syllabus it's just says 'Mr.T.'" I watch as he knowingly smirks at me.

"Because I don't want to be stalked on social media by a bunch of teenage girls." I blush. Guilty. Or almost guilty, I never found him. "But if you're good and promise not to tell, I'll think about telling you." I blush profusely and scatter to my seat. I hear him chuckle and just lay my head down.

"Dang, Georgia. What was that all about? Save some men for the rest of us." I groan. Claudette does not miss a thing. "You know I'm just messing with you, girl. He is pretty hot though isn't he?" I look up at her and she winks.

"Why would they even hire him? It feels like entrapment." She snorts and says, "Welcome to Torrance." Fair enough.

By lunch time I can't take it anymore. I've got to get out of here. Hopefully I'm better at skipping than I am at sneaking out.

I'm feeling pretty proud of myself as I ease off the school grounds. Piece of cake. Now, where to? Home. I just want to go home.

Thankfully I don't see dad's car in the driveway so I pull my truck around back and head inside. I grab some snacks from the kitchen and high tail it to my bedroom. I smile happily as I sink into my mattress.

As soon as I start to doze off I feel like I hear the doorbell. I ignore it. I'm not supposed to be here anyway. I feel my phone buzz. I ignore that too.

I don't know how much time has passed when I hear banging coming from my balcony door. I jump up and reach for something to use as a weapon. My laptop will do.

When I look up at the door I see Trevor. He looks really angry so I slowly approach the door...and release the curtain. There. Much better.

I lay back down. More banging. Who did he think he actually was? I cover my face and ears with my pillow. It doesn't help as much as I had hoped. Finally I give up. I didn't want him to bust the glass.

I get up and unlock the door. He storms inside and grabs me. One hand on my waist and one holding my chin in place. "You. Have. Got. To. Stop. Ignoring. Me." The hand on my face gets tighter. He takes my first kiss. I grab a handful of his hair and I kiss him back. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. Our lips never break contact.

He lays me gently on the bed and lays on his side beside me. When we finally come up for air we just stare at each other. "Do I make myself clear?" I just nod, speechless. "Good." He gives me a light kiss. "I'll be back to get you at 5:30. Be ready." And the he leaves.

I lay still, unmoving, processing what just happened. He took my first kiss. Like it was nothing. But it was everything. It was better than I ever imagined and while there were no candles lit or flowers waiting on me, it was the perfect first kiss.

But it was with Trevor freaking Lyles. I officially hated him. He broke my best friend's heart. He stole my first kiss, knowing what it meant to me. I'd definitely be ready at 5:30. This was war.

I felt my phone buzz again and picked it up.

Trevor Lyles: Why aren't you at school, Peaches?

Trevor Lyles: Where are you?

Trevor Lyles: Are you with Matt?

Trevor Lyles: I'm here, open the door.

Trevor Lyles: Really Riley? Open the damn door.

Trevor Lyles: Check your Facebook notifications.

I do. And what I see finishes blowing the rest of my mind. *Trevor Lyles has sent you a relationship request*

He has lost his flipping mind. Doesn't even have the decency to ask me to be his girlfriend. Just assumes I am. I laugh out loud. He's going to learn today.

I get in the shower with a calm mindset while planning Trevor's demise. I shave, I exfoliate, I even condition my hair. By the time I make it to my closet I already know what I'm wearing.

I slide on the little red dress that Claudette picked for me on the first night I met her. I curl my hair as close to perfection as I can get it. I manage to decently apply some makeup. And for the final touch? Lipstick in 'Killer Red.'

I smile evilly at my reflection. I lay down on the bed and grab my phone. I make my lips a little pouty and snap a picture. I caption it "Small town girl is feeling lonely in this big ole world." *Post*

I throw my phone down unable to believe what I just did. I've never been one to post a lot of pictures of myself, much less one that's semi seductive.

I just want to piss Trevor off so badly. He can't just go around treating people like they were made to serve him. He started this fight. I'm going to finish it.

I check my notifications again. I click my photo to see what Matt commented. "She doesn't have to be though. Text me back, beautiful." I smile. So far, so good. I'm about to text him when a message from Trevor pops up.

Trevor Lyles: You can post a selfie insinuating that you're single but you can't accept my request? Alright.

I go back to the picture and reply to Matt's comment: Then maybe you should come keep me company?

I send Matt a text: What are you doing right now, football star?

Matt: Getting ready to come see you. Send me your address?

I smile and do as he asks. Then I go back to the photo. Matt commented again and so did Trevor.

Matt: On the way, beautiful.

Trevor: See you there, handsome.

Maybe I didn't think this through. I run as good as I can in these dang stilettos and call Matt as soon as I get in the truck. "Change of plans, meet me at the coffee shop." My truck tires squeal as I speed out of my driveway. I wasn't sticking around for Trev's return.

When I get to the coffee shop Matt is already there. He looks really nice in a v neck tee that matches his eyes and some fitted jeans. He grins when he sees me. "Why do I get the feeling you're using me to piss Trevor off? Not that I'm complaining, you look amazing.

I smile guiltily. "Well, it's a win-win really. I don't like Trevor but I do like pissing him off. I would also really like to spend some time with you. I'm sorry for dragging you into this, he just makes me so mad." He laughs and takes me hand.

"Well you already know I like you. And you also know that I too enjoy pissing the pompous prick off, so I guess I'm okay with being used. Can I ask what he did this time?" I think back to the kiss and shake my head.

"Fair enough. We'll take my car."