
The Infernal Architect

Reincarnated into his past self, Tyler is given the chance to correct his biggest mistake. He rediscovers the Liber Infernus- an ancient tome penned by a fallen celestial. [By wielding this book, you gain access to the lost knowledge and inventions and oblige to being the new infernal architect! However, the price you must pay is your humanity. You must accept to turn into a demon and brace all its downsides. Do you consent?] Tyler stared calmly at the book as a smirk silently rose on his lips. "Yes!" Just that simple word was enough to change his fate for the better and stop the impending apocalypse from ever happening. Or was it? His fate will change, alright. But for the better? - I highly doubt that!

SirManga · Fantasy
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25 Chs

A different Tyler

After breaking off ordinary school, a two-month holiday was issued for students to undergo their spiritual growth spurt. It was the period when all teenagers frequented the gyms and trained like they were on steroids. Tyler was no exception. During this time, a person's rank would undergo the fastest growth.

The rank this person had by the time they enrolled in the academy could tell how much talent that person possessed.


Although Tyler trained diligently both mentally and physically during these two months, his rank witnessed only a slight increase. Which was abnormal given the fact that he was supposed to have gone through a growth spurt. Increasing rank from G- to G rank couldn't be considered a growthspurt, rather- a mediocre breakthrough.



[Rank: G]

[Strength: G]

[Agility: G]

[Endurance: G]

[Defense: G]

[Mentality: E]

[IQ: 510]

[Charm: G]

[Skill 1: Flame dagger level 5]

[Skill 2: Flame thrower level 1]

[Dark energy: 60/60]


With such snobbish attributes, he was certain that he was going to become a victim of bullying in the academy.

-Looks like some things never change.

Mentality and IQ weren't limited by rank and could increase past a person's rank. The other physical attributes however could never go beyond a person's rank that's why they were all at G rank.

Once he broke through to F rank per se, it meant his physical attributes could only be F rank or lower.


"Down, up. Left, right. Together, apart. Two tangible forces bring the balance. Only letting us see and feel what we understand. The rest remains a mystery that mustn't be unearthed. They govern direction but are limited by direction in mortal eyes. They hold all things dear to earth and are everywhere the mortal may wander," Tyler recited the last concept to making his first invention in a lost stare into the air.

He had been reciting this particular phrase for over an hour and was starting to have a headache. Some of it made sense but then the very next statement would cast all that sense away sending him into a state of confusion over and over again.


It was the final and most difficult concept yet. The rest were a walk in the park since he already knew them- newton's laws of motion, magnetic laws of repulsion and attraction. Calculation of forces using mass and acceleration, trajectory, archemedies' principal, Law of floatation...The list went on and on. But when it came to the last concept, he was completely stuck!


"Down, up- that's gravity. Left, right- is it pressure? No it can't be. Together, apart- attraction, repulsion- definately magnetism. Govern direction but limited by direction....arghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Tyler let out a frustrated groan closing the Liber Infernus angrily and placing his aching head on the table.


"Hey Ramiel, can you help me out here?" he pleaded while groaning.




"Fine! I don't need your help anyway, I'll figure it out by myself!" Tyler gave up and placed the book in his packed suitcase.


Standing up, he stretched a little and yawned.


"It's time," he said in a low calm voice before closing his suitcase and heading downstairs with it.


At around the same time, Elis and Harvard were distressed in the lounge.

They had just received a call from Randolph telling them that he now possessed their shares because of some deal he made with Tyler.

There was a lawyer around with them, trying so hard to explain that he couldn't do anything but the couple were frantically asking him to find a way.


Chloe had also come downstairs after hearing the commotion.


"Mom, what happened?" she asked, confused.


Elis was in the middle of holding her waist and forehead in a distressed manner when she saw Chloe.


"Honey, it's nothing," she tried to hide it but Harvard suddenly spoke.


"Randolph just called saying....that your brother gave him the shares to the company," his voice was soft like it didn't have any energy inside it.

Although Harvard found it hard to believe, his son had been acting weird these past two months. A part of him believed that maybe it was true.


Tyler appeared in his line of sight so he stood up while keeping his gaze locked on him.


"Tyler, tell me it's not true. You didn't give our shares to Randolph, right?" Harvard asked that question hoping Tyler would be confused. However, to his disappointment, Tyler stood there calmly looking at him.

He could have sworn he saw a slight smile on his lips.


"Yes," was Tyler's simple answer.


Just one word was enough to shatter all the strength in Harvard as he fell back in his chair.


Elis was still finding it hard to believe that Tyler had just admitted to it.


"Tyler what did you do?!" Chloe was the only one who was able to react in this situation. She was in disbelief as her emotions fluctuated in her eyes.

"Do you know what you have done?! Without those shares, we shall never get back the company! That was our last hope!"


Tyler smiled at her reaction.

That was the Chloe he knew. Very talkative to the point of annoyance but she was somehow the more mature and reasonable one of the two of them when matters got serious.


Chloe misunderstood Tyler's smile for something else and her whole resolve came crumbling.

Since when has her brother been this shrewd and unreasonable? He wasn't the same brother she knew.

She shook her head in disappointment as her eyes watered however Tyler simply stood there smiling.


Rolling his suitcase, Tyler walked to the giant glass doors, ignoring his family who had fallen into a somber silence.


He halted and pulled out his phone. With a click of his finger, Elis heard a notification on her phone prompting her to check. With a few swipes and clicks, another notification was heard. But this time it was from Harvard's phone.

Meanwhile, Tyler put his phone back in his pocket.


"I used a third of Chloe's enrollment fees to rent an apartment....."

No one could believe Tyler's words but everyone had an ominous feeling.


Harvard had sprung from his seat as his face contorted in rage.


"Move your things to that address. Mom- that's 10 million from Chloe's fees....use it to get by. I have taken the remaining 10 million....."






Tyler's words were like experiencing ten thousand heartbreaks. His words, tone, and arrogance were so foreign that they couldn't recognize the person with his back facing towards them.


If they hadn't known better, they would have thought he was a stranger.


"Mom, Dad...Don't even think of trying to earn more enrollment fees for Chloe. You won't succeed. That's 20 million and you can't even earn a thousand. Chloe only has a year till she turns 16. That's a very short time to earn 20 million. So do me a favor...."


Tyler turned his head and looked at them from the corner of his eye. A playful smile hang on his lips, "Be obedient and just make do with that 10 million to sustain yourselves. You should be able to live comfortably for the next 5 years. Goodbye."


"TYLER!!!!!!" Harvard couldn't contain his rage anymore and yelled but Tyler had already walked out the door and hadn't turned back.


Everyone could only stare at Tyler's departing figure in betrayal and disappointment with only one thought— that isn't the Tyler I know.