
The Inexperienced System

After Alex’s first life a bored god, Lu Sun, decides to take pity on him and become his system for his new life in a fantasy world. Follow these two as they both learn how to do deal with each other and fulfill their wish to go on a journey, filled with excitment, and become the most powerful beings in the world. I do not own the cover please contact me if you want it removed.

Sir_Readsalot01 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Going into town

Alex approached the guards in front of the gate slowly, unsure of how they would react to him having a bear with him.

< Village Guard>

Health: 100%

Level: 16

<Village Guard>

Health: 100%

Level: 14

As Alex got closer, he saw the guard's level and realized that he definitely wasn't very strong enough to get cocky, not yet at least.

"Hello good sir's, I have been hunting in the forest and was to rest in this town would I be allowed to enter?"

The guards stopped talking to each other and looked at the young man that was talking to them and their eyes opened up wide.

"Good evening traveler we would be honored to have a taming master in our humble town." The older and higher-level guard said to Alex while he moved aside and opened the gates.

"Thank you" Alex was shocked on the inside but he kept a calm face while he looked at the bear. Alex was thinking about what his story should be but it seems like he found his cover story.

Alex asked the guards if he could turn in some wolf skins that he had taken knowing he would need money. He approached a small hut with furs already on a racked being turned into leather.

He saw a large man with red hair dragging a tool across the hide. He approached the man and said "Excuse me can I see you these wolf hides?"

The man turned around and was surprised by the age of Alex but he quickly turned his face into a smile and said "of course let's head inside."

Alex didn't know the market price for wolfs fur so he simply took the man's word for it and exchanged his 6 hides for 3 silver, or 5 copper per as the man said. He then asked for directions to the inn and soon he stood in front of the only two story building he could see.

When Alex walked in, he saw many more people than he expected based on the almost complete lack of life outside. There was a large bar directly in front of the door past a small fire pit. Scattered around the room there were a few large rectangular tables and a lot of smaller rounded tables. At the right side of the room there was a stair case the led to a balcony with many doors in view.

Alex walked to the bartender and asked for a room, he then paid 8 copper for a night, grabbed his key and started walking to the room he was told was his.

However, before he could make it to the stairs a slender man stood in front of him stopping his path.


Health: 100%

Level: 12

"Hey kid I will buy that bear for 2 gold." The man said with a grin

"He is not for sale sorry."

"You clearly need the money you only have two sticks on your back and another one in your belt trust me you won't last long out there with no money" The man's grin disappeared and he talked in a cold voice

Alex thought about how he was in the woods for weeks and got upset "I said the bear isn't for sale now move" as he said that he tried to walk around the man, but the guy stuck his arm out placed his hand on Alex's chest and pushed.

Alex could only think of one thing "This has to be a mistake. Lu how is this possible this shouldn't be happening. What's going on, it says this guy is a level 12 but he is so damn week I can barely feel his hand but he is clearly trying to push me."

"You have a system so people with similar cultivation ranks are going to be much weaker than you." Lu answered what he thought was an obvious question.

"What do you mean 'cultivation' is that what the level represents?" Alex asked

"Yes, you have read all of those novels but you don't know what cultivation is, what did you think was happening to those crystals when the disappeared they are strengthening you; it is simply going much faster because the system does it instantly with no waster compared to most people who have to slowly absorb it and lose energy to the environment." Lu sighed at Alex's ignorance

"So, levels are just a way to show my cultivation? Then why doesn't it say the level "Profund Earth-core" or something?" Alex asked while ignoring the man Infront of him who was now had both hands on his chest and was trying desperately to push him.

"Because you still haven't entered into a cultivation ranch yet, also the system may not know what this world calls the cultivation steps, but I doubt that. Most importantly numbers are easier to understand for a dumbass mortal like yourself." Lu laughed at Alex

"ALRIGHT THATS IT!" the man Infront of Alex pulled out a knife and lunged at Alex

Alex saw the knife coming at him and he move with movements he really shouldn't know; he grabbed the man's wrist broke it causing the knife to drop. Before the knife fell two inches Alex took it and drove it into the man's heart killing him instantly.

Alex blinked slowly and looked at his hands covered in blood and dropped the knife. He then raised his head and saw everyone in the inn looking at him in shock. He blinked slowly and mustered "I'm sorry" in a low voice before walking to his room locking the door and sitting on the bed.

Alex stared blankly at his bloody hands and tears started rolling down his face. "What have I done; I just killed a man"

"I think a lot of that was my fault. I only really looked at the cool parts of your memory so your brain has been going through a lot of kung fu and action movies and I remember seeing that move in them. Since your speed and strength was so much faster than his you didn't have to actually have to know the move to perform it.

Listen to me Alex there are a lot of bad people in every world and dimension you look at. You are currently in an underdeveloped world with cultivators walking around everywhere based on the energy I feel. That all goes to say that strength is the only rule here. The people downstairs saw that man attack you so they probably didn't even think twice when you killed him.

You are on a very different path and since you have divine energy that you can't handle running through your body your mentality is on the fence a little that's why you killed that man without thinking and are now completely breaking down.

You will have to kill a lot more on this journey but I will be with you no matter what. Even if all of your kills aren't justified, I will stand by your side until the bitter end I promise you." Lu finished his explanation with a passionate speech that helped Alex feel better even though he thought it was kind of dark he could feel that Lu cared about him in his own weird way.

Alex tried to rest but when he finally slept, he had a nightmare of stabbing the man downstairs before falling into a bottomless blackness. Alex looked around and saw darkness but he could hear the man cough blood just like he had when Alex killed him hours ago.

Right when Alex felt utterly alone and sadness was over whelming him a hand touched him on his shoulders and he turned around to see the sun shining beautifully on a hill with flowers covering every inch of it. He saw the same boy he did when he first died and felt a warmness radiating off of him that made his loneliness disappear as if it was an illusion from the beginning.

The boy smiled at him and said "I life in your mind, we will suffer all nightmares together no matter how bad they get. Then when the time comes for you to have beautiful dreams full of true happiness, I will be able to smile along with you. Now sleep."

As Lu said those words Alex disappeared from the hill and Lu stood alone smiling. Lu looked up to the sky and said "I will do my best to make you happy in this life brother."