
New feature

After lunch, Carlos handed a Galleon to Jack and asked him to temporarily substitute the class and assist other students in meditation.

Carlos then went to the laboratory and activated one Dark Galleon and one Wind Galleon, increasing the concentration of dark elements and wind elements in the entire room by a hundredfold.

Carlos began his experiment using a carving pen.

Six hours later, Carlos completed his first creation - a jetpack. The principle is simple, it uses first-order 'wind repulsion' magic.

Under normal circumstances, this magic is used to repel enemies. However, Carlos connected ten elemental discs together and directed the repulsion towards the ground, achieving the purpose of ascending.

Of course, he did not release blindly towards the ground, but rather combined them in an organized manner. Additionally, he integrated ten dark elements galleon onto the elemental disc and utilized the inclusiveness of the dark elements galleon with the structure of the disc to ensure a stable output for the 'Wind Repulsion' magic array.

This plan was researched and calculated by Carlos overnight two nights ago. After practical experiments, it has finally been successfully manufactured.

Although the finished product is very crude, it is quite expensive. It consumed eleven dark elemental galleons and two wind elemental galleons, equivalent to 1290 gold coins.

After ensuring that the jetpack was stable enough, Carlos walked outside and put it on.

Carlos used his mental power to control the ten dark elements galleons and slowly opened them. As the magic circle gradually activated, ten crude nozzles slowly delivered airflow to the ground.

With the increasing airflow, Carlos' feet gradually left the ground and he began to hover. The results of the experiment were even better than he had expected. Under his control, the jetpack lifted him to a height of five meters above the ground.

After ensuring the experiment was successful, Carlos slowly closed the magic circle and landed on the ground. It's not that his jetpack couldn't fly higher, but Carlos was afraid of dying. If he lost control again and ended up as minced meat, it wouldn't be worth it.

Carlos believes that magical elements are a form of energy. And in terms of unit mass, the energy conversion rate of magical elements is much higher than that of chemical energy! Of course, the cost is also extremely high!

Thinking of this, Carlos's heart ached slightly. In addition, as far as he knew, most wizards could only fly after mastering the fifth-level "Wind Control" magic.

And Carlos, with ten arranged first-order 'wind repulsion' movements, achieved flight.

This also strengthens Carlos' belief in taking this path. However, before that... let's make money! Otherwise, it will be like spending money like water (T_T)!

It is still the fastest way to make money by doing herbal medicine business. However, this requires a certain level of risk, which is that there may be danger at the moment when Carlos teleports to the Misty Forest.

After all, the Misty Forest is full of dangers, and Carlos may not be as lucky as last time.

However, Carlos later discovered that his glass bead could absorb the magical elements of two galleons at once. Previously, after being charged, it could be used for teleportation but was not in a fully charged state. When fully charged, he could perform two teleportations.

That means, after Carlos is teleported there, he can immediately teleport back when encountering danger. This can greatly reduce the risk.

Of course, Carlos did not teleport at this moment because it was already dark outside. He first checked on the students' conditions and then went to bed early.


The next day, Carlos woke up with a full night's sleep and stretched lazily. Subconsciously, he reached into his pocket, wanting to take out the teleportation bead.

After he reached into his pocket and searched through it, he couldn't find the bead.

"what the fuck?"

Carlos jumped up from the bed and started searching everywhere, lifting the covers.

Oh my goodness, this is no joke. If the glass bead is lost, all of Carlos's plans will be ruined.

He finally found the glass bead. It must have rolled out of Carlos's pocket while he was sleeping last night and ended up inside his shoe under the bed.

Carlos, who let out a sigh of relief, reached out his hand and picked up the glass bead. At that moment, a voice echoed in his mind.

"The object 001 has been labeled."

"The marked objects can be used for positioning."

"The marked objects can be teleported."

"Please enter the coordinates."

Marked objects? Carlos paused for a moment, only then did he notice that his worn-out shoe was wrapped in a thin layer of silver-gray mist.

Looking at the foggy-wrapped shoes, Carlos murmured while pinching his chin, "Could it be that items touched by glass beads can be marked?"

"Can marked items be used as coordinates. And the marked items be directly transported to other locations."

Thinking of this, Carlos's eyes lit up. If that's the case, he wouldn't have to go through the trouble of calculating coordinates.

Carlos can place labeled items in familiar locations, so that when he needs them later, he can simply teleport to retrieve them!

"Why weren't glass beads marked when they came into contact with other objects in the past?"

Frowning and pondering, Carlos quickly realizes the difference between now and before.

Previously, when Carlos had the glass beads, there was very little stored energy. However, last night before going to sleep, Carlos used two Galleons to fully charge the glass beads.

After thinking about it, Carlos picked up the bead and carefully observed it. He noticed that there was indeed less silver-gray mist stored inside compared to last night. This confirmed Carlos' speculation.

With a rigorous attitude, Carlos once again filled the glass bead with magical energy and placed it on top of the jetpack not far away.

After one minute, the glass beads gradually emitted a silver-gray mist, enveloping the jetpack.

When Carlos picked up the bead again, a voice rang in his mind.

"The object 002 has been labeled."

It is indeed so! Moreover, compared to shoes, the jetpack consumes more mist, approximately one-eighth of the energy of a bead.

That is to say, the energy required for tagging is related to the surface area of the object.

This new discovery has made Carlos extremely excited. If used properly, this feature can play a huge role. After thinking about it, he picked up his shoe and threw it into the courtyard outside the window.

"Transfer object 001 to the position of object 002."Carlos fantasized in his mind.