
Dragon Demon Lord

The pl

EvilGodZ · Games
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37 Chs

Side Quest

During this moment:


[A new side quest has appeared!]

[Side Quest: Kill the demon leader, Barus.]

[Reward: 1 Red Crystal]

'Ooh, there's even a side quest for this?' Sol was a little surprised.

He didn't expect that a side quest would be rewarded with Red Crystal too. The moment he heard the words "Red Crystal," his urge to kill Barus grew even more.

Out of nowhere, someone in David's group was caught by one of the demons, and it was Amelia.

"Noooo! Let me go!" Amelia screamed in fear.

"Don't move! If you don't want to die!" said one of the demon soldiers as he placed his sword near Amelia's neck.

"Hahaha! Good job catching that bitch!" Barus said, 'Phew! I thought I would die here today, but thank god we could use her as a hostage.'

Initially, Amelia thought it was a good idea to escape while everyone wasn't paying attention to her, but little did she know it was a dumb idea.

"Let's make a deal, shall we?" [Barus]

"Nah go ahead and kill her, I don't care." [Sol]

Sol only cared of completing his side quest and getting the Red Crystal.

Without hesitation, Sol started attacking Barus.

"What?! W-Wait, stop it…! Let's negotiate!" Barus was panicking. He thought he could use Amelia as a hostage to control Sol, but he was wrong.




It took Barus roughly about 5 to 10 seconds to realize that Sol's attacks were extremely weak.

'Huh, what's up with these weak attacks? There seems to be no power in it at all. Hmm, what's going on? Have I been fooled by this guy the whole time?' Barus thought.

The moment Barus realized he had been tricked, he became furious and started fighting back instead of being defensive.

"Bahahaha! You motherfucker! How dare you fool me this whole time! Die, you son of a bitch!"




Both swords clashed many times.

A few minutes later…

"Y-You! What the hell are you?! Are you even human?" Barus was beyond confused, 'Something is not right here… how could someone who is not wearing any armor be so tanky? This doesn't make any sense at all.' Barus thought.

"I'm just a human, what else would I be?" [Sol]

'This guy, he's toying with me…' Barus thought.

'Hehe. It won't be long before I break that armor of yours.' Sol thought as he focused on hitting Barus's armor.

Although Sol's attacks were low in damage, however, if he kept hitting on the same spot every single time, eventually, Barus's armor would lose its durability and break.

Meanwhile, deep down in Barus's heart, he actually wanted to run away, but at the same time, because Sol's attacks were so weak, he felt like he could win this if he could successfully find out what Sol's weakness is.

At this point, Barus was confused and couldn't tell if Sol was strong or weak, or whether Sol pretended to be weak.

'Does this guy have no weakness at all? No, that's impossible, no matter how strong an individual is, there has to be some kind of a weakness in them. I just need to find it.' Barus thought.

That's true for a mortal being, but Sol had already surpassed the limit of an ordinary human, so he has no weakness at this point.

"What is he doing? Why is he taking so long to end?" David wondered why Sol hasn't killed Barus yet.

"No idea. Maybe he's just playing around?" [Jack]

"Well, at least we're safe for now, that's all it matters." [Tom]

15 minutes later…

Barus was getting exhausted, whereas Sol was still looking fine and full of energy.

"Huff! Huff! Huff!" Barus was trying to catch his breath, but before he realized, he heard a loud pop sound.


Sol finally broke Barus's armor and without mercy, he stabbed Barus in the stomach area.

"KUUGGH!!!" Barus coughed out blood, "You monster!" Barus was mad at himself for letting his guard down.

Had he known Sol was aiming to destroy his armor from the beginning, he would've dodged everything, but because Sol's attacks were so weak, he didn't bother to dodge and took all the hits. And as a result, his armor broke because its durability has reached zero.

'Ugh! I can't believe I let my guard down!' Barus thought.

'Well, that was pretty fun. It has been a long time since I faced challenges like this.' Sol thought.

In the beginning, when Sol first arrived in the Tutorial World, he had to face a lot of challenges, but it was only for a few hundred years before he got too strong to the point that he killed everything in just one hit.

'Alright, time to wrap this up.'

With that said, Sol chopped off Barus's head and just like that, the fight was over.

