
Dragon Demon Lord

The pl

EvilGodZ · Games
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37 Chs

Chaos Tower

After digging far enough, Targron grabbed Sol's neck and pulled Sol out to the surface and began strangling Sol to death. He only stopped strangling Sol after the duration of taunt ended.

"Hahaha! Thanks for pulling me out." Sol laughed.

"Aarrgghh! You're pissing me off! Grrrrr! Fucking die, you bastard!"

Targron grabbed Sol's head with his two hands and tried to squish it as hard as possible, hoping it would cause Sol's head to burst, but as usual, nothing happened.

"Trying to be creative with your attack, huh? Too bad, no matter what you do, you'll never be able to kill me," Sol said.

"Tch! I'm not done yet! I dare you to try this!"

"Heh, sure let me see it."

Targron began charging his hammer with powerful lightning and once the charging was completed:

"You human trash! Take this!"



Sol was sent flying away as he crashed into trees after trees after trees.




After a few hundred meters, Sol finally stopped and crashed onto the ground.


Easily a few hundred trees were destroyed just to halt Sol's movement.

"Idiot! That's what you get for showing off!" said Targron.

Looking at the demon soldiers, Targron said, "You guys! Go check and see if that stupid kid is still alive. Although I'd say he's most likely dead for sure."

Targron was confident this time Sol most likely won't survive because that was his strongest attack, and no players had ever survived his Thundering Hammer Smash. Even the tankiest player can't survive, that shows how powerful that attack was just now.

After a while, Sol got up like it was nothing.

"That was fun, it felt like a roller coaster ride."

Everytime Sol bumped into the trees, it felt like a back massage to him, which was kinda relaxing.


Sol began by wiping off the dirt on his clothes.

'Alright, time to head back. I can't wait to see their expressions, I bet they're gonna be flabbergasted.'

It didn't take long before Sol met up with them again.

"Y-You're still alive?!!"

"What the?! How are you still alive, kid?!"

"Forget about being alive, this kid was not even harmed in the slightest way either."

The demon soldiers' jaws dropped down as they couldn't believe Sol was still fine after that powerful attack.

Hearing the commotion, soon enough, Targron arrived as well and when he saw Sol was still alive and kicking, he was stunned beyond belief.

'No way…! How the hell is this kid still alive…?! That's impossible! I could have sworn I hit him really hard, it was a solid hit and yet he's…' Targron thought.

Targron started to have a bad feeling, almost as if his instinct was telling him he was going to lose.

'Hold on, why are my hands shaking? This isn't possible, are you telling me I'm scared of this kid? And worst of all, a mere human?' Targron was in disbelief.

"Wait, why do I feel like I'm forgetting something?" Sol said as he scratched the back of his head.

"Forgetting something?" a demon soldier said.

"What's this kid talking about?" another demon soldier said.

'Ah! Now I remember, I thought a side quest would appear for this, but guess not after all.' Sol thought.

"Alright, who wants to die first? You soldiers or your master? Actually nevermind, I'll take all of you at once to make this quicker," Sol said.

Without mercy:


"Shit! I can't control my bo—!" a demon soldier said.

"What the hell is happening?!!" another demon soldier said.

"Motherfucker! Not this bullshit again…!" Targron said.

"Hahaha! Come to your daddy! Let's all hug together and be happy!" Sol laughed as he began killing the demon soldier one by one.

A couple hours later…

Targron was the only one remaining.

"Huff! Huff! Huff! Fuck this!" Tragron was breathing heavily as he was in great pain. Both his arms and legs were broken. In short, he was crippled and could barely walk.

"UGH! KUUUGGHH!" Tragron coughed out blood.

The pain was agonizing that Tragron couldn't even bring himself to talk properly. Not only was he crippled, in fact, some of his vital organs were damaged as well.

"Don't worry, I'll put you out of misery soon," Sol said.

Sol took a few steps and arrived in front of Tragron and finished Tragron off by punching the heart area.



Just like that, Tragron fell onto the ground face down and died.

Sol knew it was the voice that made Tragron kill the humans, that's why he showed mercy to Tragron by putting him out of misery. If Sol didn't knew about the voice, he would have torture Tragron as punishment for trying to harm his friend Luna.

When the fight was finally over, Luna and the 6 players arrived and the first thing they did was show their gratitude to Sol for saving their lives. Of course, Luna also did the same and was thankful for Sol's help.

Sol, Luna and the 6 players began chatting for a bit before they joined other players in the war and fought the demon army.

One and a half months later, the war ended and the players won.

[The Tutorial has ended.]

[Congratulations on surviving the demon invasion!]

[World: Exion] [Population: 1.23 Billion Players remaining]

The population of players was roughly 1.7 billion previously, but now it has dropped to around 1.23 billion players. It could have been worse if Sol didn't kill the 2 Demon Generals prior to coming here, but thank god, he did, otherwise the death toll of players would have been much higher.

[The next Tutorial will begin in one week from now.]

[Please be at the Chaos Tower's entrance one day before the Tutorial starts. The portal gate to enter the Chaos Tower will only be open for one hour, players who failed to enter the gate in time would be disqualified.]

[Disqualified = Death]

Hearing disqualified equal death, many players gulped in fear as they were worried.

"Disqualified equal death?!"

"Damn! I think we better start heading to the Chaos Tower now to be safe."

"Yeah, better be early than rushing at the last minute."

"Alright guys! There's no time to waste! Let's go and set up a camp around the Chaos Tower now."

"You guys go ahead first, I'm going to stay here for a few days to recover my strength. I'll join up with you guys later."


A few days later, outside of the Chaos Tower, Sol and Luna arrived.

"Woah…! What a massive tower… It looks even bigger from up close."

Luna was amazed by the sheer size of the tower. Of course, Sol was impressed too.

"I've heard each floor inside the tower is about the size of a planet, but looking at it from the outside, it doesn't seem like the tower is big enough to fit a planet size world." A player in the crowd said.

"You idiot! With magic, anything is possible bro. You're someone from the Mage class, so you should've known better."

"Haha, my bad. I keep forgetting that magic exists in this world."

Unfortunately, only players were allowed to enter the Chaos Tower, while Adventurers or the local inhabitants of this world can't.

Naturally, Luna knew she couldn't enter the Chaos Tower, and she was just here because she was curious and wanted to check out the tower. Of course, besides checking out the tower, she was also here to accompany Sol until the Chaos's gate opens, which will take place in about three and a half days from now.

While most players were nervous about the next Tutorial, Sol was just chilling. If anything, he was kind of excited to enter and see the brand new world that is inside the Chaos Tower.

Three and a half days later…

At the Chaos Tower's entrance, suddenly, a massive portal that was about the size of a 10 story building appeared. However, none of the players could enter yet since the Tutorial hasn't started.

[The Chaos Tower's gate will open in 5 minutes, please stand by.]

[Information regarding the next Tutorial will be announced once all players are inside the Chaos Tower's 1st floor.]

At this time, many players have already begun queuing up in a straight line.