[You have slain the demon leader, Barus!]

[Side Quest completed!]


[You have received one Red Crystal!]

'Nice, nice. With this, I only need 9 more Red Crystals to unlock the System Shop feature.' Sol was feeling quite satisfied.

Seeing their leader Barus was killed, all the demon soldiers immediately retreated.

Not long later, David's group and the villagers approached Sol and thanked Sol for saving their lives.

"Thank you so much for saving us!"

"Words can't describe how grateful we are! Thank you!"

"My savior, thank you for saving us! You have our utmost gratitude!"


In the middle of nowhere in the forest, everyone was celebrating and enjoying their lunch. Of course, Sol was invited to join as well.

"I see, so that's how it is." [Sol]

It has been an hour since Sol killed Barus, and during this one hour, David was explaining to Sol everything he knows about this world. Thanks to that, Sol more or less has a general idea of how this world works now.

"If you still have any more questions, feel free to ask." [David]

"So in short, we were summoned to this world from Earth in order to deal with the demons, correct?" [Sol]

"That's right."

"And the only way to get rid of the demons is to destroy the Chaos Tower, but since the Chaos Tower is heavily guarded by the demon army, that's why no one was able to destroy the tower until now, correct?"

"Yes, absolutely correct."

"Okay, I got it now," Sol said while stroking his chin, "Ah, I just remembered something, do you by chance know anything about the Demon General, Odeus?"

"Odeus?!" Hearing the name 'Odeus,' David couldn't help but tremble in fear.

"What's wrong? Your face seems pale." [Sol]

"I'm fine, it's nothing. Anyway, why do you want to know about Odeus?"

"Nothing really, I just want to know where I can find him."

"Wait, don't tell me you're planning to—"

"That's right. Just as you've guessed, I'm planning to kill him."

Suddenly, everyone stopped eating because they were shocked to hear that Sol was planning to kill the mighty Demon General, Odeus, one of the strongest Demon Generals in this world. In fact, many Diamond-Rank players have tried to kill Odeus in the past, but none was successful and they all ended up dead.

Although everyone already guessed Sol's level to be around Diamond-Rank, but they still think it's a risky idea to fight the mighty Odeus alone.

A few minutes later…

Thanks to David's information, Sol now knows where to find Odeus. It turned out Odeus was in Azurion City, the largest city and capital city of Aegis Kingdom. It's also a city where all the powerful guilds reside, but as of right now, all those powerful guilds have already been destroyed by the demons.

After everyone was done eating, Sol was planning to leave and head to Azurion City, but David stopped Sol halfway because he still needed a favor from Sol regarding helping the villagers that were with them.

"I'm sorry for asking for your help again, but this is not for me, it's for these villagers."

Suddenly, Sol thought of something, 'Wait, if I help these villagers, would a side quest appear again? Hmm, I guess the only way is to help and find out.'

Sol made up his mind and said, "Sure, tell me what you need."

Those villagers that followed David's group were people from the 'Flowery Village,' a village that was once peaceful before it was attacked and occupied by the demons.

Flowery village wasn't that far, in fact it was pretty close by, only about a few kilometers away.

The reason David wanted Sol's help was because in Flowery village, there was a lot of food stored in the basement area, and if they could get hold of it, it would help keep them full for at least another few months. Of course, to do that, they must first get rid of the demons, which was why David needed Sol's help.


Not far away, there was a fortress with 7 Demon Leaders sitting together at a big luxurious table. It appeared they were having a meeting and discussion of an issue that just happened recently.

"So you're saying a Diamond-Rank player killed Barus?"

"That's right, master." One of the demon soldiers in the room replied.

"That's weird. If a Diamond-Rank player entered this continent, our lords would certainly be able to sense it and inform us. Hmm, what's going on here?"

"Maybe it's not even a Diamond-Rank player, but rather Barus got cocky and let his guard down, probably that's why he got his ass kicked." One of the demon leaders laughed.

Not all the Demon Leaders get along well with each other, in fact, some secretly hate each other. So hearing Barus was dead, some of them were happy. However, that doesn't mean they would let Sol off.

Eventually, the discussion was over and they decided to let "Ingrid Fora," one of the seven demon leaders, take charge of dealing and taking care of Sol.